🕊 5

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The sun had set outside, the stars were scattered over in the black sky. The sluggish night breeze was blowing in. I was settled in my armor, the bed below me bending with my weight. Leah stood in front of the mirror, adding blush to her already red cheeks. She was in her peace uniform, the white full gown that was sweeping the floor.

Today was the Pairing Ceremony.

It had been a week since I received that disastrous news. Occasionally, I wondered how Kade was doing amidst this heartbreaking incident. But I never got to see him. He, along with Axton and Blake had not stepped into the War Dome this past week.

But I did hear from another War major that he thrashed the Elders Committee office when they kept denying sending him to the Vampire realm. The Elders were against going after retaliation or payback, fearing they would be motivating war. I knew the way he looked at her, the twinkle that his eyes acquired when she was near. And so, I also knew how badly he must be hurting.

I got up from my bed, my mind still occupied with thoughts about Kade. "Leah, you are just going to be paired. You are acting like you are getting bonded with him. Anyway, which one of you is going to touch weapons?"

"Me, Correy will never even go near them." She commenced with her eye makeup, doing her eyelids pink with a brush.

When Peaceholders got paired, if both of them belonged to the same major, some adjustments were required. If both were Peace majors, they needn't shift the major, but one of them should start practicing weapons. From what the Elders said, this was required to ensure there is a balance of skill and notions in a pair.

If both were War majors, one of them should give up weapons. I didn't have that crisis because I was the top warrior, no one would authorize me to give up on my weapons.

"Don't worry, you are going to get a very good trainer. You are lucky to have the top warrior training you." I started braiding my hair, careful not to leave any free threads to fly.

My sword was by my hip, its metal hilt rattling against my armor. I was not going to lie, the random pairing thing was making me anxious. The uncertainty and the suspense were starting to get on my nerves, making my stomach unsettled with a sick feeling.

What was the worst that could happen? Maybe getting paired with someone I didn't prefer? See, that was the beauty here. There was no one like that for me. Not that I was friends with everyone. Everyone except Correy was just casual allies for me. I never cared enough to explore how I thought about any of them. I was seemingly the extrovert that talked with all, seemingly.

After we got ready, we walked out of the girl's dorm. I was holding up Leah's gown for her. Correy was waiting for us in his frilled white shirt. That was the peace uniform for boys. War uniform was armor for both genders.

The lovesick boy walked towards us with a big grin. Before the two could start doing adult things, I grabbed them and started walking, passing the job of holding up Leah's dress to Correy who accepted it with open hands.

The Pairing Ceremony was supposed to transpire on the Wings Sea beach. The entire place was lit up with lanterns, fire logs, and pennants with half peace symbols. A big podium was put at the center with white drapes - where the paired would do the ritual.

The Random Pairing Water was at the corner. All our names would be written over it, after it dissolved, two names would appear randomly. That was how the random pairing went on, with the water imported from the Vampire realm, made by the last of the witches.

The entire place was like a festival, couples wandering hand in hand and some entangled in intimate activity ignoring their audience. Everyone was in their uniforms. Some Peaceholders were dancing to music that was playing at the back

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