Chapter 5. Fate Told Me

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Muspelheim was hot and desolate like it always was. And it wasn't the way that they were expecting as a warm welcome. Thor, the Warrior's Three, Sif nd Loki were battling the fire demons. With fire trolls charging towards them, Thor easily thwarted them with mjolnir, Sif sliced them down and the Warriors Three working their great feats of strength and strategy. Loki was able to keep pace as well with his sorcery and his quick tactics and speed with his blades. But the fire trolls, fire dragons and jinn coming in larger crowds and throngs it was starting to come in heavier waves. Yet Thor found this as great joy and adventure. But that all changed when Volstagg got hit by one of the Jinn who had swiped him with a volcanic rock like dagger that the Jinn had made. Fandral stabbed the Jinn down and helped Volstagg to his feet.

"Thor, we have to go!" Fandral called out.

But Thor paid no attention and had continued his fighting. But his soon his attention went to his friends as Fandral and Volstagg were being bombarded by the Fire Trolls and it was becoming overwhelming , but managable. But it would only take a short time till they were overcome by the fire creatures. They were soon surrounded and the demons and monsters who were all laughing and chuckling, at the ready to take down the warriors of Asguard.

"Heimdall! Get us out of here!" Thor called out.

But what they got was not what any of them expected. Nothing. Not yet. But a blast of light came from behind the demons and fire creatures. The fire creatures turned to where the light flashed and soon they were soaring through the air. A white stag and bowled its way through the crowds and transformed to reveal Astrid. Her outfit was more for fighting than the usual long skirts and capes. Fitting light grey slacks, a white and silver tunic with fur shoulder pads and her circlet had lost their silver chains and moonstones. She held her staff and stood in front of Thor and the others.

"What are you doing here?!" Thor asked, but still kept his guard from the fire creatures.

"Fate told me to be here." Astrid replied and pulled out a dagger from her sleeve and stabbed one of the Fire Trolls between the eyes.

She looked over to Loki and winked at him. If he wasn't smitten with her, he was now. Her way around daggers and blades just made him more infatuated with Astrid. The Jinn had had charged along with some Fire Trolls. Thor, Sif and Hogun charged with force while Astrid and Loki stayed close with Volstagg and Fandral. Both were swift and quick with their daggers and staff. Both looked at one another and Astrid couldn't help but feel the same feeling back when they first met. Loki smiled back at her but threw two daggers between her and stabbed to trolls with ease. She looked over and grabbed the daggers from the trolls throats and Loki came over and the two hurried back to the rest of the group. Surrounded once again, Astrid looked up to the skies and bellowed out.

"Heimdall! We need to leave, now!!"

Everyone stayed close together. Loki pulled Astrid close to his side. The portal opened and transported them out of Muspelheim. It wasn't long till they were back to Asguard and taking Volstagg to the healing room. Loki kept Astrid by his side while they all hurried to the healing room. Heimdall watched them all and made eye contact with Astrid to which both nodded and Heimdall went back to his post. As they made it to the castle, Odin was awaiting them and let Volstagg and Fandral head to the healing room. He raised a hand to the remainder of the group and and gestured them to follow him. As they made their way to the throne room, Odin turned to them and pointed to Astrid.

"She waits here. The rest of you, come." Odin ordered.

Loki looked at Astrid and pressed his lips against her temple and whispered into her ear. "I'm not going to have you banished." And with that, Thor, Sif, Loki and Hogun followed Odin into the thrown room.

Odin sat on his thrown with his staff in hand and faced his two sons and two of Asguards greatest warriors. It wasn't long till Loki began to walk over to the steps, but Odin raised a hand and looked over the four.

"I know she wasn't summoned, but I still hold true to my word as he being banished from Asguard. So why did she come back?" Odin asked.

Thor was the first to speak. "Father, she helped us from the fire creatures and Jinn. If anything, we owe her our lives."

"Father, Astrid is not what you think she is. She is more of an asset than anything of being a guardian." Loki started. "Please, father. Release her banishment to Asguard and we can make an allegiance with her."

After an hour, the doors opened to reveal Sif, then Hogun followed by Thor and lastly Loki who walked over to Astrid and quickly embraced her and kept a rather blank expression. The guards looked over to Loki who took her spot where she waited and watched the guards walk her into the throne room where Odin awaited her. As they walked through the long hall and son she bowed low and looked over at him. With a loud thud of his staff, the guards saluted and left them alone. When the sound of the doors closed, Odin took a deep breath and closed his eye and looked upon her.

"My son Loki has grown very fond of you and have spoken very highly of you just a moment ago. And my warriors praised of your feats. Tell me, why did you save my sons and warriors?" Odin asked.

"Fate told me to be there." Astrid stated simply.

"You saw something that made you go there." Odin replied.

Astrid hummed and nodded. "That I did. If they didn't have my help, they could have been injured worse than what happened to Volstagg."

"I see..." Odin stroked his beard. "Well, I am willing to make a proposition with you." He stood up and began to take the steps down the stair to the floor where Astrid stood. "I will relenquish your banishment first off. Second, I want you to stay not just because my son Loki is infatuated by you, but that you can be of help for us once again."

"How so?" She asked.

"Stay by my son's side. Be a voice of reason for him. He will listen to you and my wife. And you seem to keep him more at peace." Odin proclaimed and was finally on the same level as Astrid who crossed her arms.

"And what makes you think I'll agree?" She said with a smirk.

Odin chuckled and whispered into her ear. "Because you are Asguardian, and I know that you care about my son."

Astrid side glared at him and knew he was right. She glanced down and sighed. He had her under his thumb once again. But she did have feelings for his son. Glancing over to him, she spun on her heels and headed out to leave the throne room.

"So we have an agreement?" Odin asked, knowing the answer.

"On one accord. You cannot wed me away and I can leave freely when need be." Astrid turned and walked backwards.

"Fine. Welcome back home, Lady Astrid." Odin smiled, knowing that he won.

"Glad to be back, your highness." Astrid bowed and with that she left the throne room and Odin.

Once out, she saw Loki slow his pacing and see Astrid standing there with a somber look. A sign of defeat flashed across his face but Astrid smiled and walked over to him and placed a hand on his cheek making Loki look deep into her eyes. She couldn't help but press her forehead against his, making his eyes close to embrace this moment that would be his last. Little did he know she was pulling him along.

"I am no longer banished and I am your compeer which means..." Astrid dragged, making Loki growl in slight frustration but smirk at her antics.

"I like companion better than compeer." He chuckled and walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close so he could lean his forehead against her own.

Astrid smiled and leaned her forehead against his. It was better than never seeing him again. And now that she could stay on Asguard and be by Loki's side, it would be less lonely than guarding the Nine Realms by herself. But she knew she would have to stay on her toes with the God of Mischief as he has a track record of causing trouble in some shape or form.

Guardian (Loki x Original Character)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant