Hospital Wing

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Ron let Notte borrow Harrys invisibility cloak to go see him, and return his bracelet. Notte pulled the cloak tighter to her as a chilly wind blew through the corridor. She reached the Hospital Wing gently opening and closing the door. As she came up to Harry's bed she heard hushed arguing,
"No, Dobby no!" Harry whispered to Dobby. Notte heard grunting as she assumed the house-elf named Dobby punished himself for something. Harry had told her about what happened with Dobby at the Dursleys.
"Harry- is everything alright?" Notte stepped aound the curtain and pulled off the cloak revealing her pajamas, short blue cotton pants and a plain black tshirt. Dobby yelped in fear hiding behind Harry.
"Harry- she is-" Dobby started hitting himself from almost telling a secret.
"Dobby calm down- shes alright, shes on my side."
"No- she cant be Harry Potter she is-" Again he hit himself harder and Notte pulled his hands away from his face gently.
"Dobby- I will not harm Harry Potter." Notte stared into the house-elfs frightened large eyes before he calmed down a little.
"Harry- I have your bracelet, I wanted to return it." Notte held the bracelet out to Harry, Dobby looked at it his eyes wide.
"What is that Miss." Dobby pointed at the bracelet.
"Its a gift I made for Harry, protects him, for legilimens like me." Notte said as Harry tried to put the bracelet on himself one handed.
"Here," Notte helped him gently putting it on his slinged arm.
"Dobby sees ma'am. You protect Harry Potter." Dobby said surprised.
"Why is that so surprising?" Dobby's face contorted with pain before Notte stopped him from hitting himself.
"Don't answer Dobby its okay." Notte said gently and he nodded at her. Suddenly the three hear voices outside the Hospital Wing. Dobby disappears with a crack and Notte pulls on the cloak.
"Put him here. What happened?" Madam Pomfrey said from behind a curtain.
"There's been another attack." Dumbledore replies softly.
"I think- do ya know- I think he's been Petrified, Madame Pomfrey. Look! Perhaps he managed to take a picture of his attacker..." McGonagall says and Nottes stomach sinks.
"What can this mean, Albus?" McGonagall asks.
"It means...that our students are in great danger."
"What should I tell the staff?" McGonagall asked frightenedly.
"The truth. Tell them Hogwarts is no longer safe. It is as we feared, Minerva. The Chamber of Secrets has indeed been opened again." Dumbledore said solemnly.
"Perhaps... we should see if Miss Notte is still in bed-" Dumbledore said his voice moving towards the door. Harry shook his head at where Notte was. Notte ripped off his cloak and hid it under his blankets.
"You don't have to Professor- I'm right here." Notte stepped out from around Harry's curtain. McGonagall lost all the color in her face and Dumbledore chuckled amusedly.
"Yes- I rather thought so." Dumbledore said and the group of teachers moved to Harry's bed where he smiled up at them weakly.
"And pray tell what- are you doing out of bed Miss Notte at this hour? I can assure you Madam Pomfrey is more than capable of tending to Mr. Potter." McGonagall scolded Notte who turned a light pink.
"I was er- returning his bracelet and telling him-" Notte started and Harry looked at her in disbelief.
"That I found out I'm the Heir of Slytherin." Notte said firmly. Dumbledore lost his amusement and McGonagall put her hand to her throat. Snape who had been silently brooding next to them 'hmm'ed cryptically.
"I found in the ancestry section, a Merope Gaunt." Notte turned to McGonagall. "And I saw the way you glanced at me when you mentioned the Heir." Dumbledore and Snape give McGonagall a disappointed glance.
"But she was here with me- for a few minutes I mean- she wouldn't hurt Colin or Mrs. Norris!"
Harry said getting out of bed now to stand next to Notte.
"Yes Mr. Potter- we believe her." Dumbledore said with a grimmace.
"Er- brilliant." Harry rubbed the stone of his bracelet with his unbroken hand.
"Harry, that is a rather unique bracelet, may I ask where you acquired it?" Dumbledore asked Harry and he looked at Notte.
"Well- Notte made it for me." Harry said nervously.
"I see." Dumbledore said cryptically.
"Yes Professor, I believe I mentioned Notte's bracelet and the train incident to you." McGonagall said watching Madam Pomfrey hurry past the group.
"Oh yes. Draco Malfoy was involved- one of yours Severus." Dumbledore looked at Snape who kept his eyes on Harry's bracelet.
"We weren't aware however that Mr. Potter had a matching bracelet, however." Snape said with disdain looking at Notte.
"Er- its to protect himself- from me." Notte said and the teachers looked at her.
"So I take it Mr. Potter knows-" Snape began and Notte nodded.
"Its a secret so Naturally everyone knows." Notte looked at Dumbledore who chuckled.
"I made a necklace for Hermione and I'm working on something for Ron- but he loathes jewlery." Notte said quickly.
"I thought Miss Weasley had passed your class Severus?" Dumbledore looked at Severus who looked away from the group quickly.
"With flying colors-" Snape replied venomously.
"Its because- when I couldn't control it... Harry found out... and I made it for him and one for me." Notte said nervously.
"Very well- and Miss Notte, Professor McGonagall has told me, feathers fell from your back during this incident."
"Yes Professor, it happened again afterwards- after Mrs. Norris-" Dumbledore lifted a hand to stop Notte.
"Curious- and Professor Lockhart has told me that during his class, you, were the one that took care of the pixies."
"Harry, Ron and Hermione were all there too- Neville had fainted. Madam Pomfrey who had been scurrying past scoffed at the mention of her most regular patient.
"But you- Notte, just told them to go away. And they did. Called you 'my lady'." Harry said quickly and Dumbledore looked away deep in thought.
"Yes- rather curious."
"Professor- are you still not going to tell me who my parents are? I won't stop looking-"
"Miss Notte, that is for another time- and another place." Dumbledore said quietly and Notte looked away in anger.
"Of course Professor." Notte bit her tongue to keep her anger in check.
"However- do you quite possibly have one of these, feathers?"
"Yes Professor Dumbledore- in my Dorm." Harry said embarassedly for Notte and Notte shot him a confused look.
"I-" Notte shook her head at Harry with a mix of amusement and disbelief.
"Of course- I'll have it collected." Dumbledore started to wander away. The other professors looked after him.
"10 points- I think, from Gryffindor. For being out of bed after hours." McGonagall said to Notte. Snape suddenly left following Dumbledore.
"Yes Professor, Notte looked at Harry as McGonagall escorted her back to the commons.
"See you later Chosen Git."
"Latter Freakazoid."
"You two I swear- Miss Weasley, Wood has told me you're Mr. Potter's good luck charm now. Have you forgotten what happened just the other day?"
"No Professor, the twins they-" McGonagall scoffed at the mention of the red heads.
"No need- I understand. But Miss Weasley- do try to keep your wits about you." Notte nodded as they stepped through the portrait hole.
"Accio Feather." McGonagall waved her wand and a large black feather wooshed down from the boys dormitories.
"He really did keep one- do you know what Dumbledore is going to do with it Professor?" Notte asked McGonagall who shrugged and shook her head.
"Headmaster Dumbledore quite literally does as he pleases- I follow after to clean up the messes Miss Weasley." McGonagall gave Notte a grim smile.
"Goodnight Miss Weasley- I trust you will stay in bed for the night at the very least." McGonagall left through the Portrait hole.
"Brilliant-" Notte breathed before trudging up the stairs to collapse into bed.

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