Chapter 9. Mournful Memories

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Word of Loki's death spread quickly and the entire family was mourning his death. Astrid had been appointed as adviser to both Odin and Thor to which she was honored, but had lost her spirit when she could no longer feel or sense Loki's presence. Thor explained what had happened and became her new companion and close friend. But he couldn't fill the void that Loki fulfilled. She would retire to Loki's chambers to feel a sense of closure, but fall into a deep depression as she played memories and created illusions of him and his interactions with her before he showed his true colors.

She laid across the bed and watched an illusion of Loki who sat in one of his arm chairs and was reading a book. He glanced up from his book to see Astrid who was watching him with a longing stare. With a small smirk, he closed his book and stood up. He slicked his hair back and began to lazily walk towards the bed. Astrid laid on her back and closed her eyes as he drew closer. He knelt down and leaned close so he could be able to whisper in her ear.

"We should go someplace. Anywhere you want. You and I alone and just spend a week together." Loki smiled making Astrid smile and look up into his emerald eyes.

He chuckled and leaned down to press his lips against her forehead, but there was no warm touch of his lips on her skin as the illusion faded away. Her chest ached and she blinked away the tears that tried to surface and fall. But there was a sudden knock at the door, making her sit up. Now was not the time to have guests and she wasn't wanting any company. But it also wasn't the time to mourn alone either. She rolled off the bed and grabbed her sheer wrap and wrapped it around her shoulders and around her long gown that covered her feet.

"Who's there?" She called out and tightened her wrap around her.

"It is I."

Astrid sighed. It was Thor.

"You may enter." Astrid called out.

Thor carefully opened the door and peeked in to see Astrid standing in the middle of the room giving him approval to enter and not catching her in the middle of changing her clothes. He walked in and closed the door behind him and he approached her and gave her a small smile.

"How are you feeling, Lady Astrid?" Thor asked as he looked around his brothers room.

Astrid lowered her gaze. She hardly was around Thor and to her, he was a complete stranger. But he was Loki's brother and now she was his adviser. It was a hard pill to swallow. Not having someone who you have had been around for so many years, now missing. Astrid walked over to Thor and laid her forehead against his chest. Thick beads of tears rolled down her cheeks and onto his armor. Thor wrapped his arms around her and held her close. He knew how close his brother and her were. He knew she mourned as did his family and himself.

"I wish I could bring him back, Thor... I'm sorry..." Astrid sobbed quietly.

"Do not be sorry. My brother would not want to see you cry." Thor reassured her and pulled back just enough to tilt her head up so they would meet eye to eye. "As he had told me one night after an adventure that you're beauty can never be tarnished, not even by your own tears." He wiped her tears away with his thumbs.

Although he was trying to cheer her up and to help her remember in a positive light, Astrid sobbed and held Thor close as her heart was now gone with the man she had fallen in love with. Thor helped her to the bed and both sat down with Astrid crying and Thor being the support she desperately needed. For what felt like hours Astrid had finally cried herself to sleep. Thor had laid her down carefully in Loki's bed and tucked her in. He took one last look around the room and looked back down at her and noticed she was creating an illusion for herself as comfort. It was Loki, clad in a loose white shirt holding Astrid close and asleep with her as well. Thor sighed and looked at them one last time before leaving the room to allow Astrid to get some sleep.

Seeing a glimpse as to how close his brother and Astrid had become made Thor angry towards his brother, but sadden that what time Loki had with Astrid seemed short lived now. He had to make things right by Astrid. Although he was no where's near to Loki's standards, Thor was going to be more than willing to work along side Astrid and take heed of her word when she spoke. Now he was blessed with the White Stag and guardian of the Nine Realms. Now he had to be a king.

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