Chapter 16. The Death of a Queen and the Rise of Vengeance

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A couple days pass and Thor had brought Jane, a mortal, to Asguard due to having the Aether inside her and causing destruction from its sheer power. Astrid had met the woman and couldn't really state as to why Thor fell in love with her, but then she began to recollect as she had fallen for the God of Mischief and now felon of Asguard. Astrid only observed from afar and began to envy Thor and Jane's relationship even though there were moments where she sensed Jane's slight distrust towards the God of Thunder as he failed to see her during the Battle of New York. Though a bit selfish in Astrid's mind, Astrid admired how Jane relished the knowledge and history of Asguard and them as a people. But during her time in Asguard, a planned attack thanks to Malekith and Algrim ensued as prisoners were being broken out of thanks to a Kursed Algrim and Malekith was attacking from above. Astrid and Frigga took place in their warrior outfits and Astrid stood ready to protect Frigga and Jane.

Malekith had found them and both Astrid and Frigga were ready to defend Asguard and Jane with their lives. Malekith took notice of Astrid and smirked. "The White Stag protecting the Aether. How charming."

"And the Nine Realms. Stand down, Malekith." Astrid growled as she pulled out her short swords and took a fighting stance.

"Astrid, protect Jane. I will take care of this creature." Frigga ordered.

"But my queen!?" Astrid retorted.

"Now is not the time to argue!" Frigga replied sharply and loked over to Malekith who waited for the right time to strike.

And his wish came true as Frigga who was quick on her feet and her skills better than the King of the Dark Elves himself was able to disarm him. But it was short lived as Algrim, now Kursed trapped Frigga. Astrid had Jane someplace safe and teleported herself back to Frigga's side only to have Malekith stab her in the stomach and twisted his sword to deepen the injury. Puling his sword out of her body, Astrid collapsed to the ground and could only watch as Frigga was murdered by Malekith. Thor soon arrived to see both Astrid and Frigga. Frigga dead and Astrid fately wounded. With sheer rage, Thor shot a large lightening blast and hit Malekith in his face. Burnt in half, Malekith and Algrim retreated to regroup. Thor ran to his now deceased mother and felt that he failed. He called for the guards that were still alive and then made his way to Astrid who wass bleeding out.

"Astrid, stay with me." Thor said as he carefully lifted her in his arms.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry." Astrid whimpered as she was now being taken to the healers.

Jane had made her way back to see Astrid being taken to the healers by Thor. Jane stayed close to Thor as they got to the healers and laid Astrid down so the healers could begin. Astrid looked at Jane and knew that she was able to keep her safe. But she failed to keep the queen safe. Thor watched intensley as Astrid was healing, but knew that he had to attend the funeral for his mother. As he was about to leave, Astrid grasped his hand making him look at her.

"Please, don't tell him..." Astrid pleaded softly.

Thor knealt down and nodded. "You have my word."

As he and Jane left, Jane had to ask. "Who was she talking about? Thor, who doesn't she want to know that she almost got killed?!"

But Thor did not respond as he had to get ready for the funeral. Now was not the time to answer questions, he was in deep anger, loss, remourse, and sadness. The funeral, beautiful but sad. Asguard was mourning the loss of their beloved queen. Astrid could feel the entire realm mourn and cry. A sudden outburst made her gasp slightly. Loki had just found out his mother's death. She closed her eyes as she was still healing and could only wish that she was with him and comfort him in his grief and rage.

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