Chapter 10. Hidden Truths

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It had been a year since the Bifrost Bridge was destroyed and Loki gone, Astrid was sitting to the wayside while Thor was training with the Warrior's Three. It was a repetitive schedule that she had grown accustomed to since she was now under Thor's and Odin's command. It wasn't bad as she became more of an adviser and counselor than a companion, but was welcomed warmly towards the entire royal family. Astrid and Frigga grew especially close as they not only cared and loved Loki, but they also knew the art of magic and sorcery. Frigga took Astrid under her teachings to learn sorcery that Astrid had never thought of such as making an illusion of herself and having it planted in another room, area, or realm all together. It was nice to be welcomed into the royal family and accepted as part of Asguard instead of being a celestial being that she was before. Though there were days where she was used to see the realms fate and what could be happening in the Nine Realms, she was glad to be on Asguard than any other realm that she looked over.

"You shouldn't stare."

Astrid came to and saw Thor smiling down at her and chuckling. She scoffed and bowed slightly before straightening up.

"My apologies, your highness, I was recollecting our previous discussion about the Bifrost Bridge and how the remaining realms were." Astrid replied as they both walked to the palace.

Thor nodded as they walked side by side. The two had became rather good friends and worked well together in negotiations and discussions. But there were days when they would but heads as his more brutish actions would outweigh her voice of reasoning. All together, they worked smoothly in their own unique way. So much so that rumors of them becoming King and Queen spread like wild fire to which both quickly denied it with everyone who asked. Although those fleeting moments of want had bubbled in Astrid's mind, she stayed grounded and level headed. She was not going to let another man make her distracted. Or hurt.

As the two made their way through the halls, a royal guard walked over to Astrid and bowed in respect. "Lady Astrid, the queen wishes to see you in the throne room."

Astrid nodded and hurried to the throne room while Thor went his separate way to his chambers. Astrid was confused, there were no lessons till next week with Frigga. She quickly ran to the throne room and entered to only see Frigga standing at the foot of the stairs. Astrid bowed down respectfully and looked over to Frigga with great urgency.

"You summoned me, my queen?" Astrid asked to which Firgga nodded.

"Yes. I have seen something that I have been keeping away from my family and I want you to be the first to know." Frigga stated as she grasped Astrids hands in her own. "Loki still lives."

Astrid raised a brow and smiled a sympathetic smile and shook her head. "My queen, if Loki were alive he would have made it back to Asguard somehow."

Frigga gave a slight scowl and with her own powers began to show Astrid where he is. On Midguard, with many humans under some sort of spell working in a tunnel system. Her vision then came to a quiet area where Loki sat with a scepter. A Chitauri Septer. Astrid could see Loki had a much colder look in his eyes. Then he looked to where she was standing and had to do a double take. As if he saw her. And he did, but only a faint version of her that suddenly vanished right before his eyes. Astrid had to stop Frigga from the vision. She looked over to Frigga who nodded at her in almost a silent approval for her to leave.

"I will let Thor know later. Please, try to reason with Loki." Frigga pleaded.

Astrid smiled and hugged Frigga before shifting to her stag form and galloped out of the palace and vanishing like a shooting star. Making her way to Midguard, better known as Earth on the outskirts of New York City. She had changed back to her human self and back into her long dress and elegant circlet. She looked over to the glittering city that she landed near by and looked over to her left to see Lady Liberty. The sign of freedom for the people after many wars and wars still in suit. Astrid had fancied the mortals as well as the Asguardians for their resiliance and stubborn nature to fight for freedom. But her happy moment was cut short when she heard the many sounds of guns and pistols being cocked back and ready to shoot. She glanced over her shoulder to see many agents aim at her as if she had just threatened the President's life.

One man began to walk over to her making Astrid slowly turn and face the man. She clasped her hands behind her back as the man stopped five feet away from her. With his dark skin and trench coat, his eye glaring her down and she wasn't the least intimidated by the mortal man. Infact, she was more curious as to why they were here.

"May I help you?" Astrid finally asked.

Guardian (Loki x Original Character)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang