Rescue Mission

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"Hey Nottie- wake up!" Fred and George were standing over Notte sinisterly in the dark. Notte jumped and pushed them away from her.
"We're going to get Harry!" Notte eyes flew open at this as the twins whispered at her.
"You're bleeding joking-" Notte whispers in shock waiting for the punchline. They grin mischievously and pull her out of bed. Notte was dressed in shorts that were too short to wear out and a tank top.
"It's Harry's birthday-"
"In a few hours-" The twins looked at Notte as she pulled a plain black knee length tshirt dress  over her pajamas and looked away as she pulled the shorts off from under the dress quickly and yanked on a pair of neon turquoise tights Hermione had sent her for her birthday a few days earlier. The twins watched as Notte hopped to the door holding her bracelet and necklace in her mouth and pulling her combat boots on.
"Lets go!" She whispered yelled at the twins from the doorway. Ron was already in the kitchen holding the keys that Arthur Weasley had 'hidden' from them. The twins trailed behind Notte and she grabbed the keys from Ron.
"I'll drive boys-" She quietly opened the door and avoided the creak right at the door jamb. The red headed boys shrugged and followed silently after her.
"Do you know how to drive Notte?" The twins were still whispering even though they were in Mr. Weasley's old shed.
"Dad taught me- after I caught him fiddling with it." Notte had an evil gleam in her eye and whipped off the tarp their father used to hide the flying car he tried to keep from their mother.
"Blimey hell- we're gonna die trying to save Harry aren't we?" Ron said nervously as Notte opened the old shed doors and slowly opened the car driver side door.
"Boys, you'll have to push till we're far enough not to wake up mum." Notte slid into the car and slid the gear into neutral. The boys grumbled quietly.
"You'd think it was her idea-"
"We didn't even think about the noise though did we?" The twins said to each other as they slowly pushed the car away from the burrow with Ron. Notte steered and kept a foot on the brake incase there was a hill.
"Okay boys! I think we're far enough now!" Notte poked her head from the door to look and the boys who were sweating and huffing.
"Harry better not have been just ignoring you three all summer-" Fred said bitterly as the twins got into the front seat of the car with Notte and Ron collapsed in the back.
"Alright boys Operation Lightning Rod is a go-" the twins chuckled darkly. Notte turned on the car which sputtered to life- a loud obnoxious roar. Notte slammed on the gas and the car shot forward sending Ron into the floor of the back seat. Mr. Weasley had taught her well- making sure she knew to get up to 40 kmph before lifting off. Notte reached for the lever and slowly pushed it up, slowly lifting them up into the sky. The lever jammed halfway to the clouds they would use for cover.
"Hold on- boys!" Notte shouted and slammed her hand up into the lever and the car shot up and forward. The boys lurched forward, and screamed. Notte laughed maniacally.
"Notte you are definitely not driving on the way back!" Ron yelled into her ear from behind her.
"Does anybody know where Little Whinging is?" Notte asked over the roar of the engine and Fred pulled out a muggle map from the cars compartment.
"Bloody hell Fred!" Nottes eyes went wide as he unfolded the huge map with thousands of lines crisscrossing over it. Mr. Weasley had thankfully marked where the burrow was on the map and the boys studied the map for a good five minutes before grabbing the wheel from Notte and turning it sharply to the left.
"Oi! At least give me a warning!" Notte shouted and steadied the car. It took about one hour to get to Little Whinging. Notte began to land on a random street.
"What are you doing!? You can't drive on Muggle roads!!!" George hissed at Notte around Fred.
"We can't exactly fly about and read the house numbers!" Notte landed on a muggle road with houses on either side. "Privet Drive... Look for Privet Drive." The Twins and Ron search for the right street sign for fifteen minutes as Notte drives slowly down the street watching the for muggles.
"There! Privet Drive!" Ron says and Notte turns left onto the street.
"Number 1... 3...? They skipped 2 and 4!" Notte says frustratedly and turns the car around.
"Wait!! There it is Notte!"
And there it was Notte thought, Harry Potters house. It looked like everyother house on the street, except for the flower beds, which had lovely petunias planted in them. This house was the exact opposite of the wonky and messy house Notte grew up in.
"Okay- We'll circle about till we find his window!" Notte said determinedly. She hit the invisiblilty button once more and slowly lifted off the ground careful not to hit the shiny car in the driveway or the side of the house. The first window they peered into was littered with video games and clothes, not Harry's. The next bedroom was frilly and decorated, also not Harry's. Finally the very last bedroom window had bars on it, and they saw a familiar face staring between the bars. Notte flew right in front of Harry still invisible, and hit the button. The car reappeared and startled Harry so much that he fell over.
"Hiya Harry!" Ron said brightly.
"Notte! Ron! George. Fred. What are you all doing here?" Harry asked still on the floor, Notte rolled her eyes at him.
"Rescuing you of course! Go-on get your trunk!" Ron said to him.
"Didn't have any other plans did you?" Notte asked sarcastically and looked pointedly at the bars on his windows.
"Stand back Harry-" The twins said in unison and pulled a hook out of nowhere and hooked it up to the car. Fred took Notte's place at the drivers seat and floored the gas.
"Go, go, go!" George told Fred and Harry slammed his trunk closed and grabbed Hedwig. Harry passed Hedwig's cage to Notte through the bars, that were stubbornly staying on.
"Dad! Hurry up!" A boy said from outside of Harry's bedroom door, Harry paled.
The bars popped off with a loud crack and Notte silently prayed that no muggle would wake up and look out their window.
"Come on Harry! Hurry up!" Notte shouted as George and Ron grabbed Harry's trunk and shoved it into the back seat. Notte grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him up into the car.
"Petunia he's escaping!" Harrys door flew open and a heavy set man with a mustache lunged at Harrys leg. Harry pulled himself up struggling as his Uncle grabbed onto his ankle. The car leaned towards the house and Ron grabbed Harry's other hand. Ron and Notte were hanging halfway out of the car window.
"Drive!" The two boys said desparately and George grabbed Ron and Notte around the middle.
"Hold on to him-" George pulled his siblings back into the car and Harry's uncle lost his grip on Harry's ankle.
"No! No! No! No! Aaaah!" Harry's uncle fell to the ground. Notte threw herself to the window and watched with out breathing until he stood up shaking his fist at us.
"Thank Merlin- hes fine." Notte said to Harry and Harry grimmaced in response.
"Oh... Damn!" The man said as we flew out of sight into the sunrise.
"Oh right- Happy Birthday Harry!" Harry grinned as Privet Drive went out of sight.

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