Word From Harry?

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(A/N- Picture is not mine was drawn by Mythicalpalette on deviantart. I did not ask for permission to use Im so sorry its just the prettiest looking picture and most accurate to what I was wanting!)
"Ron! I still haven't gotten a letter from Harry!" Notte whined and threw herself dramatically onto one of the many worn couches littered about the burrow. Ronald looked at her from his seat next to the large fireplace.
"Neither has Hermione- reckon his Aunt and Uncle don't want him to talk to us..." Ron trailed off as Arthur Weasley apparated outside the kitchen door. His wife Molly Weasley hurried to the kitchen door and threw it open for him. Notte jumped up excited to see what was in his arms- a large black raven in a cage.
"Arthur- what in the world is that!" Mrs. Weasley asked pointing a finger accusingly at him and he turned red. The Weasleys had agreed not to get Notte the bloody bird she had asked for, for her birthday- due to the negative stimas around black birds. But something about the raven coloured wings drew Notte to them, much to Molly Weasley's dismay.
"I couldn't resist it came in with a jinxed ring in its belly- it ate the bloody ring- and they couldn't get it to leave the outside of the entrance. Lots of wizards were late to work for it- and they couldn't use the guest entrance. No one would in for fear of it....so I offered to take it off their hands..." Arthur trailed off looking at Molly- she was red in the face and holding back from giving him a good whalloping.
"What if we could..." Notte paused when her mother gave her a warning look, "change its color..." Molly let out a deep sigh and looked at the bird.
"What color? It won't last forever but as long as I don't have to look at it when its worn off- I suppose-" Notte squealed and hugged her Mother round the stomach interrupting her. Molly chuckled and patted the girl on the head.
"And you have to care for it- clean up any mess, feed it, wash it." Molly added sternly and the girl looked up with her best puppy dog eyes and nodded quickly. Arthur seemed relieved until he was shot a nasty look from his wife- revealing that she was still cross with him for bringing the bird home without consulting her. Arthur handed the bird cage to Notte and backed away from Mollys steely glare.
"Colour... colour... what would be the easiest to do mum?" Notte asked not wanting to put her mum out and Mrs Weasley thought for a moment and pulled out her wand.
"Corvias Corvum" The raven flapped its wings madly as Molly gently touched its head and like a wave- colour washed over the raven brightly colouring its feathers. Notte clapped her hands in delight- she loved the black feathers but the way the feathers looked now was simply magical.
"That ought to do it dear- now, get your bloody bird all fixed up. The thing should eat what Errol does." Molly said and hurried away from it. Notte knew her mum was fairly superstitious- most of her family was. While she was a tad superstitious- she also believed that fear over something you could see everyday was a bit silly.
"Would you like help with dinner when I'm done mum?" Notte asked lifting her new bird's cage a bit so she could walk properly with it.
"That would be lovely dear." Molly said absent mindedly already hard at work on dinner.
Notte trudged past Ron who was silently and angrily doing a research paper from Snape. Somehow still focused- maybe just desperately trying to finish so his mum didn't scold him again.
The room Notte and Ginny shared was half covered in Quidditch posters on Ginny's side and for Nottes was covered in Gryffindor banners and pictures of Hermione on her vacation that didnt move. There was also a picture of Notte, Harry, Hermione and Ron taken before leaving for home. The four of them were covered in golden glitter and jumping up and down in joy- they had just won the House cup and this was taken at the after party the Gryffindors had thrown. Notte cleared off her side of the double desk next to the window and gently put the cage on it.
"Alright- now... lets name you...Luscinia?" The bird looked at her coldly.
"Jade?" Notte asked the bird remembering her fondness for the color green. The bird looked away from her.
"Morrigan?" The bird looked at her and cawed quietly in approval. Morrigan was an Irish war Goddess, they associated her with ravens.
"Brilliant- now lets let you out." Notte opened the bird cage and put her wrist out for Morrigan to step out onto. Morrigan cocked her head and hopped onto Nottes wrist.
"Pretty birdie~" Notte cooed at the colorful Raven and stroked its feathers. Morrigan nipped her fingers playfully. Notte let Morrigan onto the desk while she cleaned out the birds cage and replaced its paper with very old newspaper comics from under her bed.
"Stay Morrigan- I'll be right back." Notte grabbed an extra water and feeding dish Percy had for Errol and brought it back to her room- Ginny was on her side of the room watching the bird curiously.
"You got a bird? Why is it coloured like that?" Ginny raised an eyebrow suspiciously.
"Dad got it from work- something about a jinxed ring. Made mum bloody mad but she charmed her like that." Notte gestured at the bird and Ginny eyed the bird more.
"Whats its name? Its rather pretty... but if its a raven..." she trailed off giving Notte a pained look and Notte sighed.
"Her name is Morrigan- she strikes fear in the hearts of others- and is a beautiful goddess." Notte says regally and dramatically bowing at the bird before hooking the dishes to the side of the cage. Ginny wrinkled her nose at her raven haired sister and rolled onto her stomach on her bed opening one of Nottes old notebooks of notes for Potions. Ginny's face lit up in amusement.
"Harry?! You were using this notebook to write notes to Harry Potter- the boy-who-lived." Ginny hugged the book to her chest and rolled over dramatically. She put a hand to her head and sighed, "I could just melt in those green eyes-" Notte threw a real Potions notebook at Ginny and ripped the one filled with notes between Harry and her from her sister.
"You have no idea what you're talking about Ginerva Molly Weasley!" Notte said rather shrilly and pink in the face. Morrigan cawed at her and Ginny laughed.
"Even Morrigan knows you fancy him!" Nottes stomach sunk as a pair of hands pulled the notes from Harry from her hands.
"Give that back you heathens!" Notte said hotly and spun around to attack the Weasley twins.
"I see we were right George-"
"Naughty Nottie-"
"Growing up so fast-" Fred sniffed and held the notebook out of Nottes reach. Notte glared at the boys.
"Read it if you'd like- I have nothing to be embarrassed of." Notte stalked out of the room and Morrigan flew after her leaving a trail of rainbow coloured sparkles behind. The twins look up at the bird in awe and point at it. They look at Ginny and she shrugs.
"She named it Morrigan." Ginny said plainly. The twins left the redheaded girl and folowed Notte to the kitchen where she was furiously chopping potatoes. Morrigan sat forboddingly on top of the cabinets and glared at the twins.
"Boys- haven't I told you not to tease your sister!?" Molly Weasley appeared out of nowhere and pointed two fingers in the twins faces. Mrs. Weasley was rather short but the two gangly boys shrank back from her.
"Its fine Mum- they-just-won't-listen-to-me when-I-say-that-" Notte begins to say- scarily chopping a piece a potato in between words.
"That you don't fancy Harry! You're too young for boys! You don't have time for boys!" Ronald calls from the fireplace still working on his paper. Notte- red in the face-chops a potato in half with a furious glare at Ron. Ron looks up and gulps. Molly Weasley sighs and rips the notebook from the twins.
"Well- despite any of that- you shouldn't be passing notes in class to Harry dear-" Molly starts.
"I had perfect marks in potions- and if you look at the notes theyre from when he'd make us work in silence or separately! I was helping him!" Notte said wearily and put down the knife to scoop the cut potatoes into a cold pot of water. Molly pursed her lips at Notte and then gave the boys a warning look before putting the notebook on the counter. Notte felt a wave of relief fall over her- the notebook was the way Harry and she talked during potions, but in the back she had written a rather embarassing song. Not that it was about him she thought- as she smiled sheepishly at her mother. But maybe it wasn't... not about him.
Maybe she did fancy Harry after all. Notte bit her lip as she helped her mother chop onions, Molly looked on slightly amused at the way her daughter tried to hide her little crush. However Molly felt deep down, it would never be anything more than a little crush- especially if either of them found out who Notte's birth father was. The red haired woman shivered thinking about it and thought about how long it had taken for her to accept you-know-who's daughter as her own. Molly looked at the Raven haired girl they had charmed the memory from so many years ago- and felt a pang of guilt. Notte had no idea she would have be actually 19 years old in a few months, no idea that they changed her birthday, no idea who she was. And that they had no idea who her birth mother was.
Notte saw her mother giving her a meaningful look- and gave her a small smile. Notte was used to it, not that she knew what her mother meant by it. Even though Notte was a talented legilimens and occulmens now, she refused to practice it as much as possible. Especially on her family and her friends.

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