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Eight years ago...

"Honey, it's okay. Pain is a part of life and you need to bear this. You're doing this for the greater good," said the woman locking the cage.

The little girl inside the cage looked up at them; her brown eyes were terrified and dilated. "Why can't Zach do it, Rene?" She pointed an unstable finger at her brother.

The woman let her hand inside the cage, lifting the small girl's chin. "Rebel, Zach is your stepbrother, he doesn't have your father's blood, only you do."

Zach moved away from the cage and commenced working with the cords. After he made sure everything was prepared, he brought them to Rebel. "Come closer. I am sorry you have to go through this."

Rebel moved near to the bars of the cage without much choice, her whole body shaking. "I don't want to do this anymore. It will hurt. Let me go! Zach, tell Rene to let me go."

"What's with the sudden habit of complaining. You knew it will hurt the first time you did it. It didn't stop you then," hissed Rene. "To this world, you are just flesh and energy. It's better if you understand that. That is the meaning of your birth - yielding to the cause of others."

"Let me out, Rene!"

Zach didn't pay attention to her words, neither did Rene. He brought his hands into the cage, moving Rebel's hair away from her slender neck. He inserted the sharp end of the wire into her neck, its triangular rims plummeting her skin.

Even though it was sharp, it didn't hurt for her, she had stopped feeling such minor pains.

"Two more years and all this will be over. She will get what she wants," announced Zach, his voice on the brim of breaking.

"Who?" The entire place went dark, making Rebel clench the bars of the cage.

They didn't answer her.

Rebel knew it would start soon, the endless agony, and no one would come to stop it. Her father would have if he was alive. But then, if he was alive none of this would have happened.

The door closed and Rebel was left alone to handle the pain. The buzzing slowly started and the glass pyramid in the middle of the room started to glow in red. Rebel was crying, her tears making the cage slick with her sweat.

"I will get out someday," she spoke out the words as it began. The pain from her neck spread all through her body, breaking her slowly. As her energy field got crushed, it was consumed by the pyramid through the cable, which Zach had once referred to as enertode.

With each whimper that Rebel let out, it glowed brighter. There was nothing she could do other than scream. At least now she resisted. Once she willingly let them do it because she thought she was helping a greater good. But there was no greater good, it was an illusion.

The pain was too much for a ten-year-old girl, it was too much for anyone.

All through the days that only were a dark maze, Rebel felt like dying, wanted to know a state where pain didn't exist, where she chose how her body and energy were being used. When that didn't happen, all she did was, become numb to the pain. But imprisonment, being locked up in a cage - that never got manageable, it made her wish she was out of air.

Chapter 1:

The rich green flora conquered gardens lightened my eyes. The unbound, unguarded, open territory made me realize I was unrestricted. And yet, there always was a fear that all this might go away one day, just vanish like there never was freedom, like I never made it out of the cage. But that indeed wasn't true, years ago I escaped the cage, the life that Rene insisted was my destiny.

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