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I woke up to see Tyrell getting dressed for work. "Good morning," he said to me from the other side of the room, not even turning his head to my direction.

"You're up early," was all I could say. It didn't surprise me anyways. It was typical Tyrell Ryder to come home late and leave for work early in the morning. Well it was 7am anyways and my shift begins at 8am, so I too needed to be up.

He started knotting his tie. "Today is going to be busy," he said, still focused on what he was doing. "And I have a late shoot, so please try not to wait up for me."

"As usual," that was more of my reflexes speaking, because I didn't even know when I said that, nor did I know I said it out loud, but that was probably the thing I would have said in that moment.

He finally turned to my direction, walking towards me. He was probably done getting dressed for work anyways. When he got close enough, he left a kiss on my forehead, which made me sigh. Initially, it was cute, but lately that's all I get. "Don't wait up for me," he said again sort of wanting me to promise him that I won't.

"Yeah, whatever" was all I could say. He should get going already. I needed to get dressed for work anyways because unlike him, I wasn't my own boss, I still worked under someone.

He stared at me for a short while, but gave up when nothing he tried made me smile, besides any smile I give at that moment would probably be fake.

When he walked out the door, I walked into the bathroom to get myself freshened up coz I felt like I smelled like garbage.

My routine before work was pretty easy to follow. All I did was to freshen up, get dressed and leave. There wasn't so much need to have breakfast before leaving, the cafe in the hospital was good anyways and having breakfast before work would just burn up my time.

I got out of the shower and headed to the closet. I didn't take up time in there because what I wore to work didn't require extreme dress up and it sure as hell didn't require extreme makeup. Even my nails were undone, all I did was to apply light nail gel.

When I was satisfied with how I looked, I got out the closet, picked up my bag which I never changed the content and headed downstairs. After saying my daily goodbyes to Bob and Millie, I went out the front door, got into my car which was already started by my husband's Chauffeur, well mine now. I sat in the driver's seat and had him dismissed.

The chauffer didn't do much for me given that I basically always go to work and I really didn't need him for that. There was no way in hell I was going to have him take me to work and wait for me for the 10 hours I worked. Tyrell would have wanted it that way, but I didn't like it. I didn't want it.

After driving approximately 20 minutes, well it's supposed to be 10, but for a busy road in Los Angeles, I was lucky enough to even make it in 20 and not 35 or something.

After paying for a ticket in the underground car lot, I pulled up in the parking space. It's quite sad that a hospital is this populated, but that was how my money was made, so I didn't really mind.. With really good workers like me, we record really low death rates anyways.

I took an elevator up to the ground floor and took another one to the doctors' lounge, well the floor with the doctors' lounge.

"Always the last to come in," I heard Carter say as I stepped in. Remember when I said I had only three friends? Carter was one of them. The only white dude in our friend group and the oldest. He was 30.

"Don't even," I said to Carter, not ready for further arguments. I dropped my bag in my cubicle. I only had one surgery scheduled for today, so my day wasn't going to be as stressful, unless my boss decides to surprise me. She enjoys doing that for some reason quite unknown to me.

"Good morning to you too Sunshine," Dean said in his extremely goofy voice. He was never serious about anything. Always a joker. He was same age as me, 28.

I rose my head to have a better look at him with nothing but annoyance written all over my face. "You enjoy goofing off don't you?" I still gave him the look.

He did nothing but to laugh off my question. "Did baby Tyrell do anything to annoy my queen this morning?" He said with that same goofy smile not departing from his face. I bet he didn't want an answer to that, nor was I even going to give an answer to that.

"Boy shut your ass up," Lena said laughing at Dean's clownery. She walked up to me and gave me a quite relaxing hug. She was my best friend and the youngest in the group. I suppose that's it. These are my three closest friends.

The hospital sure as hell had a lot more than just four Doctors, and yes I talk to other ones, but these three are the ones who get me the most. Yes Dean was never serious and always comes off as a clown, he's a really good person if you think about it.

Thanks for reading guys... I love y'all so much❤️ Please keep voting...

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