The Chamber of Secrets

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It was time for Transfigurations and the four were walking to McGonagall's class. Morrigan on Notte's shoulder.
"Its so pretty out- I almost want to ditch class-" Notte said earning a glare from Hermione,
"I would never actually do that Mione- you know that!" Hermione raised an eyebrow at her before returning to Ron's essay with a quill, scritching away. They sat down, Hermione choosing to sit next to Ron to continue on his homework for him. Harry looked nervously at Notte before they sat next to each other, earning a small tight lipped smile from McGonagall.
"Could I have your attention, please? Right. Now, today, we will be transforming animals into water goblets. Like so. One, two, three, Vera verto. Now it's your turn. Well, who would like to go first? Ah! Mr. Weasley." McGonagall chose to pick on Ron who lifted his wand nervously pointing it at Scabbers.
"One, two, three. Vera verto." She insructed clearly.
"Vera Verto." Scabbers squealed as he turned into a furry moving goblet with a tail.
"That wand needs replacing Mr. Weasley. Lets try Miss Weasley-" McGonagall moved infront of Notte who sat Morrigan in front of her, whos colors had completely faded now.
"Vera Verto-" Morrigan cawed before turning into a ornate black glass water goblet.
"Very good- The glass is a nice touch." McGonagall turned to ask Harry to change a borrowed toad into a goblet. But paused when she saw Hermione's outstretched hand.
"Miss Granger?"
"Professor, I was wondering if you could tell us anymore about... the Chamber of Secrets?" McGonagall looked at the rest of the class who went silent and looked expectantly at her.
"Well, very well. Well, you all know, of course, that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Now, three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously. One did not." McGonagall paused.
"Three guesses who." Ron muttered from behind Notte.
"Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. In other words, "pure-bloods." Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now, according to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle, known as the Chamber of Secrets. Though, shortly before departing, he sealed it until that time when his own true heir returned to the school." McGonagall glanced at Notte before hurriedly looking away.
"The heir alone would be able to open the Chamber and unleash the horror within, and by so doing purge the school of all those who, in Slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic."
"Muggle-borns..." Hermione clarified for her.
"Well, naturally, the school had been searched many times. No such chamber has been found." McGonagall moved away from the four of them, towards the other side of the class.
"Professor? What exactly does legend tell us lies within the Chamber?" Hermione asked making McGonagall's tightlipped grimace to go white.
"Well, the Chamber is said to home to something that only the Heir of Slytherin can control. It is said to be the home of a monster."
McGonagall refused to answer anymore questions about it for the rest of class. Notte wondered if it was a coincidence that she looked at her while she was talking about the heir of Slytherin. Something deep inside her answered the question for her- it wasn't a coincidence, McGonagall looked straight at her. What did McGonagall know that she didn't? After class the four walked to lunch, Morrigan took off to find Hedwig.
"D'you think it's true? D'you think there really is a Chamber of Secrets?" Ron asked excitedly.
"Yes. Couldn't you tell? McGonagall's worried. All the teachers are." Hermione said looking around nervously. They passed a group of Slytherins that included Malfoy.
"Well, if there really is a Chamber of Secrets, a-and it really has been opened, then that means-" Harry started
"The Heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogwarts. The question is, who is it?" Hermione interrupted.
"Let's think. Who do we know who thinks all Muggle-borns are scum?" Ron asked too loudly.
"If you're talking about Malfoy." Notte whispered harshly.
"Of course. You heard him! 'You'll be next Mudbloods,'" Ron said low to Notte.
"I heard him. But Malfoy, the Heir of Slytherin?" Hermione shook her head in disbelief.
"Well, maybe Ron's right, Hermione. I mean, look at his family. The whole lot of them have been in Slytherin for centuries." Harry said quickly. Notte bit her lip thinking about the way McGonagall looked at her in class but decided not to say anything.
"Crabbe and Goyle must know. Maybe we could trick them into telling." Ron said evily Notte could tell he wasn't about to trick the two bullies into anything.
"Even they aren't that thick. But there might be another way. Mind you, it would be difficult. Not to mention, we would be breaking about fifty school rules. And, it'll be dangerous. Very dangerous." Hermione broke off from the group going to the library instead of the Great Hall for lunch. Notte hurried after her, wanting to look at any known Salazar Slytherin lines and maybe get a clue.
"You have an idea Mione?" Notte asked her best friend who nodded furiously as they got to the library.
"Polyjuice Potion!" Hermione hissed softly and she searched the general potions book shelves.
"Okay- er I'm going to go look at Salazar Slytherins family lines... maybe there will be a clue there..." Hermione gave Notte a look that definitely said 'good luck with that'.
Notte turned a corner to look in the family ancestry section.
After quite a long time, she found the Slytherin section of ancestry. Yes. Section. There was nearly an entire shelf listing names of blood and Marriage relations. Notte stooped to the most recent book recorded. 1800's.
"Bloody hell-" Notte pulled the book and skipped to the last page listing the most recent known blood relations of Salazar Slytherin. And listed at the bottom of the page was Marvolo Gaunt (pre 1890); Father of Morfin (1900-pre 1996) and Merope Gaunt (1907)
"Oh- dear Merlin." Notte dropped the book and it fell still open. Part of her knew it wasn't a coincidence. The page was stopped there, but she knew- she had to be related to Merope somehow. It wasn't a common name and she could feel it as she studied the page. Notte closed the book and placed it back carefull on the shelf.

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