34. somewhere around you

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This was why Aviana never told about it to anyone, she had blabbered it to Riaan thinking he would believe. As a consequence, she was now practically chasing behind him into his house. After she had told him how the death in the forest had happened, Riaan had taken off in a rush telling her he needed to take care of something.

Of course, she did not leave him, she had hopped into the car when he was about to take off. She had mentally tortured herself for telling it to him because his reaction was way worse than her mother's. She was now on his doorstep, she stopped him by blocking his way. "Answer me, why are you acting like this?"

"I will explain later." He pushed her aside and opened the door, not giving an ear to Aviana.

She had really thought he would be the one to finally believe her. More than scared, she was now hurt by his reaction. "You told me you would believe me. I am not mad."

He stopped with one hand on the knob and turned towards her with sincere eyes. "What are you talking about? Of course, you are not." He climbed down a step and reached her eye level. "You did not imagine it at all. I believe you. Come, I have to explain something."

"You do?" He believed me. Aviana's face filled with a light hearing that. Finally, someone thought she was saying the truth.

"Believe me there is nothing to be happy about." Riaan went in.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She too entered the house having no idea what his statement meant. Dash and Jayden were standing near the center steps.

"Aviana! Are you all alright? How is your mother?" Dash came towards her and rotated her like a mannequin, verifying if she was hurt.

"I am ok and so is my mom."

He gave her a blood clotting hug. "Your home has damage but nothing untreatable." He stepped back, letting her blood flow again.

While Dash was showering her with love and affection, Jayden must have sensed the vibe coming off Riaan. "What is it Riaan?"

Riaan passed a look between Dash and Jayden. Jayden looked at Aviana expecting answers but she had no idea why Riaan was acting all weird. "I told you about the murder Aviana saw in the forest. Strike a bell?"

Dash and Jayden nodded their head slowly, not knowing where Riaan was going with this. Riaan gave a nudge near her spine. "Go on, say them what you told me."

Jayden's skin surrounding his eyes were tightened as his eyes were focused on her.

She recited the same story again. "They did not kill with a knife or a gun. They just pressed on the person's chest, right above the heart and he fell down...dead."

Jayden zoomed in on her, both his brows raised. He was looking at her utterly bewildered.

Dash's mouth was open in an 'O' shape, his eyes were silently communicating something to Riaan. "What the hell!"

"Oh my God." Jayden sat on the steps, lost at words.

Aviana's head was rotating like a globe between the three boys, confused why they were all acting like they just saw Voldemort come back to life. "What is happening?"

Riaan was lost in his mind, biting his lip. Dash was the one to answer her, "When we kill an offender in an assignment, we don't actually kill them. We liberate their souls, which is just a fancy word for killing. The thing is, the instrument we use for it is called liberator. We have to press it on the offender's heart, that is how it works."

It took Aviana seconds to get what he was trying to say. And when she did get it, her head started spinning with the speed of a centrifuge. "Oh...you mean the hooded figures were..."

"Roxos." Riaan completed for her since she was too stunned and far gone to speak the word. "Do you want to sit? You look like you are going to faint."

"Anyone would after having three cups of coffee." She went and took a seat near Jayden, still startled with the reveal.

"Maybe they were doing an assignment," Jayden told his point of view, raising his head to see Riaan.

Riaan walked to the stringer shaking his head in contradiction to Jayden's statement. "If that was the case, they would not have chased her."

Dash silently sent a look agreeing with Riaan's point. "Imagine we are on an assignment. Some girl sees us, do we chase her or let her be?"

Riaan was now leaning against the stringer. "At first I thought her case was chosen because of a mistake in the system. But I think it was planned. Someone wanted her gone. Why would they opt old killing styles? When they could use the Roxo system to eliminate her. Plus if they used some other way, the collecters might have smelt it. The strange this is, they could have simply given her case to us but they made sure to give her a guilty pretense. They deliberately brought the diary into play, just to make sure nothing would go wrong if the unit or anyone else went deeper on the issue. I mean it is a rule that units are not allowed to investigate the case. But they even made precautions against that, just in case we decided to investigate."

So the figures never had let her go, they had been plotting her death this whole time. She now felt like she was going to throw up all three coffees but she managed the words out, "That day when Dash was attacked, I think it was for me. Why would they try it then, if they did not want normal killing style?" The look on Dash and Riaan's face confirmed they too knew the knife had been for her.

Jayden was fidgeting his fingers. "Simple, they thought the assignment would be soon over. But it did not, they panicked. So this person must have seen you alive the before day. Which means he is somewhere around you or she is."

Dash too joined them on the stairs. "Man, think about it. If we had not landed in the wrong destination, their work would be over now. Aviana would be dead now."

Riaan clenched his jaw; his eyes landing on her.

"Come I will show you how a liberator looks." Aviana and Dash went to Riaan's room to take a look at the liberator. Aviana turned back once to see what Riaan was doing. He was standing silently while Jayden was trying to talk to him about something.

Riaan's room looked the same as it did that day except the curtains were drawn aside. Therefore the room looked lighted up. A film of that day in this room plugged her thoughts and she unplugged it, trying to focus on significant issues. Dash was searching the drawer for the liberator. Then he went on to search the cupboard. Aviana moved towards him concerned when she took in the sweat dripping from his forehead. "Dash?"

Dash was kneeling on the floor. "No...No...Riaan!" He yelled for Riaan, his hand wiping off the sweat. It was like a reflex action when Dash panicked it would somehow spread to Aviana.

Riaan and Jayden came from down hearing Dash's voice. Riaan took a look around the mess Dash had made of his room. "Why is my room like this? You are the one who has to neat it back Dash."

Dash craned his head towards Riaan. "The liberator and the article are not here."

"What do you mean not here? Search well. I put it in the here." Riaan moved to the drawer to search for it himself. But it was not there. "Where is it?" Now Riaan was also starting to sound panicked.

"Hell no!" Jayden's voice made everyone turn their heads towards him.

"What?" Riaan asked alarmed, with a serious look knowing Jayden had bad news.

"Ken. Morning she came to your room for something. We have been unable to reach her ever since." It was not Jayden, but Dash who answered back.

"What did she want with that?" Riaan asked trying to figure that out himself.

"Solo travel."

Aviana had no idea what that meant but obviously, it should be bad because Riaan just paled. And he never did that.

"Solo travel to the day Sage died, to take Aviana's soul. To hell with my sister!"

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