Idea #6: RWBY Armored Adventures

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          Tony Stark from the, Armored Adventures, series is helping his friend Pepper upgrade her armor when they, along with the armory, are warped over to the world of Remnant by yours truly.

          When they come to they find themselves de-aged to be 14 years of age and emitting a mysterious energy (spoilers, it's aura) that seems to make Tony's Extremis stronger. This is going to play into how they (Tony specifically) learn the written language. (For those who haven't watched Armored Adventures, it takes Tony Stark and puts him in highschool.)

          As opposed to most crossovers which have the characters attend Beacon, I found it more fitting for them to be in Atlas. Ironwood takes a great interest in Tony due to his technological prowess, and the technology he brought with him, specifically his armor and the fact that he doesn't need to use dust as a power source for his devices. (For those of you who don't watch RWBY, dust is the main power source in their world. Having such advanced technology that doesn't need it is a huge deal.) It's here where the two of them end up meeting Penny and being put on her team.

          Adding Ciel Soleil and making Tony the leader would make them team APPS, (I originally intended for it to be pronounced "apples" but seeing it in writing. It just fits as "apps".) with Tony as the leader. Furthermore, he would  re-found "Stark Solutions," in Remnant as an additional way to fund the building and repairing of his Iron Man armors, much like he did in the show.

          Next up, Naruto x Dragon Prince.

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