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Shout out to StephanieCarlie
This chapter is dedicated to her. ILY.


I sat in my office while my assistant was reminding me about the fashion show I had to attend. No, I'm not going to be working the runway, but it was my fashion brand and I had a new clothing line I wanted to release. I couldn't possibly work the runway in my own fashion show. Besides in my modelling career, I did a lot more photoshoots and videos than I did fashion shows.

Well, the fashion show was scheduled on Saturday night and I still had five days to tell Chanelle to get ready for it. On the bright side, we'll be together for like two hours.

I glanced at my watch to see the time because I knew I had a meeting with our rival company. In a lot of movies, rival companies were always the bad ones, but our rival company is actually pretty good, they record really good capital and the current CEO of the company has been a really good friend of mine for a really long time.  They meant no harm. I saw them as less of a rival, because honestly it was just healthy competition.

My clothing lines are just part of my fashion and modelling. My family is into real estate and building development, more of architecture. So no, time was definitely not what I had to offer.

I heard my assistant say something. I think it was, "uhm sir, you have a meeting now." I wasted no further time in going for the dialogue, because I couldn't keep them all waiting. If it was just the CEO and I, it would have been way too informal, but some investors were going to be present, so we had to keep it professional.

After what felt like 20hours of composure and professionalism, the meeting was finally over. Kyle and I spoke for a short while. Our conversations were not usually short, but he was a CEO, he had a lot more in his schedule than just one meeting and I could relate perfectly to that.

I walked straight into my office to relax before whatever it is I had next on my schedule came up. "Henry, I'm hungry" I really was and I had a whole hour to rest up, so why not take advantage of it.

"What would you like to have for lunch sir?" He asked with that same washed up smile he always had. I wonder why he keeps asking when I always order the same thing almost everyday.

"The usual," the coldness in my voice never failing. Yes I was a boss, I wasn't an inconsiderate one, but I always kept things at a very professional level. I had little or no business with the people who worked for me. My conversations with them was only about giving raises or firing, but most times it was about raises. I have the bests working for me. The closest staff I has was my assistant.

Henry left and returned with my steak and salad after few minutes. "Thank you. You may leave now." I dismissed him for the time being.

All these formalities needs some getting used to. Sometimes, I miss when I could be so carefree about everything. Being just a hot supermodel was really cool, except for the complete publicity on every single thing I did. I did love my supporters, but sometimes I needed my privacy and the paparazzi just didn't seem to get it. I was so carefree about everything, I always made headlines for recklessness and nonchalance. Maybe my dad retiring wasn't the worst thing to happen, at least I learnt to take on responsibility.

I was a very slow eater, so eating took up nearly 40minutes out of the hour I had to relax. I was sort of already tired of work, but I've barely done half the things in my schedule for today, so I really needed to put this 20minutes I had left in good use.

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