Girls Bathroom

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"Again? You mean the Chamber of Secrets has been opened before?" Hermione asked Harry as he explained to everyone what Dobby had told him.
"Of course. Don't you see? Lucius Malfoy must have opened it when he was at school here. And now he's taught Draco how to do it." Ron said.
"That would mean I'm related to the slimey git." Notte said and Harry shivered.
"And he fancies you-" The other two made faces at Notte.
"Maybe. We'll have to wait for the Polyjuice Potion to know for sure." Hermione said quickly.
"Enlighten me. Why are we brewing this potion in broad daylight, in the middle of a girl's lavatory? Don't you think we'll get caught?" Notte and Hermione laughed.
"No- no one but Notte ever comes in here."
"Why?" Ron asked and Notte answered stretching legs.
"Moaning Myrtle."
"Who's Moaning Myrtle?" Ron asked and Notte sighed as a ghostly wail came out of nowhere.
"I'm Moaning Myrtle! I wouldn't expect you to know me! Who would ever talk about ugly, miserable, moping Moaning Myrtle? Huh...aaaah!" Myrtle came out from her stall and flew at Ron. Before she left she noticed Notte sitting on the floor.
"Hullo Myrtle- how's it going?" Notte asked unbothered by her wailing.
"Only Miss Notte bothers to ask!" Myrtle wailed again and disappeared into her u-bend.
"Why are ghosts so polite to you?" Ron asked and Notte shrugged.
"What does Dumbledore want with one of her feathers?" Harry asked suddenly and Hermione balked.
"Dumbledore wants her what?" Ron asked thinking he misheard.
"My feather- you know, I get all pissed off and feathers pop out? Last night they had a chat with me- caught me out of bed with Harry and er-" Notte trailed off and looked at Harry.
"Found out they knew all along about Notte being the Heir- an heir...and asked about the bracelets, the train- and he asked for one of the feathers." Harry finished for her and Hermione and Ron looked at eachother.
"What could he want with it?" Ron asked.
"Make it into a quill maybe- why did you want it Harry? You're the one that kept it?" Harry turned red at Nottes sudden question.
"Er- I just thought it looked nice." Harry looked away from the group. Hermione giggled and stired the polyjuice potion.
"Oh." Notte looked at Hermione who looked up.
"You two are too much really-" Hermione said and looked back to her book.

The Dark Lord's Daughter Book 2: SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora