15. she leaves with me

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The drive to 'wood burgers' was silent. Aviana figured he was not the chatty type, he was leaning more towards the quiet type. She sat there taking in the smooth transition from town to the forest landscape as the number of houses and buildings started to diminish and the tree count began to increase. The climate also gradually shifted as the coolness increased as they moved further away from town. There were no other vehicles on the road, except theirs.

She got down from the car, her leg half slept. She was again awed by the place's scenic beauty and it's rich flora. No matter how frequent she visited, it never failed to charm her. She hated forests but this cafe was an exception. The first time Aviana had been here she had thought the place would be romantic to take your loved one to. That never happened because such a person never came into her life.

And now here she was with a boy, to make a master plan on exposing some X person who tried to frame her.

"Earth to Aviana," he spoke near her ears, his breath touching her ear lobe making her shiver from the proximity.

"Let's go in." He let her walk first and went behind her.

Just like that day the cafe was deserted. Mr. Coleman's business must be really down because there was a time Aviana had booked for a table since it would be always crowded. Mr. Coleman was not there today. Instead, a young pretty girl stood at the counter with red hair.

"Here." He pulled her in the seat near the window. Cool air was blowing in; Aviana regretted not wearing a jacket.

"Are you cold?" He gazed at the thin sleeves of her top that were barely thick. Is he going to offer his jacket? But this is Riaan.

"I sure am." He pulled the jacket closer hugging it tightly. It clutched his body flexing his biceps and stretching across his shoulder.

Aviana mentally slapped herself for even considering the totally impossible action. Thought so, this is Riaan. Again she was remembered of one scene she had written in her book, Chris and Rose were out at the night and Chris would cover Rose with his jacket wanting to give her warmness.

The waitress came to take the order. Aviana ordered her usual. Riaan went with coffee. The waitress gave a sweet, cute smile to them before departing. No, not her only to Riaan.

The girl looked cute and pretty at the same time, making her look lovely. Her bangs stopped right above her long lashes, covering half of her forehead. Aviana wondered if Riaan thought the same. He was very stiff at times but he was still a guy.

"Chicken steak burger and caramel coffee?" He gave her a questioning look. "We are here to discuss not eat," he said disbelievingly closing the menu card and keeping it in the nearby table.

"Could do both." There was no way Aviana stayed without her chicken steak burger and caramel coffee after coming all the way here. Aviana was totally capable of doing a dual work when it meant one was eating.

"Ok, so approximately at least thirty persons knew about the diary's location." He got to the discussion they were here for. And one among them had tried to frame Aviana. They wanted her hurt. His eyes twinkled with intelligence, he was all game about solving the mystery. "Who has a grudge on you. Someone who wants to hurt you?"

Aviana wondered who would want to hurt her. Half thought she was the dumb wannabe queen bee, another half thought she was the worker bee. She could recall no one who would go to such extents to hurt her. There is one though.

"There is one, Mikilene," she informed him. Mikilene had always hated her and the feeling was mutual. She wanted Aviana faraway from Scarlet, it was safe to say she was jealous of Aviana's friendship with Scarlet. The bees were truthful to each other but they did not care for one another. When it cane to Aviana and Scarlet the story was different, at least had been until now.

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