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I was at Mrs Black's office coz I was 30 minutes late. She scrutinized me, scanning from my hair down to my shoes, probably in search of words to classify my tardiness.

She looked so cold.. like I was about to get fired or something. "What happened?" Was all I heard come out of her.

I looked down, not trying to meet her eyes.. shit's way too intimidating. "It was all my fault." I honestly didn't have a professional excuse for being tardy and I knew better than blaming it on the traffic.  "It'll never happen again, I'm sorry." I tried my best to turn my anger into remorse.

I heard her inhale. "It better not happen again, because the next time it does, you're fired." She said that sounding so plain and cold.

"I'm sorry." That was pretty much what was left to say.

She didn't even seem like she was done talking.. she still had her lips parted like she wanted to say more. "You won't be handling the neurosurgery on Saturday." What? Did I just hear what I thought I did?

My jaw dropped, literally. She can't do that, I've always wanted this. "What?" Was all I could come up with.

"You're off the brain surgery because it's scheduled at 8am and as it is, I can't trust you to be here in time." I felt like I was right back where I started here. She didn't trust me with anything anymore. "Now please leave." I wasted no time in doing that. I was vexed.

I took the elevator down to the doctor's lounge. "Did she yell?" I heard Lena ask.

I rolled my eyes, still trying to bring myself to say something.. this was just a surprise to me. I've never slacked a day in my life. "Nope."

Dean came over and sat right in front of me with that goofy smile of his and I just wasn't having it. "Not now." I shook my head.

He still laughed it off.. was everything a joke to this dude? "So you're angry huh?" I didn't reply that. Was he trying to get me even more pissed or something?

Today seemed to go by really quickly an thank God for that because I had a terrible day. Happy Thanksgiving to me..

I sat on my bed, going through Instagram, what else could I possibly do? I did hate that half the reason for my social media fame was because I was married to Tyrell, but I could do very little about that. It's not like I could stop people from following me. I got a call from Tyrell. I picked it up reluctantly, coz I really didn't want to talk to him. "What?" I said.

"Good day madam." Urgh.. Henry again. It was Thanksgiving day, so I sure as hell knew why he was calling.

"Yes my shift is over and I have dinner scheduled, I know."

I heard him say an "okay" before I ended the call. No matter how vexed I was, I had to make up a smile, coz I had to go to my in-laws for dinner tonight.

I just finished taking a shower, all I had to do was get dressed and put a little makeup on.

I walked into the closet.. trying to find what to wear. My current predicament was staring at a bunch of dresses and still having nothing to wear.

I looked at the black dress that laid in the end of one of the  line of dresses I had.. It still had the label on it and it was perfect, so I took it out of the hanger. The dress was settled, I just had to do my makeup now.

I looked at the luxury clock that hung from the wall.. Tyrell will be here soon. My makeup doesn't take time anyways. I just need to fill in my brows, put on some foundation and my red lipstick.. it'll go great with my dress.

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