25. just trust me

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Aviana carefully took the diary in her hands, remembering the first time she touched it. It felt heavy like she could not carry it anymore. She willed herself to open it. She looked up at Riaan, he gave her an assuring nod.

The first page was filled with food and decorations for the party. The page looked yellowish and spoiled. With doubtful fingers, she turned the next page. This one was filled with the guest list, she noted Melvin's name was on the list. So Eugene had known about Sage's crush.

She turned further, the remaining were nothing but empty pages, once white, now looked yellow. Aviana let out a sharp breath, she felt like a heavyweight had been lifted off her. So it was true, the dairy really had nothing in it. Sage's death really was an accident. Riaan gave her a small smile, his perfect lips curving. She returned it back.

"What are we going to do with it?" She had the diary clutched to her chest. Guilt was a very heavy thing and she had been carrying it for quite some time. Even though she knew Eugene was telling the truth, she had needed to see that for herself.

"We take it with us." They were still sitting on the ground.

"Why don't we give it to the cops?" Aviana suggested. That was what she wanted, to put an end to this.

"No, this is could be very useful. Sure, if we give it to the cops, everyone would stop blaming you...But, just bear it for a little more, we could fry a bigger fish with this." His dazzling eyes were looking sharp and confident.

"How?" She badly wanted to return back to normal life. She might have got used to it, but still, when people called her a murderer or a killer, she wished they would stop. And this diary was a way to make them stop.

He came closer to her- very close, his movements swift and smooth. He dipped down his head to meet her eye. He reached her hand that was holding the diary. "I have a plan. Just trust me. I will get you out of this."

She was unable to look anywhere other than his eyes. She should not trust him, he was always mysterious. His reason for helping her was still in dark. Somehow this time it felt different. When he asked her to trust him, it was more about her than about his other reason. Even so, she should not, but in spite of all the factors, she did. She trusted Riaan, completely.

"Ok, I trust you," she said in a silvery voice. He removed her hands from the dairy gently, opening each of her fingers. She felt a shiver, starting from the tips of her hand, from where he touched. She let go of the diary and the wariness she had about him.

Riaan was sitting by Dash's bed. Dash would be discharged today. The diary lay on the bed, near Dash. Everyone had seen what was in it.

"Are you sure Silas did not see Aviana?" Kenya's face was bare, without makeup.

It had been a narrow escape, if Silas had seen her, Riaan would have been in big trouble. Being the chief, there was a possibility, he could recognize her face. "I made sure of that. By the way, I am meeting him tomorrow."

"Where is she now?" Dash still looked a bit pale and he was dying to get home.

"Her home."

"Why would Mikilene bury it?" Jayden asked, skipping through the diary's pages again.

"If she took it to her home, her other friends might have seen it. Scarlet would have seen it." That was the only sensible reason Riaan could come up with. "She could have burned it but she went there expecting to hand it over, so she did not take a lighter with her. She should have burned it later. It was a mistake on her part. She thought no one would find it."

"Guys you know what this means right?" Dash looked between each of them, his spherical eyes rolling like a ball.

"It means nothing." Kenya grabbed the diary and threw it aside. It hit the wall and fell down. It now lay on the ground, away from them. "Stop overthinking this."

"It means she is innocent," Riaan spoke in a firm tone. It was time Riaan accepted what he had always known. Aviana was innocent. This diary was the last straw. He was done with pretending like she was the villain.

"This doesn't prove anything! You know what? I don't care and neither should you. Let's finish this business." Kenya took something from her bag. Riaan straightened, his eyebrows rising in shock. Kenya had the liberator in her hand.

Riaan stood up to Kenya's eye level. "I won't. She trusts me, I am not letting her down. I won't hurt her."

"Fine! We three will do it. And by the way, we are not going to hurt her, we are going to kill her." Kenya moved towards Jayden and Dash.

Did she think Riaan would allow that? And it's not like Dash was in any state to travel across time. Riaan doubted if Dash would agree to that even if he was well because he seemed to have grown fond of Aviana.

Riaan grabbed the liberator from Kenya's hand. "Don't make me repeat it. I am not doing it and neither are you." He ordered with a clenched Jaw, stressing each word so she would get it. Kenya winced at his authoritative tone, hurt flashing across her face.

"I am doing this for you! Why can't you understand? Your judgment is clouded. Can't you see it, you are getting personally involved with her." Kenya hissed, swallowing back her tears.

"I can take care of myself, Ken." Riaan put the liberator on the table, daring Kenya to touch it. Kenya stormed out of the room, leaving the door open.
Dash and Jayden went with Riaan's decision. They were also not interested in carrying out the assignment.

"I have never seen you speak like that with one of us before," Dash remarked on Riaan's behavior. But he was not accusing, he was just stating a fact. That was true. So why did he speak like that to Kenya? He did not regret it, that he knew for sure. When Kenya had brought out the liberator he had felt his temper rise knowing she wanted to hurt Aviana.

"My sister had it coming," Dash commented looking at the door through which Kenya had fled.

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