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I was in my room, frustratingly staring at the ceiling. I called in sick yesterday because I couldn't get myself together for work and I was ready to call in sick the next day if I had to. I've been in this room for days and honestly, I wasn't close to being ready to get out. At that point, I felt so pale, I didn't need a mirror to tell me I looked like trash. Resting my mind was unless I cried myself to sleep. I was disoriented in every way possible.

Thankfully, I had my friends with me. Lena checks up on me like every five minutes.. Dean and Carter come by every single day and all they know is that 'it's over' nothing more, nothing less.

Shortly, I heard a knock on my door. "Come in Lena."

She came in and sat on my bed.. "we have visitors." I saw Dean and Carter walk in. I sat upwards, trying to produce a smile coz I did appreciate their care.

"We bought you Ice cream." Dean tried to brighten my mood. I did love ice cream anyways.. besides, this was a good time for it.

"What flavor is it?" I had to know. It better not be strawberry.

"Cookies and cream." Carter said with a smile. They must be really happy they got me to eat something.

"With caramel topping," Dean completed. Thank God it wasn't sprinkles, I did like sprinkles, but it doesn't always sit right in my belly and I really love caramel.

"I'll have it." I stretched out my hands and took it from them. "You guys are the best." They really were and as it was, I felt like I had the best friends in the world.

I sat there, slowly eating my ice cream while they tried to say things to cheer me up. Then I heard the doorbell, we all did.

"Are you expecting someone?" I heard Carter ask Lena the question which I bet was on all our minds.

"No." She looked as confused as the rest of us, then she went down to get the door.

I kept eating my ice cream while listening to Dean and Carter talk, trying not to think about that night, but plan of mine backfired as usual.

After few minutes, Lena came back to the room, still standing by the door. "Chan, it's for you." I heard her say while opening the door wider. It was Ty. Did I really want to see him? Was I ready for this? Why is he here though? Why did she bring him up here? How does he even know I'm here?

I was just on the bed, staring at him. I couldn't get myself to say anything. I could'nt even get my thoughts together, I sort of froze.

But then I noticed Tyrell looked as terrible as I felt. Why did he look so pale? He was the one who didn't want me. The fuck is he here for? "Elle, I can leave if you need more time." He said, sounding sorry as ever. That finally made me blink, coz I froze out on them.

"Yeah, I think you should do that." I heard Dean say from one side of the bed.

I dropped my ice cream on the drawer close by with no intention of going back to it. My appetite was all locked up again. "Dean, it's fine." I sniffled. "Could you guys please give us a moment?"

After glaring at me for a while, they started heading to the door. " We'll be close by if you need us." Carter said as they were leaving.

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