The Plan

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Notte Merope Weasley decided that she would not tell her friends until she was sure she was the heir of Slytherin. She was undoubtedly sure, but she wouldn't believe it. Because then, what would happen? What could she do?
"Alright- I have a plan." Hermione said smartly coming up to the table where Notte, Harry and Ron were sat. Notte hadn't touched her peppermint cocoa or the fruit salad she had scooped onto her plate.
"Pla- fo- wha-" Ron said through a mouthful of hotcakes and Hermione flinched in disgust seeing the chewed food in his mouth. Hermione sat down next to Notte.
"The plan- to get information out of Malfoy!" Hermione whispered excitedly. Notte couldn't tell them- she couldn't bear to. Harry had been glancing worriedly at Notte, who was touching her necklace and refusing to eat.
"Well go-on then tell us!" Harry said excitedly. Turning his attention away from Notte now.
"Polyjuice potion- but I, I need the recipe. Its in the restricted section. Need a teachers permission for it." Hermione whispered and looked at Notte for any ideas.
"Lockhart! He'll sign anything you out in front if him-!" Hermione sent a light glare at Ron but then agreed.
"If I say I'm just interested in the theory, he's the most likely to sign." Hermione said quickly.
"Lets go now, before the Quidditch match-" Hermione got up and grabbed a banana for her breakfast and towed Ron along with her.
"I'll stay here and hype up Harry- y'know for the match." Notte said weakly and Harry looked surprised- it was the first time Notte had spoken anything more than the bare minimum.
"Oh- alright then." Hermione said quickly and pulled Ron away from the table of food to his dismay.
"Whats wrong Notte- I can tell something is bugging you." Harry asked leaning slightly across the table to talk to her.
"Er- its well about the heir... I don't think its Malfoy..." Harry gawked at her in disbelief.
"You've heard him prat about haven't you. If he isn't he might very well know who is!" Harry said a little too loudly and people near the two glanced over nervously.
"Yes- but its not him- asking him about it is a waste of time!" Notte whispered desperately not wanting to admit that she thought she was actually the heir of Slytherin.
"Then what do you suggest we do?" Harry whispered hotly getting angry with Notte.
"I- I think we should stay out of it." Harry gawked at her again getting more upset with her.
"Why? You must've found something out-!" Harry hoped she was just getting cold feet.
"I did but-" Notte started to explain but Percy sat down and she yelped in surprise.
"Sorry- didn't mean to scare you Notte, just back from patrol." Percy started to shovel food into his mouth and Notte took the chance to run out of the Great Hall.

"Percy!" Harry said loudly.
"Wha- What did I do?" Percy asked Harry.
"She was trying to tell me something important! You couldn't tell she was upset?" Harry felt a pang of guilt go through him as he told off Percy. Harry had been really harsh with her even though she was visibly upset.
"No? Sorry I-" Harry didn't let Percy finish as he left to go find Notte.

Notte had run to the castle grounds- towards Hagrids hut. But Notte didn't want to face Hagrid either, so she ran towards the whomping willow on the edge of the Forbidden forest. She sat against a tree looking at the willow Ron and Harry had crashed into at the beginning of the year. The Whomping Willow seemed unbothered by her presence and she was unbothered by it. She sat for a long time digging her nails into her palms to keep the tears from rolling down her cheeks.
"Thought- I- wouldn't-find-you." Notte looked up surprised to see Harry panting and dripping with sweat.
"Harry I-"
"Look- if its about the Chamber of Secrets, remember what happened last year? We had to take care of it ourselves. Its okay to be scared- but you faced Voldemort for me last year eve though you were terrified!" Harry sat next to me getting his Quidditch robes dirty.
"I'm not scared for me Harry."
"Then why won't you tell me what you found out?" Harry asked and touched Notte's arm. She flinched back from it.
"The Chamber of Secrets has to be opened by the Heir right?" Harry nodded at her.
"Well- I looked at Slytherin lines yesterday in the library- and-" A sob escaped from Notte making her throw her hand up to her throat.
"I'm the heir of Slytherin Harry- I'm sure of it." Harry turned slightly pale.
"How can you be sure? I mean those things aren't always accurate-"
"The last heir recorded was named Merope Gaunt, born 1907." Notte said quietly and Harry thought for a moment.
"Well she can't be your mother so-"
"You don't name children after yourself Harry. You name them after a grandmother or aunt or something. But its just- when I saw her name, I knew. I just knew I was."
Harry scowled thoughtfully at that.
"So did you attack Mrs. Norris?" Harry asked seriously.
"If I were going to attack anyone- anything, it wouldn't have been an innocent cat Harry."
"Then, if you're the heir- who's opening the Chamber?"
"A cousin? A sibling? I have no idea Harry." Notte wiped at her face realizing tears had betrayed her.
"You did hear that voice- right before Norris was attacked- maybe... that was the monster."
"But why did you hear it then Harry?" Notte asked Harry who looked away deep in thought.
"I dunno- I really dunno."
"Maybe we should see if we can get anymore information from Malfoy. It can't hurt- other than maybe getting us expelled."

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