Mumsy Wumsy

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The Weasley children and Harry finally get to the burrow and the car back under its dusty old tarp.
"Its not much- but its home." Notte spreads her arms wide to show case the lopsided house as the two approach it. The Twins and Ron close the shed doors and drag Harry's trunk and Hedwig to him. Harry sheepishly takes Hedwig and the trunk he had forgotten about in favour of the beautiful and magical house.
"Ssh- come on, come on!" Fred hurried Harry and Notte in through the kitchen door. Harry looked in awe at dishes washing themselves in the sink and a bewitched clock that showed the members of The Weasleys clan and what they were doing. Four of the Weasley hands moved from 'traveling' to 'home'.
"This is brilliant-" Ron turned red and took a bite of a scone from off the table. Then suddenly Molly Weasley stormed into the kitchen from around the corner.
"Where have you been? Harry, how wonderful to see you dear. Beds empty! No note! Car gone! You could have died! You could have been seen! Of course, I don't blame you, Harry dear." Mrs. Weasley alternated between scolding her children and greeting Harry.
"They were starving him mum!" Ron said hiding the scone he had taken a bite out of. Notte looked at Harry and realized that they had been starving him- Harry had always been a small lean thing but now he looked like someone had squeezed the life from him.
"They had bars on his window!" The Twins said together. Mrs. Weasleys eyes softened but her tone did not as she continued to scold the boys.
"Come on Harry- time for a spot of breakfast!" Mrs. Weasley sat Harry down at the large table in the kitchen and summoned breakfast with her wand.
"Here we are now- tuck in! You too Notte! Don't think I haven't noticed your clothes hanging off of you young lady!" Mrs. Weasley sat Notte next to Harry and the twins sat across from them and started to eat. Ron sat on the other end of Harry.
"Mum- Mummy! Have you seen my jumper?" Ginny called from the stairs and spotted Harry sat next to Notte. Notte gave her a mischievous wink and wriggled her eyebrows at Ginny.
"Yes dear. It was on the cat." Mrs. Weasley called while tidying the kitchen. Notte felt a pang of guilt as Ginny stomped back up the stairs, Ginny also fancied Harry. But not that she would admit it or talk about it with Notte.
"What did I do?" Harry asked nervously and Notte sighed.
"Ginny. She and Notte have been talking about you all Summer a bit annoying really." Ron said through a mouthful of scrambled eggs.
"I reckon you talked about Harry more than I did Ronald- 'the youngest player in a century!'- 'he really does have the scar!'-" Notte paused to sip on a cup of her favorite cocoa.
"My best friend Harry Potter, defeated you-know-who... do you want me to go on Ronnikins?" Notte finished with an evil smirk and Ron turned pink, Harry laughed sheepishly.
Mr. Weasley came in through the kitchen door back from the other half of his shift at the ministry.
"Morning Weasleys!"
"Morning Dad!" Ron said to Mr. Weasley who had his nose stuck in a piece of parchment.
"G'morning dad!" Notte called to Mr. Weasley who then looked up for just a moment to smile at his children- too tired to notice that Harry Potter was in his kitchen.
"Good Morning Arthur!" Molly called from the sink- charming the dishes to wash themselves once again.
"What a night! Nine Raids! Nine!" Mr. Weasley said almost to himself.
"Raids?" Harry asked Ron.
"Dad works in the Ministry of Magic, in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. Dad loves Muggles, thinks they're fascinating." Ron replies and Mr. Weasley seems to finally notice the new child in his kitchen.
"Well now! Who is this?" Mr. Weasley set down his parchment and looked at Harry.
"Oh sorry sir. Harry, Harry Potter." Harry leaned across Notte to shake Mr. Weasleys hand. Arthur immediately clamped his other hand over Harry's.
"Good Lord! Are you really? Well, Ron's told us all about you, of course. When did he get here?" Mr. Weasley asked his wife who had been eerily calm, now spun around with a terrifying gleam in her eye.
"This morning. Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night." Mrs. Weasley's tone was calm but Notte could tell what was about to happen and put the cup of coccoa to her lips.
"Did you really? How'd it go? Did you—" Arthur asked excitedly until he saw the look Notte was throwing him. Slowly Mr. Weasley faced his wife.
"Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley said warningly. Percy came in and sat down half asleep in his old fashioned night gown.
"I mean...that was very wrong, indeed, boys. Very wrong of you. Now, Harry, you must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?" Mr. Weasley took a large bite of scrambled eggs waiting eagerly for Harry's answer.
"Oh uuum..." Harry hesitated. Notte whipped her head around at a banging on the window.
"Well, that'll be Errol with the post. Oh, fetch it will you Percy, please?" Mrs. Weasley said absent mindedly. Notte got up before Percy seeing her lovely multi-colored raven in the window with Errol.
"I'll get it Percy- you eat!" Notte threw open the window and let the two birds inside. Morrigan elegantly hopped onto Nottes shoulder and cawed quietly. Errol flew to Percy landing on his plate of eggs and bacon.
"He's always doing that." Percy said to Harry who looked startled at the clumsy bird. Harry turned around to look at Notte who was silently reading a letter from Hermione in the light of the window. Morrigan was perched on her shoulder and was quite a sight in the sunlight shining through the window.
"Notte- what kind of bird is that?" Harry asked and stared breathlessly at the bird. Morrigan cocked her head at Harry.
"Harry- this is Morrigan. Morrigan- thats Harry." Notte said not looking up from her letter. Morrigan flew over to Harry with her feathers shining, she took Notte's place and nipped Harry's fingers affectionately.
"Er- Hullo Morrigan?" The raven cawed at Harry.
"Thats her new bloody bird. Its really a raven but mum hates black birds so she turned it...rainbow like that." Ron explained to Harry as the bird stole a piece of bacon from Nottes plate.
"Oh look, it's our Hogwarts letters. And they've sent us Harry's as well." Percy said from the end of the table holding up the letters. He passed Harry's his and the rest to Mrs. Weasley who opened Nottes letter first. Notte finished reading her letter from Hermione who explained she would be going to Diagon Alley today for her school things- and of course demanding to know why Harry hadn't responded to the Quidditch book she had sent him for his birthday. Notte lifted Morrigan onto her shoulder and sat back down next to Harry. Morrigan hopped over to Harrys shoulder and nuzzled his hair affectionately. Harry slowly lifted a piece of bacon up to Morrigan with his eyes on Notte. Morrigan snatched the meat from him and swallowed it whole.
"Dumbledore must know you're here, Harry. Doesn't miss a trick, that man." Arthur said smiling at Harry. Fred stole his letter from his mother and scowled with her.
"This lot won't come cheap, Mum. The spell books alone are very expensive." Fred said to her and she turned pink and glanced at Harry.
"We'll manage. There's only one place we're going to get all of this. Diagon Alley."

The Dark Lord's Daughter Book 2: SecretsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora