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This is my tenth chapter guysss...
Thank you all for reading... ILY❤️


After getting my dad something I knew he'd love as a present, I headed home to pick Chanelle up for dinner. I hope she got ready in time.

The driver pulled up right in front of the porch as usual. I went in to get her. I walked into the living room. There she sat looking beautiful as ever. The red dress she had on was simple and beautiful at the same time, it really outlined those curves of hers. The hands of the dress were off her shoulders and clasped around her arm. The natural curls on her hair shone under the lighting in the living room, perfectly slicked back into a low puff. Her only accessories were a really simple necklace with a tiny pendant, our wedding ring and a bracelet. It's been a long while since I've seen her all dressed up like this. I never really had the time to take her out like I used to anymore. Was I gazing? I think I stared too long.

She stood up from the chair. "Uhm.. I'm ready." She sounded alluring as ever. Okay, I stared too long. I still was. She started walking towards me to take my hand and just as she got close, my phone rang, it was Ginger. I curse the day I let her have my number. What annoying coincidence was that?

"Where are you?" I heard her say with that annoyingly rude tone of hers which got me even more vexed.

"The fuck you want now?" I cussed in my usual tone, just a little bit cold. She really had bad timing.

"Where are you?" She repeated, I checked the time and we were already running late.

You and I know I wasn't about to tell her where I actually was. Where we actually were. "We're ten minutes away." I lied. My parent's house was like thirty minutes away from mine and with the traffic I saw while coming back from work, getting there would take a while and we haven't even left the house yet.

The first five minutes on the way was super quiet. There was enough room in the car and the space between the both of us was a little too much. Her lips parted, kind of like she wanted to say something. I really didn't want her to go back to the argument we had this morning. I did tell her we were going to talk about it when I got back from work. "How was work today?" Well that was very unexpected.

It was stressful. Awful. Boring. Quite annoying. Too businessy... "It was.. fine." I muttered to her hearing. "Actually, it was annoyingly stressful," I let out.

She smiled. "My job isn't always very stressful, but I get it." She was supportive.

I smiled at her understanding. "How was today for you?" Maybe this dinner wasn't a bad thing. I finally got a chance to actually talk to my wife.

She seemed happy so I guess something good happened today. "I was told I have neurosurgery on Saturday." I was happy that she was happy, but was she really all bubbly because she'll be opening up a person's head? Was that not supposed to creep her out? Yeah, she did mention how she's always wanted to operate on a person's head when we were dating, which got me a little scared by the way.. but I didn't think she'll be this happy about it.

Well, I just smiled along, it was the right thing to do. "I'm happy for you," was all I could say. Then a lightbulb came on in my head... Did she say Saturday? "Wait, it's during the day right?" I had to know because my showcase was by 7pm.

"Yeah, why?"

This seemed like the perfect time to tell her about the fashion show on Saturday. "I'm releasing a new clothing line and the showcase is on Saturday and you're coming with me." There was no room for negotiation. It's not like she would've say yes if I asked.

"No, uhm I just realized the surgery will be later-"

"Stop, you're coming." I could tell she was lying. She didn't have late shifts anymore.

I watched the smile on her face fade away. She really didn't like attending fashion shows. "Do I really have to-"

I cut her off immediately. "Yes, you do." I was plain with that. I watched her lips contort into pout. She wanted to use the cute face on me and I sure as hell wasn't falling for it. She never liked the shows because she didn't fit in according to her. She said it was for the rich and fancy.

"But the last time-"

"That won't happen again," I cut her off for the third time. The last time she attended a fashion showcase with me, it didn't go as I planned. She got shaded real bad by the media. They just couldn't get it in their heads that I wasn't dating a supermodel and to crown it all, my ex acted so childish. "Besides it's my show."

"Are you sure?"

"It'll be fine," I promised. "It's strictly under invitations anyways." I assured her. She rolled her eyes, but this eye roll was sexy for some reason , but I knew I convinced her. "When will you stop rolling your eyes at me?" I loved it when she rolled her eyes at me like that. And just when I said that, she did it again. "You enjoy being naughty don't you?"

That look on her face was the mixture of sexy and feisty. "Come here." She sounded really sexy. God, she needed to stop that.

I bridged the space between us. Her eyes locked in mine and I was about to take her lips in mine. Just then, I heard my phone ring. What nonsense was actually wrong with people this night? Can I not have my wife in peace for just one minute.

She looked at me with an expression I couldn't quite read, probably disappointment. "Ignore it," She said in the calmest way possible.

It was Mr Dubois... The fuck he want now? I thought I settled everything already. "I can't." I really couldn't. He wouldn't be calling if it wasn't important.

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