Ron's Wand

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"This way." Harry led the way through the maze of tunnels, Notte followed closely behind. Ron followed behind them keeping a tight hold on Lockhart. They came up on a long snakeskin, it was nearly as tall as Notte, but was longer than the Hogwarts train.
"What's this?" Ron asked poking it with his wand.
"It looks like a... snake." Lockhart said weakly.
"It's a snakeskin." Notte and Harry said at the same time.
"Bloody hell. Whatever shed this must be sixty feet long-- or more!" Lockhart fainted. "Heart of a lion, this one." Ron said pointing his wand at him. Professor Lockhart suddenly jumped up and snatched Ron's wand. Notte groaned.
"The adventure ends here, kids. But don't fret. The world will know our story. How I was too late to save the girl. How you two tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body. So, you first, Ms. Notte. Say good-bye to your memories. Obliviate!" Lockhart pointed Ron's wand at Notte, but the memory charm rebounded and hit Lockhart- causing a huge boom. The ceiling crashed down on top of them. Harry pulled Notte backwards, and she fell on top of him. They stared at each other for a split second- stunned from the ceiling falling in.
"Notte! Harry!" Notte scrambled off of Harry.
"Ron! Ron, are you ok?" Harry shouted back quickly.
"Is Notte okay!?" Ron shouted.
"Im okay Ron- are you and Lockhart?"
"I'm fine but uh- Lockhart's memory charm backfired. He hasn't got a clue who he is!
"What'll do I do now?" Ron shouted and Notte looked at Harry, whos bravery seemed to falter for a moment.
"You and Notte wait here and try and shift some of this rock so we can get back through. I'll go on and find Ginny!" His resolve returned remembering Ginny needed help. And Notte knew she needed to go with him.
"OK!" Ron shouted back.
"Harry- let me come too! This is all my fault please!" Notte said grabbing Harry's hand before he could leave.
"You'll get hurt- I can't-" Harry started and Notte pulled him towards her.
"I can take care of myself and you a hundred times over and you know that Potter. We don't have time to argue." Notte let go of him and walked forward- lighting her wand and turned around to wait for him.
"Okay- lets go." Harry said. Notte and Harry paused beside each other before leaving.
"Are you scared Potter?" Notte asked as they trotted towards a large round door.
"You wish-" Harry and Notte stopped in front if the door now seeing there was a pair of intertwined snakes on it.
"Together?" Notte asked Harry and he gave her a short nod.
"Open Up!"
"Open up!" They hissed together, Notte had been practicing in secret with garden snakes once she found out she was the heir.
Most of the snakes just said they were hungry or cold however and Notte found it rather dull.
"Are you scared Notte?"
"Not when I have to kick some creeps ass for touching my baby sister." Notte said nervously. As the snakes on the door slid down unlocking it.
"So yes."
"Bravery, Harry- is doing something even if it frightens you."
"You sound like Dumbledore." Harry said as the door opened, revealing darkness.
"Thats what I was going for."
"Lets go."

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