Superior Heroes

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          Fun fact: Motoyasu, Ren, and Itsuki, are canonically the "backup-candidates" for the legendary weapons. They were only chosen because the spirits that reside in their weapons often have difficulty summoning their first-choice candidates. Which means, in an ironic twist of fate, Naofumi, the one labeled as the weakest hero at the start of the journey, is the only one of the four heroes who was actually supposed to be there. In fact, one of the tell tale signs of this is that backup candidates usually died before being summoned.

           I felt it appropriate to say this because, for the next few chapters, I will be listing fictional characters that I believe would have made better candidates for each of the legendary weapons. Of course, some of these characters would probably be relegated to being backup candidates due to certain personality flaws. But they would still be better than what we got.

          I will not be assigning one person per weapon, this isn't my ideal lineup of heroes for the job. I'll leave that to the commenters. This is a list of people who I think would be qualified to be chosen by the weapons. Each weapon will have their own chapter listing characters who I think would make better candidates, main or backup, to be their wielders.

          Some ground rules, though. The characters chosen can have powers prior to being summoned. Itsuki actually came from a world like this where superpowers were real, and even has one himself which is basically an aimbot that allows his shots to always his their mark. However, the character in question cannot be so powerful as to be broken right from the start. Quick rule of thumb. If the character has the power to destroy the planet and/or break the rules of reality without the use of any special weapons or technology, (Son Goku, Wally West, Anos Voldigoad etc.) they're probably too strong.

          Of course, this doesn't apply to people whose powers come from their weapons or tools (Shulk, Ben 10, Hal Jordan etc.). However, if said item can be classified as a weapon, their weapon must match their legendary weapon so they can make use of the weapon copy system.

          That being said. If the character comes from a fantasy world that already has the concept of stats and levels, their power level wont matter because, according to the established rules of the shield hero multiverse, when you go to a new world, your level in that world is reset while in said world. So anyone from a fantasy world with stats will be reset to level 1.

          While not mandatory, I would prefer that the heroes have some way of knowing that Malty is full of shit when she makes the accusation. For example, when I suggested that Shulk be the sword hero in a previous suggestion, I mentioned that his future vision would allow him to see Myne's betrayal before it happens. Though, again this isn't mandatory and mainly comes from me wanting to give Naofumi a break.

          I'll post my picks a soon as I get around to it.

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