Chapter 9

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Phil's POV

We got to a strip club, "Stu what's with you and strip clubs?" Alli asked. I laughed as did Alan, "What do you think Alan?" I asked. "Uh this is the place." Alan said. "Come on let's go." I said patting his shoulder. We walked in and I could tell Alli wasn't comfortable, "I don't remember any of this." Stu said. "Yeah Alan are you sure this is the place?" I asked him. "Yeah pretty sure." Alan said.

We walked further in, "Bros and sis finally." A guy said. "Is he coming or what? I've been waiting all day for him." He said. "I am sorry waiting for who?" I asked. "Chow that dick-ass fuck." He said. I looked at Stu and he looked at Alli, "Why what's wrong?" The guy asked. "Nothing, Nothing's wrong." Alli said to him. "Okay good look at this." He said and grabbed something wrapped in a towel. "Look what I bring for him check it out huh?" He asked. He unwrapped the towel showing a gun, "No, no, no." I said. "$6000 American." He said.

"Wow it looks so real." Alan said. "Alan put that..." Alli was saying when Alan squeezed the trigger. Alli grabbed it quickly putting the safety on, "Sorry Ahem sorry." Alan said. "Alan what the fuck!" Alli yelled putting the gun down. "It's okay! It's okay the gun very sensitive, very sensitive how'd you where the safety was?" He asked Alli. "I used to work in a gun shop." Alli said. "It's true." Stu and I said. "Everybody okay?" He asked the dancers who nodded. "Okay then get the fuck back to work!" He yelled then turned to the DJ. "Come on music please!" He yelled.

"Who has my $6000?" He asked. "$6000 no, no, no that's Chow's deal we got nothing to do with that." I said. "Un-fucking-believable man." He said annoyed. He held the gun up, "This guy if he back out again this shit is going to catch up to him okay?" He asked. I put my hands up, "He's made a lot of enemies in this town and now they're your enemies." He said. "That's not fair." Stu said.

"Okay listen we're just looking for a kid." Alli said. "Two thousand dollars." He said. "What?" She asked. "I don't know. Maybe more how young you want this kid to be?" He asked. "No, no, no sorry you misunderstood we're looking for our friend sixteen years old Teddy?" Alli asked. "Yeah he hung around you and him a lot." He said pointing at me. "He was here?" Stu asked. "Teddy? Yeah he was here with you guys last night." He said. "He was?" I asked excited. Alli put her hand on my shoulder, "Do you remember if he left with us?" She asked calm. "I don't know you were in the corner all night with Kimmy I didn't see you leave." He said. "Kimmy? Is she here?" I asked. "Yeah she's in the back she just came in for her shift go talk to her." He said. "Alright, listen, listen I'm sorry about everything that happened." I said.

"Listen to me pay attention I'm going to talk to you now." He said. I nodded, "When you see Chow you tell him Samir says hello." Samir said. "Okay." I said. "But do it like that okay?" He asked. I looked at him, "Hello like threatening." He said. I looked confused as did Phil and Stu, "Like ironic." He said. "Hello." He said again. "Okay." I said.

We walked away and to the back, "Excuse me is Kimmy here?" Stu asked. "Yeah she's right back there." A dancer said. We nodded then went to where she was, "Kimmy?" We asked. "Oh, hey guys." Kimmy said. "We've got a few questions to ask." Alli said. "Of course." Kimmy said. "Do you remember Teddy?" I asked. "Of course, I remember him he was buying shots for everyone." She said. "Nice kid his parents must be so proud." She said with a smile. "You have no idea." Stu said.

"Okay so do you remember if he left with us?" Alli asked. "Yeah you all were leaving together but you almost forgot this one right here." She said looking at Stu. "Right superstar?" She asked. Stu hummed and shook his head no, "This one was following me around like a little puppy dog all night." Kimmy said. Stu shook his head no, "Saying how he fall in love with me and ask me to marry him." Kimmy said. Alli, and I chuckled, "Classic Stu." Alan said. "We didn't get married, did we?" Stu asked. "Of course not." Kimmy said. Stu sighed, "We just had some fun on the Chardonnay Room." She said. "What uh what happens in the Chardonnay Room?" Alli asked looking at Stu with a smile as did I. "Lets just stay on task here." Stu said.

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