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I came home from work, ready to follow my very unbusy routine before bed.

I love my job honestly, but it could get stressful sometimes, having to live in California with great population and all. A lot of people don't think that a surgeon would have a lot on their plate, but trust me in LA, anything is possible. Yes I don't operate on people every single day, but it could really get ugly, heavens know what these people do with themselves.

I could have chosen to become a medical doctor, but common who am I kidding? I don't connect easily with that many people and doing that required a lot of connection and for someone who has only three friends and only one sibling, human relation wasn't so easy. I really don't know how I am married to be honest.

Getting married was always the last thing on my list. Yes, I had a bucket list, if you must think about it. I wouldn't really call it a bucket list though. It was more of a life to-do list, basically everything I wanted to do before I left this world.

I never put love first in anything. I was always just down for sex. I didn't believe love even existed. Well, that was probably because my parents are divorced. They didn't fight or anything, they just sort of fell out of love, at least that's what I was told.

My whole life was about thinking about the future. I didn't really like surprises, so I would always set out a plan and try my best to follow it. So yes, the last thing on my mind was marriage or anything close to true love. It never worked for all I know.

My life was basically all I made it to be. Well what I planned for it to be. I graduated top of my class from Avalon University School of Medicine California. Basically all my life is in California. A job was not hard to get. My love life is a complete joke. Well, until I met him. Tyrell Ryder. I kind of love his last name a lot more than his first name.

Tyrell and I met at a bar. If I'm being completely honest, I didn't think anything serious will come out of that. Of us.. How many happy endings actually begin in a bar? I was not a very spontaneous person anyways. He was different. Good. Actually too good if you ask me.

Although I never believed in love for a fucking second, I never thought I could score as high as a model. For the longest time I've thought models were very snobby and all, but Tyrell was nothing like that. He was my exact opposite. Almost like he never thought about anything. He does a lot more than he thinks. Very spontaneous if you ask me. Well I realized that was kind of a rich people thing, not having a lot to think about. He was carefree and always believed in living a day like it was the last.

The night at the bar was quite entertaining if I must say. He did try buying me a drink like he was meaning to bribe me into talking to him or something. I honestly felt like he was trying to annoy me or something because I was just not in the mood that day. He laughed when I vexed and vexed when I laughed. I never believed that opposites could attract that much.

For someone stupid rich as he is, I don't know how he puts up with me. Even I know I can be a handful. A lot of people call me rude, but I really feel like if you aren't at least mean, a lot of people will walk over you and the worst part of it is that you can't do shit about it.

Our love story wasn't as lovey-dovey anyways. I always felt like he was always trying to piss me off for some reason. As we kept meeting, he just came off less annoying than usual and to my greatest surprise, we had things in common. A lot of things in common actually.

As scary as it was to admit it. I loved him and he loved me back, thankfully.
I don't know how I was going to take it if the person I finally loved truly didn't feel the same. That would have been sad.

He finally popped the big question after a year of dating. It was soon and a tidbit scary given that any sort of long-term commitment scared the living fuck out of me. But with him and as much as I hate to say it, that hot 6'3 feet tall piece of cake, everything seemed like it was going to be okay. I did love him. This extremely annoying man I met at the bar. I said yes.

Now this would seem like the end of a normal love story, trust me I thought so too, but I figured it was kinda just the beginning.

Buckle up guys... This is my first book on wattpad. Please continue reading. I'll be updating as soon as I can.
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