Idea #9: Zero's "Normal" Familiar

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          This story is a crossover between Familiar of Zero and Kirby. For those of you who have any knowledge of Familiar of Zero, you know what the premise is.

          Instead of Saito, Louise summons Kirby as her familiar. Since Kirby isn't human and looks more like how one would imagine a familiar would be, Louise isn't immediately made fun of by the rest of her peers. The only person to laugh would be Kirche because of Louise's boasting the day before, but it will quickly give way to her (along with most of the female population) gushing over Kirby's natural cuteness.

          Given that Kirby is beloved by almost every girl in the school, and isn't humanoid, I highly doubt that Guiche would challenge him to a duel. However, I do think he would vow to get him back for exposing him and for being more popular with girls than he is. On the other hand, I can see this leading to Montmorency and Louise becoming a bit closer since Kirby's good deeds would be lead back to Louise.

          I imagine Louise finds out about Kirby's inhale ability pretty quickly, like as soon as he starts eating. Afterwards, she'll probably find out about his copy ability when she takes Kirby to test his power in the forest. He'll probably inhale a bunch of leaves to become Leaf Kirby. After that, she'll probably discover crash Kirby after he inhales a failed spell. One thing's for sure, the familiar exhibition will be very entertaining.

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