The Bow Hero

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          Picking candidates to be the Bow Hero was rather tricky. I don't know that many characters who use a bow or seem like they could use one as their primary weapon. Of course, whether or not they can use a bow doesn't really matter as much as their sense of justice. Looking at it from that lens allowed me to find a few candidates that were to my liking. They are as follows:

Joker (Persona 5): The gun-slinging leader of the phantom thieves of hearts. If you're looking for someone with a strong sense of justice, look no further than Akira Kurusu. If I were to write a fanfic with him as the bow hero, I think I would give him access to the metaverse again. Having him stealing people's hearts like he did back in his world would be a pretty ironic turn of events since it's basically a more effective version of what Itsuki did. And since the shield hero multiverse has an evil god of its own in the form of Medea it would be fitting.

          After finding out he can enter the metaverse again, it wouldn't take him that long to figure out that Malty has a palace. The hard part would be finding out the code words. But by then, he will already be suspicious of others. He'll likely come across the pope's palace once he starts suspecting the church. Once that happens, it's only a matter of time until things start unraveling for the enemies.

Shinra Kusakabe (Fire Force): I feel he would be the most sympathetic to Naofumi's plight. Having, himself, been persecuted for something he didn't do, he would probably be the most willing to hear Naofumi's side of the story. Not that it would help, (that "trial" was rigged from the start) but having at least one person who believes in him would probably make Naofumi's day.

          With his 3rd generation powers, he can always attack from above and move around much better that Itsuki could. Plus, he'll be able to defend himself from up close. If we're talking about his qualifications though, anyone who's watched fire force knows about his dream to be a hero. Especially given how vocal he is about it. Speaking of aspiring heroes.

Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia): Ninth user of One-for-All, next number one hero, and personal savior of at least two children from scary psychotic villains. If anyone deserves to wield the Legendary Bow that seeks out justice, it's him. With the power of One-for-All, he would be able to make up for his weapon's lack of close range ability, even if he's alone.

          As for how this would affect the story. Deku isn't so dense that he wouldn't notice the king's dislike for the shield hero. He would probably ask him about that at the tail end of their initial meeting. It would probably be along the lines of "Um, you highness. I have to ask. Why, exactly do you seem to dislike Iwatani-san?" Obviously, the king would deny it, but Deku would still have his suspicions and the Three heroes church wouldn't help.

Green Arrow (DC)/Hawkeye (Marvel): They are bow wielding superheroes, I do not have to explain this.

Tasuku Ryuenji (Future Card Buddyfight): Known as the Buddy Police boy wonder, Tasuku is one of the characters most vocal about their pursuit of justice while, at the same time, managing to actually be a good person. One of the advantages of Tasuku being the bow hero would be the fact that his Buddy Jackknife Dragon will be coming along as well. While this could pose a problem with filolials being genetically coded to despise all dragons, having a partner to help him will greatly benefit Tasuku, especially when investigating the king and Myne.

          Tasuku is not a man who will blindly declare someone guilty without evidence. Even if he believes Malty at first, he will immediately be put off by the lack of investigation into Naofumi's supposed "crime." He would probably jump to Naofumi's defence whenever he's faced with unfair treatment. Which will be often.

          Between his buddy skill, the future force, and jack's various powers, Tasuku will have no problem in battle. Jack likely has the ability to travel back to his world whenever he wants but he won't be able to do the same for the other heroes including Tasuku because of their weapons and his sense of responsibility will prevent him from just leaving. However, with Jack acting as a messenger, Tasuku should be able to, somewhat, remain in contact with his friends. He might even be able to bring some of his friends to the world he's in. That should be exciting.

          Anyway that was about all I could think of, and I intend to keep the other lists to about five entries unless many characters catch my eye.

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