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"Art gallery? You're an artist?" He was surprised. 

"Why, don't I look like one?" Zayn chuckled and sipped on his latte.

Harry reclined back in his seat with a smile on his face.
"Honestly, you're a piece of art yourself."

Zayn blushed and bit his lip. The mere love in the atmosphere and the aroma of brewing coffee along with Harry Styles himself was saying something about another great masterpiece. Masterpiece, not because Zayn painted them but because Harry was the inspiration.

Zayn saw the world with an open heart, mind, body and soul. It was all a canvas that left just enough space for him to paint his story, imagination, ideas, voids and space, love and fear. When his hand moves over the canvass it's almost like his mind is directing it. The instinctive strokes either ruined his work or created something simultaneously beautiful.

"I'll be there." He smiled and paid for the coffee.

Zayn had no idea how he was going to introduce him to his mum. Harry never mentioned anything about their
'relationship' yet. Zayn himself hadn't thought much about it. When there is attraction between two hearts and when there's ignition of souls then there is perhaps some connection that needn't be labelled just yet. Or needn't be labelled at all. However, this divine feeling had almost surpassed the point of infatuation.

Their bond wasn't just some high school crush, or so Zayn thought. Unrequited feelings was what he dreaded. He didn't want to rush and scare him away. He was insecure. He really was. Nobody truly ever loved him for his heart but always fell for his supposedly charming face.

If Harry feels the way he feels for him then this might as well be a new beginning for him.

Harry, however, was recovering from the guilt of having hurt Evelyn. He hadn't seen her this morning. He didn't realise how hurt and worried he was until his hands impetuously turned the knobs to different rooms and screamed her name. His heart raced with fear and guilt. His anxiety alleviated the moment his eyes caught sight of a small yellow paper stuck on the fridge door.

Needed some air. We shall talk about it, tonight.

He let out a sigh of relief. He didn't know what to say to her. But he also knew that conversations always helped ameliorate situations. She needed space and he must give it. He didn't have any plans for the day so he decided he'd just lounge around and wait for her to be back.

Zayn, on the other hand, had other plans. He couldn't resist the urge to call him and meet with him. He wanted to tell him about the art exhibition. He wanted to tell him how excited he was. So he called him to a nearby Cafe.

"Zayn? Is that really you?"
A girl with yellow hair and big blue eyes called him, just when they were about to leave. The eyes and the strong northern accent jogged his memory. A hazy one.

"Yeah, that's me. Forgive me, I didn't quite recognise you." he was still trying to recall that face with striking blue eyes with a glint of humour in them.

"It's so good to see you again. I'm Lottie. Lottie Tomlinson."

Well well well.
What's Lottie doing here? Lmao

What do y'all think is gonna happen or has happened?

Thanks for reading, lovelies!
Much love
-Z ❤️

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