🕊 2 (preview of next book book)

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The beach was lit orange, the tanned bodies now starting to cover up. The sun had thoroughly been devoured by the sea and the stars were igniting to materialize. The faint trace of a moon can be spotted, the stars a restrained lamp.

Correy took my hand in his and started striding towards the waves that were wrecking the shore ferociously. "Rebel, do you remember that incident with Leah? Wasn't it around this time of the year?"

"How could I not? That was the most embarrassing day of my life." My hair was greasy with the sea breeze, one or two pasted across my face. The sea had lost its blueness and was a brume of dark red-orange.

Leah was indeed my friend. But our relationship had its ups and downs. The incident Correy hinted at was one of the downs. I had informed one of her secrets to Correy accidentally, not my fault because you say something to me, it also equaled saying to him. This steered Leah to take her revenge, definitely not in a subtle way. Which made me wonder how she was even a Peace major in the first place? She would have reaped an awesome War major.

One fine day as I came out of a morning bath, Leah had my jacket ready for me. She even supported me to let in my hands. I should have guessed that was bizarre behavior from someone who hardly even had the responsibility to do her own chores, but I didn't. I wore the clothing and resigned to the War Dome for practice.

It was after going into the War Dome that I derived something was wrong. Other Peaceholders were laughing at my back and some were pointing at me. Juniors wished to pay respect, zipping their laughter, folding their lips to a reverse pout.

The best warriors were respected in the War Dome with honor like they were icons. Kade collected the same treatment as me. Maybe a tad bit more than me. The tad bit was from girls who fall for his looks - let me just ignore it.

I had gone into the ring for practice, and it got worse in several folds. Blake and Axton were grinning at me with some unsaid comment, their hands on each other's shoulders.

"You look good today, that jacket looks stunning on you," stated Axton. He never complimented me, let alone about my looks.

"Kade! Come down here, you need to see this." Blake's voice tore through my nervousness, adding moisture to my forehead and palm. I tried to persuade myself they were just calling their friend, but I knew it was something about me.

Kade made his way down from the weapons room, a gun swiveling in his hand. He entered the main hall, his eyes sliding to me before taking in the laughing crowd with a frown.

"What's going on, Blake?" He moved near to his two friends as the crowd made way for him with a bow.

"Look there." Blake pointed at me with an arrow, covering his smirk.

When Kade didn't understand what was going on, Axton stepped onto the ring with a jump. Coming up, he rotated me around as I opposed, making my back face Kade. "Look what we have here. Presenting to you all, the one and only Rebel - Kade's future life partner."

The skin over my spine stiffened as I felt Kade's gaze on my back. Getting out of Axton's grip, I used my hands to touch my back. A paper was bound, stuck with a slimy substance. With unsteady hands I snatched the paper, feeling various eyes on me. The words were scribbled with red paint, the letters in caps with perfect penmanship.


My eyes popped out as the laughter from the crowd enhanced. Kade's eyes were unmoving and fixed on me as he considered me from far. I didn't have to look up to know all that. My body felt like it was simmering in a fire. I could almost feel the flames drying me - better burn me.

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