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Going back home to Evelyn was the last thing Harry wanted to do. He wasn't ready to face her or answer her genuine, innocent questions. He could, obviously, dodge them easily with a simple 'had some work' and she'd just flash a smile and give him a shoulder massage. She was just too kind for him. There was a time he was loyal to her, when he truly loved her. He still wants to but the feeling kind of just faded away every time he met Zayn, held his hand, saw him smile, and even kissed him last night. Thankfully, she was sound asleep, her right hand tucked under her cheek and the left hanging off the side of the bed. Guilt pooled, thick and heavy, in the pit of his stomach. He bent down and gently tucked her hand in the duvet, pulling off his shirt afterwards and crawled into the bed.

The strong, bitter coffee collided with his tongue and all his taste buds came to life. It was almost like the coffee had washed away 'his' taste. His lips tingled at the memory and again he could feel how his tongue lingeringly brushed against his and it sent sparks throughout his body. Harry placed the mug on the kitchen island and fished out his phone from his jeans pocket and scrolled through the contact list till the very end. His thumb danced over the screen, not sure if calling him was the right thing. Wouldn't that be too clingy? he thought.

"Morning, sweet cheeks." Evelyn emerged into the kitchen, her tee hung off her shoulder and hair tied up in a messy bun. Her vivid, tranquilizing lilac-blue eyes were the most beguiling things about her and exactly what he'd fallen for, in the first place. Although, now he wasn't very sure.

'It was now or never' he thought. The words, from the speech he prepared last night, seemed to be slipping out of his mind. He knew it wouldn't work anyway.

The uneasiness on his face didn't go unnoticed by her but she let it slide away. She knew something was eating him up on the inside and pushing him would make things ugly. Hence, she decided to give him some space and time and she knew one day he'd tell her everything.  Patience was the key to a successful relationship right?

Evelyn was a free spirited girl who loved the exhilaration that came with uncertainty. She could never ask for more than a cute boyfriend, decent pay and lots of coffee. She always joked about how she'd choose coffee over her darling Harry. She never feared losing her job as a bartender as she flirted with every customer she served, quite adding to her income after the 'quick shag in the bathroom stall'. It was all until that one fateful day, when Harry Edward Styles walked in. Her heart, soul and body only belonged to Harry ever since.

She never cared when the 'overprotective, melodramatic parents' couldn't bear to have a bartender living next door. Harry had asked her to move in with him. She wanted to, but she couldn't leave uni just yet. She wasn't very ambitious but she knew she wanted to study and so she stayed back in the States.

"Um Eve."

"Yeah." she smiled, hoping it would somehow give him the courage to speak up.

"I've been wanting to tell you something." He nervously ran his hands through his hair.

"Sure. Go on, love." the nervousness kind of convinced her that it was finally what she'd been waiting for. He was going to propose to her right?

"I know I should've done this earlier but better late than never right? I mean I don't mean to hurt you or anything. This is all so complicated. I've thought a lot about it and I think it's time I should do it." he blurted out.

"whoa" she chuckled. "Relax. Take deep breaths. I know what you're gonna say and it's completely fine you couldn't do this earlier. I'm really happy you've decided to, you know, give us a chance."

"Wait, what?"

"You're gonna ask me to marry you right?" She didn't really like how it came out and it must have ruined the romantic atmosphere.

"I-" He groaned and sat on the kitchen counter stool, burying his head in his palms.

Yes. She ruined it all. She sometimes wished she shut her mouth and wait for the person to talk. She was always so curious, she never let the person do the talking. But Harry had loved it. Or so she thought.

She carefully walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry, you can continue."

He shook his head and didn't look up as he spoke. "You've made it even more complicated now"

She literally wanted to slap herself for her stupidity.
"It's okay. You can talk to me, Harry. I promise you I won't interrupt this time."

"It's not about you interrupting, Evelyn. It's about how you expect things without considering it's consequences and not thinking twice before you speak." he wanted to take back those words the instant he saw her reaction. He didn't mean it, of course.

She refused to believe that those words came out of his mouth. He was probably stressed out. She would always try to defend him. Her head felt heavy and she was waiting for the moment when he would burst out laughing and scream 'it was a prank baby doll'. Moments passed by and the silence remained the same until Harry finally looked up at her and guilt flashed in his emerald orbs. If only she could understand, things would've been easier, he thought.

He gently took her delicate hands in his and looked into her eyes. He'd never seen hurt in her eyes, screaming, crying, begging for lies because they both  knew the truth would harm her emotionally. He didn't like this too. He'd shared some of the best moments of life with this beautiful angel and he knows how hard and painful it is. But leading on would be worse.

"Evelyn. I've loved you with all my heart. I love your carefree attitude. I love how you flirt with other guys in my presence just to make me jealous. I love to wake up next to you. I love your smile and... And your eyes. You're so beautiful, Eve. So beautiful. But I'm not good enough for you. You deserve the best and I'm not the best. I can't do this anymore." he exhaled sharply after giving his speech.

Evelyn could pretend she fell for yet another one of his stupid pranks where he recorded her reactions and later laughed while watching it. But the seriousness laced in his voice and the guilt in his words couldn't be overlooked. The words pierced her heart and the pain bled through her eyes.

"Oh Evelyn." He cupped her face and wiped away her tears.
"I'm so sorry. It's just that I've.... I've fallen for somebody else. I didn't want it to happen. You know it. You know how it's not us who can choose when to fall in love and with whom. It just happens yeah?"

She just nodded inexpressively. She needed time to calm the storm brewing up in her head. The only feeling she was clinging onto had now crushed her to the core.

"Evelyn, talk to me." He begged.

She looked up at him with glossy eyes.
"I understand. I need time." that's all she could say before she went to his room and locked herself, not wanting to talk about it.

Harry plopped down on the stool, tired and sad. He never wanted to hurt her. Breaking up was a disaster but it could be dealt with rather than cheating on her. Deep down he knew he did the right thing.

There's always a new beginning to a sad ending just like there's always a rainbow after a heavy pour.

Zayn was his rainbow, his sunshine, his galaxy, his universe.

Poor Evelyn. I really feel sad for her.

Harry wants some reassurance from y'all. He did the right thing, didn't he?

Also, let me know if y'all are liking this story so far.

Thanks for reading
Much love

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