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I glared at him as he answered that phone call. I know he had to and it was kind of selfish to tell him to ignore it, but common right now? What was so important that it had to be now? There was no mirror close by, but I could tell I looked frustrated.

The call ended eventually, with the look on his face, I don't think the call went well. I still didn't want to talk to him though. "What's up?" I just had to ask.

He looked up at me. "It's fine." He didn't look like he wanted to discuss it any further and honestly, neither did I. "Are you okay?" Yes. Yes I am Ryder. I'm bursting with joy..

With what just happened, I'd be lying if I say yes. "Yes," and I lied. He probably knew it was a lie though, but he said nothing... Neither did I.

We finally approached the gated community his family lived in. Thank God we were almost there, coz it was starting to get awkward in the car.

The driver pulled up in his parent's driveway. I glanced at the time in the car... Boy we're fucking late. I got out of the car and put a smile on my face, I was going to meet my second family anyways.

When we came close enough to the door, Tyrell placed his hand on the security device for his prints to get scanned. It's been a while since I came here, I forgot Ginger was a tech genius.

We walked right in after Tyrell's prints unlocked the door. We walked hand in had passed the short hallway before the living room and his mom was quick to notice our presence. She quickly pulled Tyrell into an embrace, I wasn't the one in the hug, but I could tell it was warm and satisfying. She held me in an embrace as well, but it last, she pulled out quickly and gave me a slight kiss on my left cheek.

I greeted my father in-law. He wasn't one to talk much, but I could tell he was a very brilliant man.

Ginger came in later from the basement, that was where most her creations begin. She had a really wide imagination. She rushed over to me, totally ignoring Tyrell who stood right in front of me. She and Tyrell always acted like they hated each other, typical sibling relationship.

"I'm surprised your security features still works." Tyrell tried to spite her and honestly, I wouldn't do that if I were him, because Ginger was like a ticking time bomb.

Ginger smiled ironically. "I can't be a failure too, that's your job." She said casually. I tried my best to hold in my laughter, but it escaped my mouth. Thank God it wasn't loud.

Tyrell looked right at me as he heard me laugh. "You're on her side now?" I didn't reply to that, I just laughed it off.

Tyrell and I spent 2 hours at his parents place before heading back. It was quite fun for me. His family was really entertaining. They were really nice to me, they always were. I expected them to not accept to be with their son because I wasn't fancy enough, but I realized I needed to start watching better television.

The ride back home was shorter. We didn't even talk much. We were both tired anyways, it's past 11pm.. then it came to me. I was turning 29 in less than an hour. Tyrell better not forget this. Well, I had bigger problems, I was sleepy as hell and my bed wasn't near. I felt my eyes giving up on me and yes, I dozed resting the side of my body by the car door.

My sleep came to a halt when I heard Tyrell say.. "Elle, we're home." I gave a slight smile when I heard him call me 'Elle', it's been a while. I was sleepy as hell, so my joy was short-lived.

We both wasted no time getting out of the car. I could tell he was tired too He walked behind me, probably waiting to catch me if I fall because I felt myself stagger a bit. I walked slowly through the entrance door, still trying to coordinate my eyesight, then I felt Tyrell pick me up in his arms. He was definitely tired of watching me walk like a toddler. It was quite comfortable in his arms. I relaxed in, leaning closer and trying to hold on.

I heard him open the door to our room and closing it after he entered. He dropped me gently on the side of the bed, where I laid every night. I still had to take a shower and have a change of clothes, lucky me..

Tyrell already got into the shower, I really don't know how he's not as tired as I am right now.. well I wasn't really tired, just sleepy. Very sleepy.

I laid there in bed, trying to summon the last strength in me to get the fuck up of the bed and that is a very hard thing to do when you are tired.

I finally got up when I saw Tyrell leave the bathroom. I just knew I had to go take a shower, if not for anything, at least to get this makeup off my face. So, I went into the bathroom.

I got out of the bathroom. I rushed everything. I bet I spent at most 5 minutes there. I felt surprisingly good afterwards and ready for a goodnight rest.

I came conscious. I finally opened my eyes after I realized I wasn't going to get more sleep. I was turned left. Tyrell wasn't next to me. I saw him knotting his tie in the closet like I did every morning. I yawned silently and immediately had my regrets.. my mouth smelled like garbage. "You're leaving?" I asked my usual morning question.

He turned his head to me, walking out of the closet. All his attention drawn to me. "I hoped you'd wake up." When he got close enough, he pecked my lips. "Happy birthday Elle." And that pretty much was it

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