Notte Riddle

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"You all realize, of course, that in the past few hours you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules?" Dumbledore says when Notte, Harry and Ron are seated in his office- Ginny now safely being fussed over by Madam Pomfrey.
"Yes, sir." Ron and Harry said together. Notte continued to looked down into her hands. No answer.
"And there is sufficient evidence to have you all expelled." Dumbledore said quietly. Notte could feel him looking at her.
"Yes, sir." Ron and Harry answered for Notte again. By then her tears had dried.
"Therefore, it is only fitting, that you all receive Special Awards for Services to the School." Dumbledore said brightly. Notte felt a single tear fall into her lap. She felt numb- like all the feeling had been sucked from her body. She could barely breathe.
"Thanks, sir!" Ron said brightly.
"And now, Mr. Weasley, if you would, have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban? I believe we- we want our gamekeeper back." Ron eagerly took the papers from Dumbledore and ran to the owlery.
"Harry and Notte... first, I want to thank you, Harry. You must have shown me real loyalty down in the Chamber. Nothing but that could have called Fawkes to you. And, um... second, I sense that something is troubling you. Am I right?" Dumbledore asked the both of them, Notte didn't speak yet.
"It's just... You see, sir I- I couldn't help but notice certain things, certain- certain similarities, between Tom Riddle and me." Harry said slowly. Notte felt Harry look at her.
"I see. Well, you can speak Parseltongue, Harry. Why? Because Lord Voldemort can speak Parseltongue. If I'm not mistaken, Harry, he transferred some of his powers to you the night he gave you that scar." Dumbledore said simply.
"Voldemort transferred some of his powers... to me?" Notte suddenly cringed at Harry saying the name so casually.
"Not intentionally, but yes." Dumbledore glanced at Notte.
"So the Sorting Hat was right! I should be in Slytherin." Harry said in disbelief. Dumbledore shook his head kindly at Harry.
"It's true, Harry. You possess many of the qualities that Voldemort himself prizes. Determination, resourcefulness, and if I may say so, a certain disregard for the rules. Why then did the Sorting Hat place you in Gryffindor?"
"Because I asked it to." Harry looked at the hat on the table.
"Exactly, Harry! Exactly! Which makes you different from Voldemort. It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices. If you want proof why you belong in Gryffindor, then I suggest that you look more closely at this. Be careful." Dumbledore handed the sword Notte barely noticed until now.
"Godric Gryffindor."
"Ah- it would take a true Gryffindor to pull that out of the hat." Dumbledore said proudly. Then suddenly someone else came in Notte didn't bother to get up. But she instead chose to look to the side lifting her head just enough so she didn't look like she was breaking.
"Dobby! So this is your master! The family you serve is the Malfoys." Harry said excitedly greeting the house-elf.
"Um-humm..." Notte could hear Dobby mutter in reply.
"I'll deal with you later." Notte snapped around and watched as Mr. Malfoy all but kicked Dobby aside. Something inside her screamed in rage.
"Out of my way, Potter!" Lucius pushed Harry to the side- Notte clenched her fist and resisted the urge to punch Mr. Malfoy in his fat sneer. Malfoy avoided Notte, giving her a wide berth and came to the side of Dumbledore's desk.
"So, it's true-- you have returned!" Malfoy said in anger.
"When the governors learned that Arthur Weasley's daughter was taken into the Chamber, they saw fit to summon me back." Dumbledore said quietly, not flinching at Lucius's tone.
"Ridiculous!" Lucius slammed a hand on Dumbledore's desk. Notte stood suddenly and Lucius gave her a wary glance, Dumbledore stood with her.
"Curiously, Lucius, several of them were under the impression that you would curse their families, if they did not agree to suspend me in the first place." Dumbledore stepped out from his desk to stand next to Notte. Notte knew why- to make sure she didn't hex him where he stood. Dumbledore must have understood how off balanced Notte was feeling from that night's revelation.
"How dare you?!" Lucius said and Notte glared at him. Dumbledore gestured for Notte to go stand by Harry. Notte obeyed- conflicted from not wanting to be near Harry, and not wanting to have to be near the blonde man.
"I beg your pardon?" Dumbledore said innocently.
"My sole concern has always been, and will always be, the welfare of this school and, of course, its students. The culprit has been identified, I presume?" Lucius said standing straightly, presuming too early that Ginny would be blamed for it. Harry gave Notte a worried glance.
"Oh, yes." Dumbledore said and glanced at Harry and Notte. Notte was actually standing a few feet from Harry.
"And? Who was it?" Lucius asked.
"Ah!" Lucius said weakly.
"Only, this time, he chose to act through somebody else, by means of this." Dumbledore held up the diary.
"I see." Malfoy glared at Dumbledore seeing the diary was destroyed.
"Fortunately, our young Mr. Potter and Miss Notte discovered it. One hopes that no more of Lord Voldemort's old school things should find their way into innocent hands. The consequences for the one responsible would be severe." Dumbledore said knowingly staring at Lucius.
"Well, let us hope that  Miss Notte and Mr. Potter will always be around to save the day." Lucius glared at Harry.
"Don't worry. I will be." Harry said. Lucius looked at Notte who was still glaring at him. Lucius paled slightly.
"Dumbledore." Lucius said goodbye stiffly to the Headmaster.
" Come, Dobby. We're leaving." Lucius whacked Dobby with his cane. Dobby yelped with pain and Notte started at Lucius- Dumbledore appeared suddenly next to her- placing a patient hand on her shoulder. Notte looked away from Lucius and Dobby.
"Sir, I wonder if I could have that?" Harry gestured to the diary in Dumbledore's hand. Dumbledore handed it to Harry without a word and Harry left stooping to take his sock off without stopping. Notte felt herself calm at the sight of Harry, at him leaving, and at him helping poor Dobby.
"He's a good one that boy-" Dumbledore said gently and Notte looked up at Dumbledore.
"I hear- you are the one, that defeated him this time Miss Notte." Notte felt her eyes well with tears.
"Why didn't anyone tell me Professor?" Notte asked Dumbledore who lifted his hand from her shoulder and gestured to the sitting area in his office.
"Miss Notte- to be quite honest, I never wanted to have you know at all." Dumbledore said quietly as he sat in the chair facing the sofa, Notte sat on the sofa. A silver pitcher and teacups appeared. Dumbledore chuckled.
"The kitchens know you quite well-" Dumbledore poured Notte a cup of Peppermint coccoa. Notte took the cup and let the smell of it comfort her.
"Thank you."
"Of course my dear." Dumbledore poured himself a cup as well. Then to Nottes surpise he poured a third cup.
"I  take it, it went well Mr. Potter?" Dumbledore asked and Notte couldn't help but look back to see Harry smiling triumphantly.
"Please sit Mr. Potter, as long as Miss Notte has no objections of course-" Dumbledore looked at Notte.
"He has as much a right to know as I do." Notte said quietly and Harry sat next to her on the sofa.
"I believe, you are a fan as well of Peppermint coccoa?" Dumbledore asked Harry, gesturing to the cup and Harry took the cup and took a sip.
"What is it that we need to know Professor?" Harry asked after a few seconds of silence.
"Harry, I'm sure you and Miss Notte found out she was indeed the Heir of Slytherin."
"Er- yes, before Christmas." Harry said nervously and looked at Notte. Notte kept her eyes locked on Dumbledore.
"And somehow- she had discovered her father was indeed Tom Riddle." Dumbledore paused and his eyes twinkled looking at Notte who looked away.
"I heard you speaking with McGonagall- " Notte said. Harry gasped suddenly.
"Wait does that mean-?" Harry looked between Notte and Dumbledore waiting for the confirmation.
"Yes- she is indeed, Voldemort's daughter." Dumbledore looked at Harry now. Notte looked at Harry too.
"Er- I guess that does..." Harry didn't quite know what to say.
Notte said staring at her cocoa- feeling herself start to slip into numbness. She didn't want to deal with this- she didn't want to know anymore.
"Yes, but you are not your father Miss Notte, you have proven that to me every day since I met you seven years ago." Notte heard Dumbledore speaking but the words didn't register for her.
"Mr. Potter- wouldn't you agree?" Dumbledore asked Harry.
"Notte, you've been my friend for 2 years. You faced him with me- this is.. a bit shocking.. but nothing will change-" Notte stopped hearing Harry, a dull buzzing engulfed his voice and her eyes closed.

"Miss Notte?" Dumbledore got up and placed a hand on Notte's shoulder. No response.
"Notte?" Harry said quietly.
"I'm afraid she's gone into shock- we may have to stop for today, and take her to the hospital wing. Mr. Potter I'm sure the Weasley's will be thrilled to see you if you'd like to come along."
"Will she be alright?" Harry asked Dumbledore. When Dumbledore lifted his hand off of Notte she slumped over onto Harry. Harry awkwardly kept her from falling onto the floor. Dumbledore motioned for Harry to stand up. Harry laid her carefully on the couch.
"Oh yes Mr. Potter. Merely as if she's fainted- however she'll remember all of this. Her body has merely shut down to keep her calm."
"Professor, did I do that? I was only trying to tell her she'd always be- be my friend." Harry told Dumbledore as he magicked a stretcher. Notte floated gently onto it.
"No I suspect she used the last bit of strength she had to seem just fine, for you." Dumbledore and Harry walked towards the hospital wing, Notte following behind on the stretcher. Class must have been in session, there were no students in the corridors.
"Er- why?" Harry asked looking over his shoulder at Notte.
"I suspect she heard McGonagall fearing you would want nothing to do with her, when she was listening in on our conversation." Dumbledore's eyed sparkled mischievously.
"Oh. She's still Notte Weasley to me, and always will be a freakazoid-" Harry said louder more directed to Notte. Dumbledore chuckled.
"Ah. You two remind me of your parents Harry, just as oblivious." Before Harry could answer Dumbledore opened the door to the Hospital Wing to reveal all of the Weasleys gathered around Ginny's bed- right next to Hermione's.
"Madam Pomfrey- I'm afraid we have another patient for you-" Dumbledore said and Pomfrey immediately hurried over. Molly looked up and smiled happily until she saw Notte limp on the stretcher behind them.
"Albus! What happened here!" Pomfrey cried and floated Nottes stretcher to the bed on the other side of Ginny. The Weasley's parted for Mrs. Weasley to rush over to her other daughter. Ginny stretched her neck worriedly to look at her sister.
"Oh- dear! What happened Albus?" Mrs. Weasley demanded from the older man as Pomfrey fussed over Notte.
"She's just in shock Molly- she faced Voldemort with Harry. She knows much more now." Dumbledore told Molly who turned white and looked at Harry.
"I know Mrs. Weasley- it doesn't change anything." Harry said determinedly. Molly's eyes welled up with happy tears and tackled Harry in a bear-hug.
"You saved Ginny too- what a wonderful boy-" Mrs. Weasley said through tears.
"Careful mum."
"You might scare him off-"
"Notte will be heartbroken-" The twins said together making her Percy and Ginny laugh. Mr and Mrs. Weasley gave eachother a worried look. It seemed they hadn't told the others yet.
"You okay there Ginny?" Harry asked the redhead who grinned.
"Much better now that I know I won't be expelled- of course I reckon some won't like that." Ginny said before looking at Notte.
"I was a horrible sister this year- d'you think she'll ever forgive me?" She asked Harry quietly as the others moved on to worrying about Notte.
"I reckon she never thought you were in the wrong. She blames herself- she always blames herself." Harry said looking at Notte, from between her brothers.
"You really like her don't you Harry?" Harry turned a bit pink, he wasn't sure. And finding out she was Voldemorts daughter and half human, hadn't changed that at all.
"You little rascal-" the twins said Apparently listening. Harry looked away from them and towards Dumbledore, who was standing quietly to the side. Dumbledore looked up from Notte and to Harry, and gave him a short nod.

The Dark Lord's Daughter Book 2: SecretsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang