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I was out of the shower. I kind of spent a long time in there given that I didn't have anything I had to do afterwards.
Basically everytime I get home from work, I take a long shower, eat and sleep. And the next day I get to do it all over again. I kind of preferred being at work than being at home and as much as I hate to admit it, it was actually true.

Staying home used to be amazing for the first three months out of the seven I've been married. At least then I had my husband to stay home with.

Tyrell has had a whole lot on his plate lately and I get it's hard to balance work and marriage right now, but a part of me kind of wishes he had more time for me. I don't know if that makes me sound selfish, but that's how I feel.

I really don't like having to wait up for him every single day, but I guess I'm kind of getting used to it, not that I want to, but this has been the past four months of my life.

Staying home alone was kind of hard, especially in this one that was literally too big for two people and as it is, we aren't having a kid anytime soon.

At least I had Bob and Millie with me. They were the housekeepers. Tyrell trusts them with everything and to the much I have seen, they're pretty good at what they do. They keep me company when my husband isn't home, but I can't be as selfish as keeping them up all night while waiting for my husband, so I let them go when I feel like they're tired.

I got dressed for the night. It wasn't really much of a stress because I wear very little clothing to bed. I got out of the closet in my usual kind of night gown. I had a lot of them. I swiped on a robe and started heading downstairs with my phone in my hand. My phone is the other thing that keeps me company when Bob and Millie give up on me.

I checked my phone to see if I had any text from Tyrell. He always sends texts anyways, but they always say the same thing. The same apology for being late. A part of me was getting pretty sick of it. Well he hadn't sent, at least not yet. The only information I wanted to get from my phone at that moment was what the damn time was. It was 10:16pm by the way.

I walked into the kitchen to see Millie and Bob talking. They were really good friends, but I really don't understand the middle aged jokes they tell. I get some of them anyways, but they don't sound as funny to me as it does to them and I kind of wonder why. They're like 56 or something and I'm almost 30. Heavens know I'm no teenager.

I walked in and heard Millie say, "Hello madam" yeah, Tyrell made them start calling me that. I don't hate it, but it's really not what I'd love to have people call me. She had this smile that never faded. It wasn't fake though. I really liked Millie and I could tell she really liked me too. I'm always polite anyways.

I only came to grab my dinner and let them go for the day. I didn't really cook much. Tyrell even did more cooking than I ever did. "How are you doing?" I asked both of them.

Bob was always a bubbly man. He almost never got upset. He's always happy for some reason. "We're good as usual" he flashed a smile which I was quick to return.

Millie was walking towards the pot to put out my food. I stopped her before she got too close, I had arms and legs anyways, I could do it. "You really don't have to" I let out when she insisted. She finally gave up when I wasn't giving in.

"It smells wonderful,"I said while my dinner in my hands. Usually it'll already be set up for me in the dining room, but I had to stop them from doing that. I was still getting used to all the fanciness. The luxury and all is still sort of new to me. No, I wasn't poor, I was actually really comfortable, but I was not close to being stupid rich as Tyrell was.

"Thank you madam," I heard Bob say with a laugh. I know he wasn't the one who made me dinner. He just enjoyed talking credit for Millie's great cooking.

We all laughed as I walked out of the kitchen, ready to devour this beauty I had in my hands. Everytime Millie cooked, it was always amazing. She should really sign up for a cooking contest or something.

I was sitting in the dining room, eating and as usual I got the text from Tyrell.. The same old apology and outright bullshit.

First chapter down... Keep going, it gets even better. Please leave your comments and please don't forget to vote each chapter.

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