Chapter 12. New Faces, New Mission, Same Feelings

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A couple days passed and Astrid had no clues as to where Loki could be or what could have happened. So she reached out to Fury who gave her coordinates to where the Quinjet that had Steve Rogers and Agent Phil Coulson aboard. She quickly made it on time on the day that they were leaving and waved at Coulson who was surprised to see an extra person coming aboard.

"May I help you, ma'am?" Coulson asked as he stopped her from entering the Quinjet.

"I was ordered to come aboard by Director Fury. I assume that he notified you that you would have an extra passenger on board. My name is Astrid." She smiled.

Coulson looked her over and remembered that she wore a much different outfit before than what she was wearing currently. Instead of her dress or the warrior outfit, she was wearing a pair of light colored jeans, a loose boho like blouse that was a light cream color and a tan cardigan. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she wore a simple silver circlet and sneakers. With a nod, he escorted her in where Steve looked over and nodded over to Astrid and gave a polite smile and extended a hand out to her.

"Hello, I'm Captain Steve Rogers." Astrid looked at him and smiled and shook his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you captain. My name is Astrid." Steve nodded and looked over to Coulson who gave the pilot the okay to take off.

Astrid took a seat in one of the chairs and closed her eyes as she was trying to see what was in store for the near future. Although foggy and unpredictable, she could conclude that they werre going to getting to Loki soon. How though was still a mystery. Steve looked over to Astrid and then to Coulson and nodded as they flew to the Helecarrier that was in the ocean for the time being. It didn't take long till they arrived on the carrier and were met with an assassin named Natasha Romanoff and a scientist by the name Bruce Banner. As they were all escorted inside and the carrier ship turning into a Helecarrier, Astrid and the others were greeted by Fury and Maria.

"I see you got my coordinates, Ms. Astrid." Fury spoke, making Astrid smile and nod.

"I did. Thank you for letting come aboard." She looked over and sighed softly as she knew she was going to be questioned.

"Have you found anything?" Fury finally asked.

"Sadly I have not. He is not wanting to be found." Astrid stated.

"What do you mean by that?" Steve asked as he heard her.

Astrid looked over and smiled a little. "As you know, captain that he has taken something of high value and Director Fury has asked me to help with this adventure."

"I wouldn't call it an adventure per say, Ms. Astrid." Fury corrected her.

"How do you know this fella?" Steve asked as he walked over to her as did Natasha and Bruce.

Astrid looked at them all and sighed once again. "I am a Guardian of all the Nine Realms in the universe. I stay on Asguard, one of the Realms in the universe, as did Loki until he somehow ended up here on Midguard. Or as you all call it, Earth." She explained.

"So what are you, some alien or a celestial being?" Bruce asked now.

"In a sense, yes. We have the same anatomy as you humans do, but we live much longer than your kind and in the end protect your world and eight others." Astrid added.

Before anymore questions could be asked, a signal went off making everyone turn their attention to the agent who was working behind the screen. "Sir, we have a positive match of him. He's in Stuttgart, Germany."

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