2. his existence

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No one liked to play by rules, everyone hated rules but there was one who worshipped them. One might think such a person might be boring and least popular. But that was not the case all the time. Here it was just the opposite scenario. Riaan the boy many considered as a hero was only someone who was trying not to be a villain.

Ever since the day Riaan's father started teaching him about his special purpose, Riaan had cherished it. From his age twelve, he had dreamt about the day he would be nineteen. Not because he could date or do certain age requiring things but to embrace his true nature.

He had celebrated his nineteenth birthday four months ago. His first assignment had been five weeks after his birthday; with his three best friends, who were more like siblings to him. They were a unit under Amos.

Washing his face, he picked the towel to wipe. Changing his wet shirt he walked out, ducking below the door frame. He had always been the tall one and he liked that; it gave him a powerful feeling.

Jayden was brewing his coffee. He gave Riaan a crossed look which Riaan ignored.

"Riaan there is a letter for you from Amos." Kenya walked in with Judy. Her thick hair was made into a knot. Kenya was the only one who could match his height. She was the next tallest in the group after him. She would make a good model, with her beautiful-bold look. She was of the same age as Riaan. Yet, Riaan considered her as a little sister.

"The letter is not for Riaan, it's for the four of us." Jayden had coffee in his mouth. He was still in his nightclothes. Jayden and Riaan were housemates.

Riaan sat down picking up his phone, looking tired. "Give it to him, Ken."

Kenya threw it on the dining table and started climbing the stairs with Judy on her feet. "Buckle up and solve your issues."

"Where is Dash?" yelled Riaan from below. Dash was the center of force of their group, the source of fun and laughter. More like the sun for the solar system.

"Will be here shortly."

Riaan regarded Jayden from his spot. Jaden had been avoiding him since yesterday. When Amos asked their unit on a last-minute assignment, Riaan had agreed on the unit's behalf. Jayden was not happy about it because they had planned to go out for Kenya's birthday.

Kenya herself had not complained though. If she was hurt by his actions, she did a good job of hiding it.

This would be their thirteenth assignment. Not one which involved science and maths but souls. His was one of the gifted bloodlines and so was the case of Jayden, Kenya, Dash, and many others. They were called Roxos. Not many knew about their existence. They worked as a secret society. The top tier of their society included the members of the D-Room.

Their headquarters was built underground. No one could access it, other than the officials who worked there. Not even Riaan. If he wanted access, he would have to wait until he grew old and became an official there himself. Riaan's father had loved the headquarters building. He used to describe its architecture to Riaan at times with painfully lengthy descriptions. That man admired it and that had made Riaan fantasize about it too.

The D-Room members were the ones who authorized the judgment. His father had been a D-Room member, not anymore. Riaan stopped himself before his thoughts wandered in that painful direction.

"Hello, boys! Where are my sister and my baby?" Dash walked in with a sunshine face. Dash and Kenya were twins. At first, it had been Dash, Riaan, and Jayden only. They had pretty much spent their entire lives together. And when they were eleven Dash's little sister had also become a part of the gang. Kenya was fifteen minutes younger than the Dash. Being twins people expected Dash to be as tall as Kenya. Much to Dash's disappointment, he was the shortest.

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