Chapter 17. A King Once More

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And yet again, death slained another precious person. Astrid and Thor were mourning once more as Loki had been killed by the Kursed, but Thor knew that he couldn't stay in the state of sadness and depression. He was wanting to go to Midguard and the remaining nine realms to bring peace and become more mature and well balanced for a king. But little did he know that Loki, who disguised himself as Odin, had finally taken the throne once more. He had heard that Astrid was still residing in Asguard and knew that he had to inform her of his return and how he had now become king once more. Guised as Odin once again, he ordered a guard to summon Astrid to meet with him.

Astrid was sitting in the library reading charts as she wanted to forget about the death of Loki. As she looked at the charts of Midguard the guard had walked in making her lift her head up in slight surprise.

"Lady Astrid, Odin wishes to speak with you." The guard stated.

Astrid wanted to question, but she knew not to defy Odin's request. As she rolled up the charts and placed them back where they belong, both she and the guard walked out of the library and headed to the throne room. After arriving, Odin ordered the guard to leave so he can speak privately with Astrid. It wasn't odd as they had spoken alone over the years even after Loki had returned from Midguard after the Battle of New York and was sentenced for life in the dungeons. But this time around, she felt uneasy around the king. He had a glint in his eye that made her feel uncomfotable and almost threatened.

"I understand that you are still mourning over Loki." Odin started as he rose from his throne.

"It is a sad time. The loss of the queen and your son." Astrid replied.

"It is, for Frigga. Loki, not so much." Odin stated in a nonchelaunt fashion, making Astrid glare at him from the corner of her eyes.

"How could you be so cold towards the man you raised and took in as your own. And to use him like a relic that you stowe away in the vault. Because he was Jotun?" Astrid hissed. Annoyed of how Odin never took notice of Loki, now was her time to vent out how she truely felt.

But what she failed to realize was that he was smirking at her words as Odin was not Odin. He walked over to her, making her take a deep breath and felt a cold chill run down her spine. Odin could see how uncomfortable she became as he approached her, now he had to lay it on her just to get the best reaction. Loki knew he was going to earn something painful, but it would be well worth the reaction.

"Tell me, did you and Loki ever think of taking the throne if I was killed?" Odin asked, earning a surprised look from Astrid.

"Why would I?! I have the nine realms I have to tend to." Astrid defended.

"And yet you reside here on Asguard, so really you have neglected your job as guardian of the nine realms." Odin replied.

As Astrid was about to face him fully, only to see him right in front of her making her take a few steps back in shock and saw that he was persuing her. She kept backing away until she hit the wall and was cornered. Odin chuckled and had a lazy grin on his features, making her feel dread in the pit of her stomach.

"You amuse me, my dear. That is why I would like you to be my queen." Odin proclaimed and extended a hand out to her.

Astrid looked at him as if his eye had grown back before making her laugh loudly and shake her head. Still with a confident smirk on his lips, Odin began to walk closer to her.

"And what would make you think I would be your queen, Odin? The day that happens is the day Loki becomes King of Asguard." Astrid said with venom in her voice.

"Well then, I would start counting your blessings my dear." Odin's voice shifted, making her look over and see that Odin's physicanl form was changing as well.

What she saw before her eyes almost made her knees give out. With a devilish smirk and with a sly look in his eyes, he stopped right in front of her with only a couple inches of space between them. Her jaw dropped and she had no idea how to react. Was this her own illusion, or was he really here.

"Hello darling." Loki smiled, but then began to chuckle. "If only you could see your face."


His head was turned to the right as she slapped him across the cheek to make sure that he was really there and not her imagination. Loki moved his jaw and could feel a much deserved red hand print form on his pale cheek.

"I defenatly deserved that." Loki replied. He looked down at her and could see that she was fighting back harsh words and swallowing thickly as the emotions were on overload for her. First the death of Frigga, then his apparent death and now him being alive.

Before he could try and reassure her that she wasn't losing her mind, she cupped his face and ina brash movement mashed her lips against his own. Not much surprised the God of Mischif, but for her actions to kiss him as if their lives depended on it made his mind go blank and respond on insticts. His arms slithered around her waist as he pulled her closer and her hands raking through his raven hair. Their tongues lashed and danced for a moment before they broke apart for air. Loki and Astrid rested their foreheads against one anothers and looked deeply in each others eyes. It wasn't long till Loki began to chuckle and smile and Astrid soon laughed with him as they slowly caught their breath.

"I hate you." She smiled slightly and laid her head on his chest.

"You know you don't have a single bone in your body that hates me." He smiled as he laid his cheek on the top of her head and ran his fingers through her hair.

Astrid pulled back and smiled up at Loki who smirked at her and brought her hand up to his lips to kiss her knuckles. She felt so much happier and lighter as she knew that Loki was alive and with her. But then she had to tell Thor. Her eyes slowly widen and her smile grew wider.

"I must tell Thor. You don't know how ecstatic he will be when he hears that you have not been slained." Astrid bursted with sudden excitement. She began to move to go find Thor, but she was gently pulled back to Loki's arms which made her look up at him confused.

"Thor has left Asguard." Loki said softly.

"Left? Why?!" She asked.

Loki looped her arm with his and began to walk her to the throne. "He is wanting to find himself and bring peace to the Nine Realms. So while he is gone, I will take charge of Asguard. As King."

Astrid and Loki were finally at the top of the stairs and standing right next to the throne. Loki took his seat and smiled at her, making her realize what he had done. He must have been Odin as he was with her and gave Thor a sort of blessing to leave. She shook her head as she looked back to see the entire conversation and looked over to Loki who had a knowing smirk and sat back in the throne in a lazy fashion. Astrid slowly smirked and leaned down and pecked his cheek and patted it gently.

"Clever, but not clever enough." She said as she straightened up making Loki raise a brow and sit up straight once again.

"And why do you say that? I am the rightful king. Besides having to play as Odin, I am the rightful king now of Asguard." Loki proclaimed in a light and airy fashion as he stood up and wrapped his arm around her waist and dipped her low. "And you by my side as my adviser and lover in private, as you would know, we would be unstoppable."

Astrid smiled up at him as his eyes showed desire and lust for her. "And yet you fail to realize that Thor will return sooner rather than later."

"My brother has already made up his mind. So don't fret and enjoy this moment, as my queen." Loki purred and slowly pulled them both up straight.

Astrid rolled her eyes and rested her hands on his shoulders and leaned her forehead against his as he continued to look at her with the firey desire for her. Loki smirked as he sat down and pulled her to his lap. It felt right in all the wrong ways, but he knew that it would be her to make the next moves. He was still determined to have her as his, but he was patient, mostly, with her and her decisions. It was only time till he would finally have her as his own... hopefully.

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