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"You're finally gonna be 18 bitchhhh are you ready!!!!!!" said my annoying best friend Skylar.

I can't even believe it myself, I'm finally gonna move out of this house and away from these control freaks I call parents.

I deserve this freedom. It's been 18 years of Mia don't do this and Mia you can't attend that ,Mia these boys only want this.And Mia has fucking had it up to here!

"So what are we gonna do Sky?" Just as i was about to get an answer there goes my mom shouting my name as if i'm across the street.

"WHAT IS IT MAA!?" I shouted back.

"Don't be rude dear we have company that doesn't need to witness you being rude" she said

"Well mother she's my best friend and knows more of this rudeness than you do soooo don't bother being cute and cuddly" I answered back .

"Well dear we have another guest waiting for you downstairs" My mother replied coyly

With that my mother left me to wonder who it could be.

A total of 6 years I've known Skylar from the time we started high school we just hit it off as if we've been separated at birth we both come from families that tend to maintain a 'Prim and Proper image' but we couldn't care less as to if we upkeep it.

We're the one's living our life not them and today we will sure not act as the angels, they try so hard to make us look like you're only 18 once right?.

"Time to meet the guest" I said and with that we left my room.

His Fall From GraceWhere stories live. Discover now