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Defenceles ~ Louis Tomlinson

Words. Music. Him. It was always him. It was all for him. Never, for a second, had he thought of somebody else. It's been that way for years now. Nothing could ever change it. No one can ever change it. He wonders if his voice, his feelings and his thoughts reach out to him. He ran a hand over the sheets, spreading out the creases, smiling to himself. There wasn't a day he hadn't thought of him.

He rested his head against the headboard and closed his eyes, reminiscing. He missed his hometown, his family and him. After he left he'd tried to get to him through his music. But how could he ever see through it? He always dodged the questions directed to the person it was all written and sung for. He wouldn't tell a soul. 'Just reflecting on my past relationships' he'd say, when in reality he never dated anyone.

He remembered him very well, that day, his beseeching eyes, the jacket half hung on his shoulders like he hadn't wanted to put it on but it was just there, his bad boy demeanour hiding under his flesh. He didn't say a word, never did for that matter but his lips made an effort this time, he could tell. He wasn't himself, perhaps a rough night, he thought. If only he knew it was, indeed, exactly what he'd thought. He didn't walk away this time and to Louis' surprise or bewilderment, what it seemed like, he was pushed up against the lockers. The boy's hand was pressed against his jugular and his eyes welled up. Louis was still processing the close proximity and the intensity of the situation to say anything.

"Why?" He croaked out.

Louis' fingers wanted to reach out to push his black fringe to the side. He was hurt and Louis wanted to know more, even if he already knew the possibilities.

"Why did you do this to me? What did I ever do to you, Louis?" His grip slackened and he fell to his knees, crying his heart out.

A tear rolled down his cheek as he slowly opened his eyes. It was the last time he'd seen his face. Something he wished he hadn't. His cries was not what he wanted to remember. A sweet farewell with smiles and love would've been great. Louis and his fate had been enemies for life. He just learnt to accept it. It is what it is.

He never wanted to hurt him. He was ashamed of his past self. Loving him was just another rue, louis figured.

He had seen him again, not with his own eyes but the picture painted by his sister sufficed. He hadn't stopped loving him, never will. If loving him was a mistake he'd do it his entire life and would never regret.

Silence engulfed the atmosphere. No words were said. Harry was getting anxious by each passing minute. He kept bouncing his leg as he reclined back on the couch, slightly chewing on his bottom lip. He'd never been like this before. Sure he'd broken more than a dozen hearts, but this one seemed a little painful. He saw it all, the dry tear stains on her cheeks, the bags under her beautiful eyes that flickered from her fingers to her toes.

She pushed her hair back each time they blocked her view and sniffled, before she went back to scraping off her black nail polish. She didn't want to let him go. She loved him so much that she'd forgotten that black was never her favorite colour. She tried to comprehend the scenario. Hadn't she given him enough love? Had she quit university and lived with him this wouldn't have happened, she thought, regretting it immediately. She loved him and she would always want him to be happy. If that meant letting him go, then so be it. She would let her heart fly over to where it should be.

"I'm fine." she spoke up, looking up at him.

Harry sat up, leaning on his knees. She was devastated, he could see. She was lying, he knew. Standing up, she brushed her palms on her jeans, smiling at him like she'd just shrugged off everything, like nothing happened. Harry was perplexed.

"I'm sorry, Evelyn."

"You won't get rid of me so easily, Styles." she smirked, quite surprised herself as to where this sudden boost of confidence came from.

"I don't understand."

"But I do, Harry. I do."

She walked over to him and gently stroked his curls.

"You love him and I'm fine with that. Don't you worry about me. I'll always be here to bug you and fuck up your relationship." She chuckled.

An involuntary smile etched across Harry's face. He still loved this girl. She was being strong and he didn't want her to see it. He didn't want her to walk out of his life. He wanted to hold onto her. He needn't kiss her to tell her he loved her. He needn't take her on dates to tell her he needs her. It doesn't have to be that way. It was, perhaps, the birth of a new relationship. One where they need each other in ways they never did. They needed each other now, more than ever.

He stood up and engulfed her in a warm hug.
"Thank you for everything, Eve."

"Anything for you." she smiled and rubbed his back.

"Now that I've already extended my stay here, hope you don't mind sharing your home with me."

"Of course. Always." He smiled.

"So tell me about him. I need to know everything. All the juicy details." Chuckling, she plopped down on the couch.

He cleared his throat before narrating his love story. He knew this could've been worse. She knew he knew she was hiding her pain. Harry didn't want to push it. They knew exactly how the other had found a way to just fill in the void.

This was it. Things were finally falling into place, or so he thought.

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Thanks for reading!
Much love

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