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Notte woke up suddenly, feeling more like she had blinked than actually slept.
"Albus- it still doesn't make any sense a pureblood fanatic as he was- to mate with a-" McGonagall was whispering harshly to Dumbledore in the dark behind Notte's hospital wing curtain.
"Headmaster, Professor thats not all-" Pomfrey said quickly. "Potter and the others- they told Miss Notte that- Er" Pomfrey hesitated.
"Told Miss Notte what Poppy?" McGonagall asked quietly.
"They seem to believe that her father and Mr. Malfoy- made an arrangement." Madam Pomfrey said cryptically.
"What kind of arrangement Poppy?" Dumbledore spoke now, kindly to the woman who was obviously flustered. Notte held her breath, and shut her eyes.
"They believe that Miss Notte here and Draco Malfoy were to be engaged-" McGonagall gasped before Pomfrey could finish.
"To be married." Pomfrey finished weakly.
"Did they have any evidence for this?" Dumbledore asked.
"I don't believe so- apparently Mr. Draco had told them he found out over the summer." Poppy answered breathlessly.
"Oh dear- it seems Miss Notte has more than one admirer at the moment then." Dumbledore said with a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Albus- this is no laughing matter. Once they find out they'll be crushed-" McGonagall started scolding Dumbledore.
"I haven't seen a pair more obliviously in love than those two- when Harry finds out, well he might not want anything to do with her. She'll agree!" Madam Pomfrey said quickly and Notte felt herself blush.
"Lilly and James had their differences as well- love conquers all Madam Pomfrey, and Miss Notte needs that love. Thats perscisely why I placed her with the Weasleys in the first place. They have nothing but love to give." Dumbledore said breathlessly, like he was a school girl.
"The poor girl was designed for the darkness- no matter who or what her mother was. She's too powerful- and has no idea. We should tell her everything before she finds out for herself and spirals back into the darkness her father made for her." McGonagall told Dumbledore.
"Minerva do you not remember that sweet little girl from all those years ago?" Poppy said in disbelief.
"I do- but we also have no idea what sort of things he did to her, said to her. And she is capable of great wrath- look what almost happened to Mr. Malfoy." McGonagall said hushed to the other two.
"Yes, great wrath. She also stopped herself, Minerva. Molly taught her well-" Dumbledore said patiently.
"Over a bracelet, and Severus said she looked into his mind-" McGonagall said worriedly.
"Minerva, shes young- and has powers she doesn't know about or control." Dumbledore told McGonagall.
"No- you're right Albus, I'm just scared for her. The hardships her and Mr. Potter will have to face-" McGonagall said shakily like she was trying hard not to cry. Notte felt a silent tear roll down her cheek, for making McGonagall worry so much about her.
"Minnie-" Madam Pomfrey comforted the older woman.
"Minerva- shes so much more than her father, she has her moments of frustration just like anyother child." Notte started to feel sleepy again her lids getting heavy and slowly her started to fall back to sleep.
"Its still a shock after all, Tom-" Notte fell asleep wondering who Tom was and what he had done.

The morning Madam Pomfrey said she was free was the day classes started, so long as she was escorted by another person for the next day or so. In case of a dizzy spell from losing so much blood, and be unable to carry things.
Hermione was the first to get to the Hospital Wing. Notte had decided long before not to tell them about what Dumbledore and McGonagall had said.
"The boys are right behind me- you look so much better already! Er- sorry." Hermione was being unusually chatty today, and kept looking over her shoulder.
"What did Ron whisper to you yesterday?" Notte asked and rolling off the bed already fully dressed.
"Oh that well-" Hermione grinned girlishly, and then the door opened behind her.
"Later-" Notte rolled her eyes at the bushy haired girl, but she was happy Hermione had color back in cheeks after yesterdays ordeal.
"Notte! Are you sure you're okay for classes?" Ron asked seriously and studied her face, as if he could declare her unfit from just the color in her cheeks.
"Yes I'm fine- she did threaten me that if she caught me holding anything more than food or water she would escort me to and from classes herself." Notte said quietly as Madam Pomfrey approached with a stern face.
"Mr. Potter I expect you to carry her things for the next month- no arguing Miss Weasley!" Madam Pomfrey snapped as Notte opened her mouth to argue.
"I wasn't!" Notte said quickly and she looked away.
"We'll make sure she follows it-" Hermione said obediently and looked at Harry until he picked up her bag awkwardly.
"Alright- then you can go, eat plenty of breakfast!" Madam Pomfrey called after Notte as she hurried towards the Great Hall eager to get out of the Hospital Wing.
"No running!" Hermione called after Notte who immediately stopped right out the doors but walked quickly in place waiting for her friends to escort her to breakfast.
"Come on- she wouldn't let me have any cocoa!" Notte said desperately like she needed a fix of chocolate. Harry laughed and put Nottes bookbag over his shoulder over his.
"Lets go before she sprouts feathers-" Harry says and followed Notte towards the door. Ron and Hermione gave eachother a knowing look.
"Those two are hopeless-" Madam Pomfrey said and shook her head walking away.
When Notte finally got to the Great Hall for breakfast she found her other brothers waiting for her along with Neville, Dean and Seamus.
"Hullo boys- where's Ginny?" She greeted the table her grin faltering to see that her little sister wasn't there to see her.
"She left- said she had to go to class early or something." Percy said popping a piece of toast in his mouth. Notte scowled.
"She hates me and I don't know why!" Notte sat down angrily next to Neville. Harry sat next to her and put their book bags by their feet.
The silver pitcher appeared, as it always did for Notte when she sat down. Immediately Harry poured her a cup of coccoa.
"Is Harry your slave now?"
"He's already whipped-" The twins said watching Harry put down the pitcher after pouring himself a cup.
"Er- no Pomfrey said if she saw her pick up anything other than-" Harry glanced at Notte.
"A quill, fork or cup." Notte said exasperatedly.
"That she'd have my head-" Harry exaggerates and Hermione shook her head amusedly. Ron was already busy shoveling eggs and sausages into her mouth.
"Thanks Harry-" Notte took the cup and smiled appreciately as she took a sip.
"You're addicted to that sweet stuff- your teeth will rot out-" Percy said scolding Notte.
Notte smiled broadly to reveal perfect pearly teeth. Hermione and Harry laughed.
"Anyways-have you heard Lockharts newest anouncement?" Percy said wrinkling his nose in disapproval.
"Oh merlin's sake- what has he done now?" Notte said in disbelief.
"Hes decided to organize a 'morale booster'." Percy answered and the others choked back a bitter laugh.
"What could possibly go wrong with that-" Notte asked rhetorically and took a sip of her cocoa.

Valentines day, was apparently Lockharts favorite holiday. And Notte looked on horrifed at the pink flowers and roses and hearts that adorned the Great Hall.
"Oh- its horrible, Harry I need you to blind me- now!" Notte stared up at the ceiling, hitting Harry in the chest. Harry laughed darkly as he looked on at the Great Hall.
"Notte- you've got to see this-" Ron said in a mix of horror and amusement. Notte followed her brothers eyes and choked on nothing.
There was Lockhart, dressed in a scary shade of pink robes that were embroidered with Lilac paisleys, followed by a team of dwarves dressed as cupids.
"Hes only trying to cheer the students up- rather noble." Hermione said quickly turning as pink as the decorations inside. They ignored her and watched in amusement as a dwarf came up to the group.
"Mr. Potter?" The dwarf asked and Harry squirmed in his spot under the weight of his and Nottes bags. Not that he still needed to carry her bag- but it turned into a habit.
"Er- yes?" Harry said with terrified expression on his face- wondering what this cupid wanted with him. The dwarf cleared his throat and Notte giggled in amusement.
"His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad,
His hair is as dark as a blackboard.
I wish he was mine, he's really divine,
The hero who conquered the Dark Lord." The cupid sang to Harry's utter horror, catching the attention of passerby. Notte had to bury her face into Hermiones shoulder trying to hide her laughter- in immense pain from her wounds but still laughing.
"Notte Don't laugh! Youll hurt yourself!" Hermione scolded looking at Harry who was a bright red and stuttering at the cupid who turned away after handing him a card.
"Er- well." Harry turned to his friends and Ron had a disgusted look on his face.
"That was amazing!" Notte said breathlessly. The cupid returned suddenly-
"Miss Notte Weasley?" The cupid asked and immediately her face paled.
"No- thats not-" Notte sputtered and glared at Harry who nodded now pointing at her. The cupid cleared his throat and began to sang,
"Eyes as Wide as the Moon, Blue as the ocean too,
But she has promises to keep,
After sweets and lots of sleep.
Sweet dreams come cheap." The cupid handed her a card and she looked dumbfounded and read the card.
"Anonymous." She said and looked at Harry who was sniggering from behind his hand.
"Not so funny now is it?" Harry said and she glared at him. 
The day went by and Notte and Harry both recieved several more valentines. The cupids just started handing them to Harry and Notte.
"You're the one I've been SEEKING,
I think you're quite the CATCH,
I WAND you to be my valentine!"
Harry's latest poem made him laugh and Notte held her breath hoping that no one would figure out she had sent it to him.
" Secret Admirer." Harry said as the cupid ran off and Hermione raised an eyebrow at Notte, who blushed.
"I think that was the best one today at least-" Harry said not looking at the girls speaking silently to each other. Harry excused himself embarrassed. A few minutes later a cupid came up to Notte.
"Miss Notte Weasley-" the cupid said lazily. He cleared his throat.
"Oh dear-" Notte said looking around quickly.
The cupid handed a red valentine to her.
"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Don't be silly Notte,
We know that was you.
Love Harry."
Harry appeared suddenly with a big triumphant grin.
"Harry! How'd you know?" Notte asked grinning- trying to hide her disappointment that he didn't think it was serious. But she had done a punny one.
"Oh come on- those were terrible!" Harry said laughing and Notte looked away in embarassment. Hermione subtly patted her back. Notte resolved herself, remembering what Dumbledore and McGonagall had said weeks ago. Harry won't want anything to do with her when they find out who she is. But who is she?

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