The Train! Where's Harry? (Sexual Abuse Trigger Warning)

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Notte rushes into the barrier, running to catch the train and to catch up with Ginny. Mrs. Weasley counted heads-
"Oh dear we're missing two..." Mrs. Weasley looked carefully at the train and turned pale. "Ron and Harry! We left them behind-" The red headed woman shooed her children onto the train and looked around desperately as the train hissed. Notte poked her head out of the window watching her mother,
"Where's Harry? And Ron?" Notte said over the sound of the train starting to depart the station. Mrs. Weasley didn't answer but pulled her husband towards the gate.
"Looks like they missed the train. Mum and Dad will have to find them another way to school-" Notte said taking her head out of the window before the train went any faster.
"Those two- I swear." Hermione said hotly. Notte stooped to let Morrigan out of her cage and opened the train window. The door slid open behind them- Notte turned and grinned at Neville who was sheepishly looking for a compartment to sit in.
"Hiya Neville! You can sit here if you'd like! You and Hermione can tell Ginny about classes and stuff...I'm gonna send Morrigan to yell at Harry and Ron." Notte said putting a pen in her mouth and letting her giant colorful bird onto her shoulder. Nevilles eyes widened at the sight of Morrigan.
"Morrigan be polite darling say hello-" Every day that passed Notte treated the bird more and more like her own child. The bird cawed at Neville and dipped its head in a polite bow.
"N-nice to meet you." Neville nodded at the bird nervously and gave Hermione a weary look as Notte scribbled a note onto a piece of parchment. Notte tied the note to Morrigans claw.
"Now- give this to Ron or Harry and make sure he writes back." Morrigan cocked her head before flapping her bright wings.
"Alright-" Notte lifted her bird towards the window, Morrigan lifted off and soared next to the train. Notte looked out the window after the bird and choked on her breath.
"Guys- come look at this." The other three raced to the window and saw the most terrifying thing ever. Harry was dangling above the train hanging out of Mr. Weasley's flying car!
"Oh Merlin's sake!" Neville breathed and bit his lip. Hermione looked green and Ginny froze in place. Morrigan swooped at Harry grabbing the back of his shirt and desperately flapped trying to help Ron pull him back into the car. Notte pulled out her wand waiting and wondering if she could levitate a human, before Ron yanked Harry back into the car and Morrigan swooped into the car after him. Harry slammed the car door closed. Notte let out a shaky breath.
"If they survive what Mum does to them after this- I'm going to kill them." Notte said to Ginny who nodded furiously at her.
The four in the compartment collapsed back into their seats.
"Bloody hell- I just!" Notte raced back to the window and watched the car following the train from high up in the clouds. The other three tried to make awkward small talk and talk to Ginny about what school was like.
Suddenly a blur of color soared back towards the train. Morrigan was coming back with a reply from the boys. The raven let out a short caw as she landed on the window and hopped onto Notte's shoulder.
"Thank you love- I hope you gave them a good pecking." Notte untied the roll of parchment from Morrigan's claw.

Nottes Note

Dear Ron and Harry,
Did you really miss the train? You were right behind me! Mum and Dad can just floo you two- so don't do anything I wouldn't do.
Love Nottie
P.S. Ill save you some cocoa Harry.

Notte skimmed through her message again before reading Harry's familiar scrawl.

Harry's Note

Dear Notte
Too late.
Its something you would have definitely done.
Morrigan keeps pecking me to make me write more.
Ps Ron sucks at driving.

Notte grinned as she read Harry's note, and looked at Hermione who was giving her a knowing look.
"I swear those boys will be the death of us Mione." Hermione laughed and went back to talking to Ginny who looked a bit sour. Neville was suspiciously quiet.
Notte sat down to write another note to Harry.

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