DADA with Lockhart

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It was time for the one class Notte had dreaded more than anyother- even Potions with Snape.
"Time for Lockharts class- lets go!" Hermione practically skipped towards the defense against the dark arts classroom.
"Bloody hell- Shes obsessed with him like all the other girls isn't she?" Ron said to Harry and Harry grimmaced in response.
"Speak for yourself- that man is an insufferable git. She's outlined all his lessons in hearts-!" Notte suddenly appeared from behind a corner, hurrying to meet up with the three after choir.
She went to walk next to Harry, but remembered what McGonagall had said the other day. Notte pulled back and let the boys walk ahead of her. Notte caught a glance of Ginny clutching at her diary and disappearing around a corner. While Notte wanted to go see if Ginny was settling in alright- she had to get to class, and her little sister had been only yelling or not speaking to her.
Finally Notte reached the classroom and sat next to Hermione, who was in the front of the class to Nottes dismay.
Professor Lockhart glided into the room wearing gaudy robes and grinning ear to ear.
"Mr. Potter nice to see you again- oh and Miss Weasley yes?" Lockhart gave the two a cheeky grin. Hermione swooned next to me.
"Don't be afraid to sit together in my class- I am an ally to young love." Professor looked at the two expectantly but they didn't move,
"In a quarrel perhaps then?" The class laughed at Harry and Notte who went pink. Ron sniggered at Notte and she slumped over in defeat. Hermione rubbed her back reassuringly as Professor Lockhart moved to the front of the class.
"Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher... me! Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five-times winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award- but I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at him. Huh, huh, huh... hee, hee... Now- be warned! It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind. You may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here. I must ask you not to scream. It might... provoke them!" Lockhart whipped off a blanket that was draped over a large ornate cage. Morrigan suddenly flew into the room, now with muted colors adorning her feathers and perching on the edge of Notte's desk. Little blue pixies giggled crazily.
"Cornish Pixies?" Seamus laughed with the rest of the class.
"Freshly caught cornish pixies." The class roared with laughter,
"Laugh if you will, Mr. Finnigan, but pixies can be devilish tricky little blighters. Let's see what you make of them, ha!" Morrigan hopped away with a pixie riding her back. The pixies attacked everyone, pulling their hair and pinching their faces. Everyone except for Notte. "Come on now- round them up, round them up, they're only pixies!" Lockhart called until they started to mess with his golden locks.
Most of the students ran from the class and Notte watched Lockhart in amusement.
"Peskipiksi pesternomi!" Lockhart waved his wand but to no avail.
"Will you four just nip them back into their cage then?" Lockhart retreated back into his office.
"Why won't they bother you Notte!" Harry shouted and whacking a pixie with a book.
"I dunno- hey STOP THAT!" A pixie was pulling on Hermione's hair until Notte shouted at it. It stopped and ran away- Notte looked after it curiously amongst the chaos and paled when she saw Neville being lifted up by the robes by a group of pixies.
"OI- You there! Set him down!" The pixies looked at eachother before slowly putting him down and flying away to play on the partial dragon skeleton that was hung on the ceiling.
"Thanks Notte-" Neville fainted as he touched the floor.
"Why are they listening to you Notte?!" Ron was whacking pixies away with his textbook as a pixie landed on Nottes shoulder.
"Are we causing trouble my lady?" The pixie asked somewhere between mischievously and anxiously.
"Er- yes! Now go cause it somewhere else!" The pixie whistled at the others who dropped what they were holding. Morrigan flew back to Notte and perched on her shoulder. Harry, Hermione, and Ron looked up in amazement the pixies stopping their mischief.
"Go- on you lot get out of here before I let Morrigan here eat you!" Morrigan cawed happily and flapped her wings- the pixies gasped and giggled before flying out the window to freedom.
"Could've done that sooner Notte!" Ron asked his sister incredulously.
"Oh no- you should have told them to get back in the cage- Professor Lockhart won't be pleased-" Hermione said with her face wrought with worry. Harry walked over to Neville and stooped to check on him.
"Neville's fainted again-" Harry looked at Notte curiously.
"Maybe they were afraid of Morrigan?" Harry asked before Lockhart peeked out of his office door.
"Oh- couldn't catch them I see, what a shame. No matter now, I should have known Quirrell hadn't taught you the basics-" Lockhart stepped fully out now and peered around.
"Perhaps you four should tidy up- yes to make up for losing the pixies." Lockhart said lazilly and stepped back into his office before Notte could curse at him the way she wanted to.
"That bleeding idiot! Letting pixies loose on students- they aren't dangerous, but they're no picnic neither!" Ron said angrily as he picked up a textbook from the floor.
"Do ravens eat pixies?" Harry asked Hermione and she frowned thoughtfully.
"No- Notte's just has them and the like under her thumb. Even the Gnomes in the garden listen to her!" Ron says before slumping back into his chair.
"Er- yeah. Some sorts just listen- I reckon its because of my green thumb-" Notte said nervously looking at Harry and Hermione.
"Maybe-" Hermione said with a thoughtful look in her eye that meant she was going to be in the library instead of going to dinner. Notte made a mental note to sneak her some chicken and veggies in the library.
The four started cleaning- careful to avoid Neville who had fainted so many times Madam Pomfrey requested that unless it was an emergency not to take him to the infirmary.

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