Chapter 11. Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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"Yeah, you can start talking and telling me where the hell did you come from?" The man stated making Astrid raise a brow but smirk.

"My, what language. Does your mother know that you speak so foul?" Astrid jested with a mischievous smirk.

"I am not here to play games. If you don't tell me where you came from, then I will have to take you into custody." The man replied.

Astrid looked around and saw a couple of men draw closer to her with their guns at the ready. She slowly raised her hands in surrender and the man raised a hand to stop his men from advancing. Looking at each one, she raised a brow and tilted her head in a quizzical fashion. She soon bowed low and slowly rised and had a confident look in her face.

"I am looking for someone important." Astrid stated.

"Funny, so are we." The man added.

Astrid closed her eyes and began to shapeshift right in front of them, making them all grow tense except for the man with the eye patch. She had shifted herself into Loki himself and looked up at them all before shifting back to her original self. The man with the eye patch crossed his own arms and put two and two together. She and Loki were from the same place Thor was. At least that was his theory.

"How do you know Loki, ma'am?" The one eyed man asked.

"Let's just say we're close. Why do you ask?" Astrid replied.

"Because your 'close friend' killed my men and destroyed our facility." The guy stated makming Astrid doubt his word, but the vision that Frigga showed her of Loki. He had changed, and not for the better.

Astrid dropped her gaze for a moment. Should she betray Loki to try and save him, or let him go and do something horrible to Midguard. She had to try and help Loki come back to Asguard, but she had her sworn duty as Guardian of the Nine Realms as well. She looked over to the man and knelt down to the ground in an Asguardian salute. Her outfit changed into her battle attire and she looked up at the man who was surprised a little.

"I am Lady Astrid, Guardian of the Nine Realms and the White Stag. Let me help you find the God of Mischief and help you protect your world." Astrid declared.

A woman walked over to the man with the eye patch and whispered. "Director Fury, we don't know if she is working with that mad man or not? How can we trust her?"

Astrid looked between the two and stood up and quickly walked over to the two to which the woman reacted and pulled out her gun at Astrid who didn't even flinch, but instead looked around her and then to Fury who nodded. He raised his hand to make his men and women yield. Maria Hill hesitated, but soon followed suit. Astrid nodded as well and looked at fury dead in the eye.

"You have breave warriors." Astrid commented.

"And you have balls." Fury noted. He turned and began to walk away. "If you know this Loki dude, then tell me all that you know about him. He has the Tesseract and he's taken some of my best men under his control."

Astrid followed Fury to a Quinjet and ducked down so she wouldn't hit her head. The Tesseract, in Loki's possession. Fury offered her a seat, but she politely declined and stood next to him as they took off from the island. Astrid looked at the director and began to observe and analyze the situation. The fate of so many made it hard for her to focus and see what would be happening in the next couple of days, but one thing was for sure, Loki's motives had changed towards humanity.

"How did he get the Tesseract?" Astrid asked.

Fury looked over to her. "We had the Tesseract in our posession to tap into it's power and find a way to get free energy for the entire world."

Astrid rolled her eyes and shook her head. "You shouldn't toy with objects that you have no understanding of, Nick Fury. The Tesseract is not to be taken lightly."

Fury raised a brow and turned to face her fully. He clasped his hands behind his back. "And what are you trying to imply, Ms. Astrid?"

"What I am implying is that it is not yours to use or keep. It belongs in Asguard where it can be safe and looked after." Astrid stated.

"I see. Well, since you have such vast knowledge of the Tesseract then you should know why Loki is needing it." Fury said to which Astrid shook her head.

"If I knew why, then I would have gone to him directly and be able to stop him myself. But I don't. I am willing to give you my service under one condition." Astrid said as she finally took a seat.

"Depends on the condition." Fury sat across from her.

Astrid nodded and crossed a leg over her other. "You let me find Loki on my own. No spies, no one following. If you so choose to, I will find out and not help. I am here for my own issues with Loki. Issues that is none of your concern before you ask. So, do we have a deal?"

"How can I trust you'rer not one of his goonies?" Fury then asked earning a smirk from Astrid.

"You're more observant than most men in your level of power. Very well then. I will return with information that I have found about him if I find him. But no harm comes to him." Astrid added and stood up.

Fury watched her head to the loading bay as she opened the door and saw nothing but darkness. He stood up as she turned to face him and smiled. Fury was not happy to be working with another being from another world, but he had to develop a team to help with this situation. She bowed low and smiled.

"Till we meet again. I'll find you soon, Director Fury." And with that, Astrid jumped out of the Quinjet and vanished into the night.

Fury closed the bay door and sighed. What has he gotten himself into? As they soon landed on the Helicarrier, Maria followed alongside Fury as they made their way inside. They soon made it to the cockpit and central control where Fury stood at the main circle and looked over his men who were working diligently to find Loki.

"Why did you let her go, Director?" Maria asked.

"Because she knows more about what is happening here than we do. I trust that she will be ea good asset to the team and possibly find a way to pull this Loki character out from the shadows that he's hiding in." Fury replied.

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