The Spear Hero

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          Before I start, I'd like to apologize for going dark this week. I had to undergo oral surgery on Monday and the drugs they used to put me under were both physically, and spiritually, taxing. Initial recovery on Tuesday, constantly drinking water and going to the bathroom on Wednesday, bedridden due to stomach and vomiting on Thursday, and recovering from THAT on Friday. It was terrible. But you're not here to read excuses. Let's talk about the five people more worthy of being the spear hero.

(Fairy Tail): Now, you may be wondering why I didn't list a specific character. Well, the Legendary Spear searches for people who are loyal and value their friends. If you're still confused, then you clearly haven't watched Fairy Tail before. Pretty much every member of the Fairy Tail guild fits the bill here and especially the main characters. If I had to pick, though, I'd like for it to be Erza Scarlet. With her enormous arsenal of weapons, she would be able too make full use of the spear's weapon copy system. She would probably be of great help to the other heroes as well in this regard, lending them her weapons so they could copy them and gain their powers.

          Erza also has experience with other worlds due too her adventure in Edolas. Speaking of which, her Edolas counterpart, Erza Knightwalker would also make a good backup candidate seeing as her main weapon in the anime/manga just so happens to be a shape-shifting spear. It would be so fitting.

          That being said, so many characters in that show would be a perfect fit that anyone could be chosen. Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Elfman, even Laxus could make a good backup candidate. In Natsu's case, seeing him interact with Filo would be a sight to behold. Would Their natural instincts make them hate each other, or would Filo come to adore him due to his magic literally being designed to kill dragons. In Lucy's case, her more animal like spirit would probably get along well with Naofumi leading to the two being good friends. You could find good reasons to bring any of them.

Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto): In a show that emphasizes the importance of bonds, what better pick than the main character. The man is so loyal to his friends that he spent years trying to bring Sasuke back to Konoha, even when everyone else gave up on him. I would list more examples but there are so many I don't know where to start.

          His prowess in battle is plain to see as well. As Death Battle is so quickly too point out, his chakra was enough to blow a hole in the moon. Between that and his various abilities, his power would be vastly superior to that of the other heroes. As someone who was persecuted as a child, he would probably be able to empathize with Naofumi's plight and get along great with Raphtalia. There's not much else too say. Guy's loyal to his friends and would make a great spear hero.

Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece): When someone has the balls too declare war on an entire government just for the sake of saving a friend, you can safely say that they are the best friend someone could have. Even If he's an idiotic, childish, gluttonous, reckless, gullible, fool who has no interest in being a hero. He is still one of the best fits for the Legendary Spear. And given that the bar we have to clear is Motoyasu, Luffy doesn't have to be THAT big of an improvement.

Yugi, Judai, or Yusei (Yugioh): As ridiculous as it sounds for me to include characters from a card game anime, the main characters do indeed value their allies quite a bit within these shows. Yugi grows as a person because of the friendships he made since finding the millennium puzzle. Judai grows a close bond with his duel spirts including but not limited too Neos, Kuriboh, and Yubel. And Yusei's bonds with his friends are a running theme throughout the show.

Mile (Didn't I say to Make my Abilities Average in the Next Life?!): You probably guessed it based on the needlessly long name, but Mile is the main character on an Isekai light novel. Her greatest desire is to have friends she can hang out with. In her old world she had great looks and was outstanding academically. As a result she was put on a pedestal and didn;t have many friends growing up. It was for that reason that she wished for her abilities to be average when she was isekaied. However, god decided to comply with her request as maliciously as possible. All of her abilities are about half that of the strongest of Ancient dragons. And with her superior knowledge of how the world's magic system works, and about science in general, her magic is about three times stronger than it would normally be.

          In the world she was brought too, magic is produced by a group of Nano-machines that are evenly spread throughout the world. They receive signals from the thoughts of living beings and use them to simulate magic. They're programmed to multiply until they reach a certain density in any given area, so if any happen to travel with Mile to the world of Rising of the Shield hero, you can expect a whole lot of shenanigans to ensue with the advent of a new type of magic spreading faster than Covid. And if the Legendary Weapons have the ability too absorb them, things could get even more interesting.

          It's unlikely that Mile would be able too change the outcome of the trial. Not because she's be fooled just as easily as Motoyasu (lord knows that's a tough feat), but because, she would likely be kept in the dark about the whole thing. Despite being 18 in her old world, her reincarnation is only 12-13 years old. What kind of monster would justify letting someone that young hear someone talk about a crime that serious. Even if the king felt she was old enough, Ren and Itsuki would not allow it. She probably wouldn't be invited to the trial and would only hear about it much later.

          There is so much content here that I could go on and on, but that would take too long. Anyway, that's about it. I could have just filled the list with characters from Fairy Tail, but I decided to make things a bit more difficult just to prove a point. Despite how big a role he plays, Motoyasu is not a good hero. you could take every non villain character in any Isekai anime and put them on a wheel of fortune, and whoever the wheel lands on would still likely make a better hero than Motoyasu... provided said character isn't Kouki Amanogawa.

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