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Four days after I was painfully rejected.. I was still as torn as I was the first day it happened. I watched her breakdown completely in tears, that image has been in my head since that day. What have I done? How could I tell her she made everything hard for me when she's the best thing that has ever happened to me. All I did now was think about her, at this point, I'll give up anything to have her back.

She probably haven't been to work, nor does she even want to, that's why I called her boss to give her some days off. Thank God I had a lot of connections, besides after all I said to her, it's the least I could do. Not a day has gone by without me asking Lena how she was doing.

I couldn't think straight anymore, I could swear that I was slowly losing my shit. I was going insane, I couldn't take it anymore, so I got up from my bed and grabbed a coat from the dressing room. I rushed down, got in my car and sped off like I was in some race.

After barely ten minutes of getting fined and getting caught by the street cameras, I finally got to Lena's. I walked straight to the door and rang the bell.

"How's Elle doing?" I asked when Lena opened the door eventually.

She shook her head for a second there. "She's a total mess." That made me feel even worse.

I came in and quickly went up to her. I knocked on the door and came in after some seconds without hearing a response, then turned on the lights coz it was pretty dark in there.

"What are you doing here?" When she said that, I didn't reply honestly.. her appearance took my whole attention. I looked at her with a lot of worry and frustration. She looked different in a terrible way.

"My God." That was a surprise even to me, that just came out. What is she doing to herself? The eye bags, the obvious loss of weight. She clearly have not been eating right.

"Go away." I heard her say.

I wasn't going to leave, not this time. I needed her. "I'm not going anywhere." Even if I wanted to, definitely not like this. She looks sick. "Elle, what are you doing?" I walked towards her. I felt terrible I caused this, she has to find a way to forgive me because I'm not leaving without her. I can't.

"What do you want?" She didn't seem like she wanted to listen to anything I wanted to say, so this could take a while.

"Listen to me please." I couldn't possibly let her go.

"What more do you have to say? You didn't mean it? You're sorry?" she's sort of had it with me, but I was far from giving up. I needed her.

I sat next to her on the bed and she sat upwards, but didn't fight me off. Perhaps she wanted to listen to me, who knows? "Remember our wedding night, when I promised not to let you go no matter what?"

She rolled her eyes when she heard me say that. "You already broke that promise." She did have a point.

"I did." I was taking full responsibility, I was a douche. "And I completely regret it."

"So?" She looked like she needed more convincing and I was ready to stay here all night if I had to.

"So, I see that I've not been the best husband. I only had you in my free time, when I should have been making time for you-" I paused. "Actually, I'm the worst."

She nodded when I said that. "Exactly." She finally smiled.. the smile quickly vanished, but I know I saw it and I returned the smile immediately. At this point, I'd take anything I get. "Don't fucking smile when I smile you fool. Still doesn't change the fact that you broke me." I could tell she was loosening up, thank God.

"If it makes you feel any better, I broke me too." I sighed.

Channelle looked right into my eyes. Her deep brown eyes piercing mine. Regardless of her tire appearance, she was beautiful and I loved this woman right in front of me.

"Look, Ty... I haven't been the best wife either. I guess I wasn't thinking about you. I was selfish and I didn't even think about the hell you'd be going through working two jobs. You were going through a lot and I wasn't there supporting you like I was supposed to and I..."

"That's okay." I didn't even let her finish and honestly, she shouldn't have. "I get it. No matter what I should have given you more of my time. That's on me."

"Elle, you've never made anything hard for me, I've been the one making things hard.. you've been making my life better since day one. From the moment you rejected my drink at that bar, lord you made me go crazy." When I said that last part, she let out a slight laugh. "Look Elle, I don't know how I let everything go this bad.. I honestly-" I didn't know when she bridged the space between us.. she kissed me shut.

Although the kiss was short, I needed it. It felt like oxygen to my lungs... Like something inside me just came awake.

The instant she pulled away, she hit me hard on my chest and it hurt bad. "What was that for?" I was kind of surprised.

"You took long enough." Well, if hitting me made her feel better, then whatever.. I didn't care.

"Ty, from now on, no matter what you choose to do about work, I promise to be supportive." I don't know how she did it, but that brought a smile to my face. What's there not to love about this woman.

"And about work, I'll move up my meetings, I'll hire a manager, anything at all.. I'll make this work." I promised and this time, I wasn't going to break it. I meant every word I said.

"Are you sure?"

"Totally. I'm not about to lose you again." I assured her. "Besides, I've not been to work for like a week now, I don't know how many clients I've lost.." I laughed. "Nor do I care." I honestly didn't, coz for the past week, that was the very least of my problems. "Elle, I love you." She probably already knew that, but I felt like she wanted to hear it and I did mean it. She meant the world to me.

She pulled me into another kiss which took longer than the first one. Then pulled out to say.. "I love you too." That was really great to hear.

I couldn't get enough of her, so I took her lips in mine again. I brought her up so I could put her on top of me. I put my hands on her waist which really felt smaller in my hands. She really hasn't been eating. I pulled out of the kiss midway to give her something she left. "You need to take this back." I was tired of having her ring with me. I slipped it back on her finger, it looked beautiful.

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