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Hey guys, so I know this book promised a lot more than just a married couple, but trust me it's getting better.


I was done with all I had to deal with for the day and I had barely 10 minutes till my shift was over. I was at the doctor's lounge talking with Lena when Dean and Carter walked in. I guess they just wrapped up with a patient or something. They were sort of a team, they always performed surgeries together. "How's the patient?" That was all I could ask.

They sat in the chair close to the one I  was sitting in. "She's okay..." Carter paused. "Well she will be."

Dean looked up at me after drinking a cup of water. "That lump was fucking nasty," He cussed with a hint of disgust in his Express. It was definitely a minor breast cancer, I don't know why that happens often.

"Breast cancer?" I didn't want to put it all on my assumption. I just had to ask.

"Yeah," Carter confirmed before glancing at his watch. "Why are you still here?" I heard him ask me and I just knew why he asked me that. Usually, well, since I got married, I was always the last to come in for work and the first to leave. And sometimes, very few times, Tyrell picked me up from work. Now, because of the drastic changes that has happened in our marriage, going home early was kind of pointless. I mean, I'll just be all alone in a mansion with two middle-aged housekeepers, yes I liked them, but I needed to be with people my age.

"What do you want her to do?" Dean replied Carter almost instantly. "Go home to meet that boring husband of hers?" There he goes again with that goofy smile on his face.

"Models aren't boring Dean, you're jealous." Lena laughed. "You just can't take that there's someone out there hotter than you." That must have stung his ego somehow. Dean praising himself about his looks is just typical. I don't think there's a day that has actually gone by without him doing that. Feels like goddamn Micheal B. Jordan.

Dean repeated what Lena said, trying to make some sort of failed impression of her saying it and that just seemed to crack everyone up.

Staying with these guys is really cool if I must say. It's always a really fun time and they tend to be a pretty good distraction. They really get me and the only one I've had such understanding with is Tyrell. He gets me a lot. Well, he used to.

Although they're my closest friends, they had no idea how much of a bore my marriage has become and I wasn't one to talk about my relationships anyways. Probably because I was never in any serious one before Tyrell. Besides, if I tell them it's not like anything will change or get better, they'll just overreact. Especially Dean.

I was in no haste to go home. I even wished my shift was longer, with less things to do though. But I should really get going, because staying longer with these people will make me talk about my problems and I really didn't want to do that, nor was I even ready to talk about it. It's not a major problem, I hope.

Lena walked up to me with her bag in her hands. Kind of like we planned to go somewhere. "Let's go to my house," she sort of proposed. I didn't really say anything, but thank God she asked because as much as they know, I always go home to enjoy my husband's company, but my most recent reality was that that was a lie. "I'm not taking no for an answer," she said again.

"I wasn't going to say no," I let out. I really wasn't, besides Lena and I haven't hung out in a while. I haven't hung out with any of them lately, good thing my birthday's coming.

Lena turned over to the guys. "What are you two going to be doing?" They didn't really seem like they had anything planned. Dean may have something in mind, but I bet Carter was just going home to enjoy his company. He loved being responsible and he wasn't the outgoing type. Lena, Dean and I are basically his social life.

Carter didn't really have an answer to that question, but Dean on the other hand was quick to reply. "I don't know about him, but I'm going to the club." That made us all look at him, I bet everyone had questions that we're about to spill on him.

"We have to come in early in the morning," Carter said to Dean instantly.

"Nigga wants to get his ass fired," I added. Clubs here would go on till Dawn and we all know Dean was not one to leave a club early.

Dean still had this unconvinced look on his face. Clearly not bothered by our comments. "What's the worst that could happen?" That sounded rhetorical, but we still had things to say.

"You lose your job dumbass," Lena said out with a tone higher than all of ours that just seemed to cracked us up. We stopped trying to change Dean's mind, because he wasn't one to listen and the annoying thing was that his luck never ran out. Everything worked out for him.

Well the day was all wrapped up, so we all left, ready to come the next day and do it all over again.

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