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My day started off real bad, I really didn't want to talk to Tyrell because I knew it'd result in a fight which it has. We were fighting like fucking teenagers.

He really wasn't getting what I was saying.. what I have been saying and here we are having this dumb fight that always led no where. "Okay, what would you have me quit, my passion or the family business?" Was he really asking me that?

When I say 'make time', I mean I need more time than he gives me, not to quit one of his jobs. "That's not fair and you know it." He couldn't possibly make me do that.

He was quick to notice the change in my facial expression. I really hated that I was emotional around him. I didn't cry though, I never really did.. just really few times. His question just seemed to sting. "I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry."

His apology didn't make me feel better till like several seconds later. "I gotta get going." As usual, these fights led no where.

I was about to leave, but he held me back again. "We still need to talk though." Of course we did, but were all our problems going to be solved? I really don't want to waste any more time on this issue. Was he going to always come 2 hours later than he was told?

"What actually happened yesterday?" Maybe it did hurt a bit. I really wanted him to tell me what caused so much delay. Besides, I was always quick to forgive anyways.

He had me sit down with him on the bed "Okay, honestly, I was trying to buy you a clothing line. It was supposed to be your birthday present." He remembered, I honestly cannot believe he remembered. I told him I wanted a brand named after me on our first date. I thought he had forgotten it.

If that was all it was, I forgive him. "You shouldn't have gone through all that trouble." He really shouldn't have.

"The problem was that the meeting took a while before it began.. and in the end.." he paused for a bit. "I didn't end up buying the line anyways. So that was really useless, I'm sorry." I watched him say that with all hopelessness in his voice.

I smiled regardless. "Don't fucking apologize to me, that was really sweet." I appreciated that gesture anyways. I wasn't happy his plan didn't work, but I loved that he was that sweet. That was a really beautiful thing to do.

"So you're not mad anymore yeah?"

"I'm good." I really was. I didn't really mind that the offer was declined. Having him was gift enough.

"Okay, good coz you kind of scared me when you were yelling." I rolled my eyes at that. I always get to him when I roll my eyes the way I did.

I let him pull me closer, but we were seated on the bed, I wasn't really satisfied with that, so I brought my weight up and sat on his lap, my hands on that hard chest of his. I missed this. My legs wrapped around his waist while his hands trailed down to grab my ass. His eyes moved from my eyes, down to my lips. "We're both going to be tardy if you keep doing that." He sounded so sexy and he didn't even have a shirt on.

I was probably already late, so I swallowed the slight lump in my throat, ready to take on any questioning, coz as it is now, he was the only thing in my head. "Who really cares?" I asked, sounding unconcerned, biting on my lower lip and I know he finds that really hard to resist.

One of his hands traced up to my face. Those dark hazel eyes he possessed gazing, absorbing all my facial features.

He pulled me closer and I let him. Now we were as close as physically possible. His eyes burned with that fiery desire I missed. Just then, I knew I had him. I leaned in halfway before I felt his hand gently pull my face close to his, causing our lips to meet. Finally!

I let him dominate the kiss. All I did was make my lips move in sync with his. I moved slowly against him, more like grinding on him, I remember how much control that made him lose. I felt him trace from up my thighs to my ass, then slid his hands under my shirt, resting them on my waist and holding me in place. I could tell he desperately wanted to feel my skin.

He broke the kiss midway, those beautiful eyes searched mine for a split second before taking my lips back in a kiss. He nibbled on both my lips, giving each of them equal attention.

Feeling his hands on every inch of my body only left me breathless. I only wanted to feel him closer, but it turns out collided bodies was the limit. This wasn't any kiss at all, it was way deeper. I only yearned for more and it seemed like he was only ready to give it to me.

I felt him lift my shirt, but he stopped midway. That goddamn stupid phone of his. I felt like my whole brain went from a 100 to 0 in just one second.

Yayy!! They finally had a make out sesh..

Will Tyrell take the call though, or will they finally make love??

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