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'Yes, Host?' The immediate response of the system nestled beside his head.

Quintlian rubbed his temples as an irk mark appeared. 'Is she far away?'

'Yes host, approximately 315 meters from Host's Quarters'

'That little brat' Quintlian stood up and went towards the door  with a sigh. His frown deepened when he doesn't see any of the guards that were supposed to guard him. Wasn't he supposed to be confined to his room for three days? Why aren't there even guards here to guard him incase he possibly escaped. All of these people are so hateful. He will definitely. get revenge.

Because of the Heroine's first step of taking the Original owner's journal full of ideas and plans that can help improve the kingdom, It also leads to a great big step for Quintlian to start his revenge for the original Quintlian.

And, because he have made a few or many tweaks of error to the stolen Journal, he may be able to use that at his advantage. And with every stolen ideas that the Heroine will contribute to the kingdom that are full of mistakes and such, Quintlian can just swoop in to the rescue when it would fail of course combined with the Heroine being the one to be blamed for all this mistakes and mishaps.

Today is the day that the Heroine's gonna set all the stolen plans and ideas In action.

Oh, just the thought of the Heroine's soon-to-be demise just put a contented, evil, creepy smile on Pappion's imaginable face.

'I can't wait for Host to take revenge for the Original! And I don't even give flying duck if she died. Besides, that dumb-witted girl along with this family deserve every punishment for what they have done! Oh! Why not the whole household of this wretched place! Not to mention those maids, butlers, Chef~~'

While our System was thinking about all the death scenarios that can happen to everyone who done horrible things to the original, Our main Protagonist, MC, Shou, Bottom-(anything that can relate to that) Su Yi Kai, now in the body of Quintlian-the original owner of this said body, is currently sitting on a sofa on his room. Just chilling, and not caring about the silly expressions his system is portraying right before his eyes.

'Blob, did 'Father' already approved of the Heroine's Plans to him?'

With that, Pappion is immediately slapped out of his evil thoughts returning him to Earth.

'Reporting! Host, The Duke has already approved and look quite impressed of the Original's ideas that has been stolen by the Bit~ I, ah ,mean, the Heroine and seem to be putting it into action right now, And based on their conversation, they will be doing the plan for the irrigation system for the Farmers,Host. And then comes next is the Learning System and Orphanage for the children'

Quintlian put those words into thought. 'So she is planing to do the irrigation system first? Hmm. A nice move that leads her to the path of her demise. I guess we are able to make our move once they have finish it...Oh, and by the way,Blob. Why don't they have a learning system for the common children? I mean, at their age they must have to learn a thing or two'

'Hmm, it is because of their magic constitution, Host. Only nobles and the people who are in top requires such education so that they can train their brain, magic and power and also be able to contribute to the kingdom' And with that, the pink blob once again came back to its previous thought about all the other torture methods and those people who are much suitable with it.

Left by Pappion's response,Quintlian was shocked at first but after realizing what time and era he's at right now, it really makes sense. Hah. a time where position and greatness matters most than anything than those who actually has potential, where the nobles and aristocrats can just step on some people's chance or much less dreams.

Wait, but how did the Original actually thought of all this wonderful ideas and where did he actually get them in the first place? Doesn't he have a weak magic constitution? So that does mean that they didn't educated him about all the things he must know.

'Blob, how did the Original came up about all of these if he isn't acquired proper education because of his lack of power?'

And again, our System came back up to Earth from hell.

' Oh, you mean all the ideas from the journal? Well, the Original Quintlian actually found a hole that leads to the family's library and since he isn't allowed to go there because of his standing, he really must sneak in order to just attain knowledge.....WAAAHH, HOST WHY IS THE ORIGINAL SO PITIFUL!?' And because of the Blob's grievance, it immediately turned into a lavender shade and zoomed to Quintlian's hair where it continued to sob uncontrollably making Quintlian rub his temples in headache.

He grabbed the blob and faces it towards him in which he suddenly grabbed the Blob on both sides and stretcheeeeeddd it.


Hey you wonderful gays...I'm back
So please tune in because on the next chapter, there's going to be a sabotage plan about the idea that will be set foot. So Love you guys salamat!

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