10. her truth

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After a few seconds, hurt got replaced by anger. Apparently, there was a threshold to her patience. She took a step forward. Now they stood even closer. Anger rolled off her in waves. To see him from a distance she could get him confused with Chris but actually getting to know him, Riaan was not even anywhere closer to Chris. Technically no guy could because Chris did not exist, Chris was the perfect boy she created and, perfect did not exist in real life.

"I am done with this," she announced dryly. "You call me a murderer one more time, I will punch your perfect little face," she warned with a stern voice.

Riaan looked at her, clearly amazed by her reaction. They stood facing each other for seconds, Aviana stepped back first. "I thought you were going to cry." He stated, his eyes lit.

"Guess what, my tear tank is empty," she uttered unamused. The truth was that even if she wanted to cry, she would not have. She hated crying before strangers unless it was totally uncontrollable.

Without a goodbye, she started walking. "Wait! Where are you going?" He followed her.

"Home." She did not feel like putting up with his shit right now.


Aviana mentally shrugged. "No, with my boyfriend."

"Ya? Where is Mr.Romeo?" Riaan teased, searching around. "I know you don't have one Aviana."

"Can you please leave me alone, go back, " she snarled and resumed walking.

"I am not gonna let you walk alone at night," he declared but Aviana felt like there was some other reason. With reasonable thinking, no one would buy what he said. He barely knew her, and on top of that, he also hated her.

"I am a murderer, remember?" She emphasized the words, rolling her eyes.

There was a momentary silence.

"Even if you are one."

Before she could process his new caring side, she got another idea. Maybe she did not have wings but she could use his wheels. Aviana was not gonna listen to her pride and refuse his offer. "Ok, let's go to your car."

He gave out a laugh. "No car princess, I came by walk. Come on let us move."

Disappointment covered Aviana's face, with wheels she could tolerate him but for a walk, she didn't know. Riaan walked forward with his hands in his pocket. Aviana stood there wondering. Why is suddenly being all nice?

"What about your girl?" she inquired about the red dress one.

He replied without turning his head.
"She is not my girl. And she has a lot of friends in there, don't worry." He turned to look back at Aviana. The wind was blowing through his hair. As he stood under the street light, he looked like a hybrid between prince charming and Chris to Aviana, in spite of how infuriating he was.

"Freaking hormones!" she murmured as she started walking. As she joined him, he looked once into her eyes before continuing the walk.

"So, that girl is not your girlfriend?" A girl can be curious at times, when it came to this boy Aviana was super curious. Something was strange about him, they had met only two times and he was ready to walk her home. If he was being kind and caring towards her, then she would take that he was interested in her. That was not the technique here, so this entire thing was doubtful.

"No." His voice was monotonous.

"You have one?" He chose not to answer that. Aviana sighed in frustration.

"So, why are you being nice and walking me home?" She hoped he would answer that at least. Riaan continued to maintain his silence.

"Ugh...It's a long walk, talk!" she nagged. He was being childish, he had offered to give her company and here he was refusing to speak.

He turned his gaze finally. "Here is the deal. We both get to ask questions. The answer must be truthful."

Aviana considered if it had any catches before she told ok. Frankly, she too needed some answers. Did this mean he was also interested in knowing her? The idea energized her skin.


"Why are you being nice?" she repeated wanting to know the reason badly.

"Frankly, you are not the prettiest girl I've met, but I not gonna let you walk alone at night. I am being a
gentleman," he replied playfully. Aviana gave him an unconvinced look not buying any part of it. The real reason he was walking with her was to gather information but she did not need to know that.

"Ok, my turn," Riaan said impatiently, ready to get some worthy details. "Were those girls Sage's friends? Why were they mean to you?"

"No, they...were my friends." Riaan did not miss the were in the sentence and the sudden pain that came over her voice.

"Your friends! Did not seem like that."

"They were the ones who told me to throw Sage's diary in the cottage," she confessed all amusement getting drained from her voice.

"They....told you to do it?" Riaan confirmed it, just to be sure he heard it correct.

"Ya I did it for Mikilene, they persuaded me." She sighed.

Riaan looked suspiciously at her by her new reveal about Sage's death. "So why are they treating you like this?"

"It's my turn now." Amusement returned to Aviana's voice as she jumped a step.

"You are not a cold jerk. Why do you act like one just to me?" She put forward her question curiously. The clouds were brewing up in the sky, ready for a drizzle.


Aviana stopped him. "Don't bother, I know the answer. I don't want to hear the word 'murderer' again, at least not today."

It was Riaan's turn again. "Sage's death, was it really an accident?"

This was the most important question. He had stopped walking, he wanted to look her in the eye when she answered. That way, he would know if she lied. Aviana too stopped walking. They were facing each other again. She cast her eye down before answering. Riaan held her arm softly and lifted her chin up to meet his eye.

"Tell me, yes or no?" he breathed.

"Yes, it was an accident." It was barely audible but Riaan had heard it. Riaan searched her eyes, to find the lie but no, it was clear. He found her brown eyes lively and undiscovered. Her lips shivered from the cold. Her body was relaxed against his hold. There was no tension in the air. There was no way she was lying. He knew it deep inside but accepting that fact was more than complicated for Riaan.

He let go of her chin. She stood there awkwardly. "Do you believe me?" she asked quietly, hope dancing in her voice.

He started walking, avoiding the question. There were still so many questions on Riaan's mind but they had reached her home.

Aviana turned towards Riaan. "Thank you, gentleman," she said with a smile, that proved she had not believed his answer.

When she was about to go in, he suggested, "Why don't we continue our question-answer session tomorrow?" Before she could refuse he indicated, "I've noticed you don't have friends, you could use one."

"So you are my friend now!" Aviana exclaimed.

"Could be for a day or two." He wanted her to say yes. Of course, he was not actually meaning it he only wanted more answers.

"No," she refused. "Ya, I want friends but I am not that desperate...yet."


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