This is f***ing amazing!

1.3K 20 8

Okay, okay I am going to just say it. This story has hit 3K. I know it may not seem like a lot but you guys I literally thought that this wasn't going to get any views. Plus you guys you have made Here we go again number one in Hangover on Wattpad. I am seriously freaking out. I love you guys so much and I hope you all loved it or if reading are enjoying it. You all are amazing and I don't know what else to say except thank you thank you thank you. I love you all so much.

I also wanna say a few of you have been asking me if there will be a lart thee. I am going to tell you that yes, yes I am doing a part three. My friend actually talked me into it saying you're just going to leave it like that she said I had to do a part three. So Alli and Phil fans hold on a little bit longer because I am almost finished with part three. Okay I am done now so here's all I got to say I love you,


Here we go againΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα